-------- Original Message -------- Subject: CFP - Education, Informatics and Cybernetics Date: Sun, 5 Jun 2011 18:54:09 -0400 From: icEIC 2011 iceic@mail.2011conferences.org To: NEUMANN@WU-WIEN.AC.AT
Announcement ------------------------------------ Conference on Education, Informatics and Cybernetics: icEIC 2011 (www.2011conferences.org/iceic), to be held on November 29th - December 2nd, 2011 in Orlando, Florida, USA ------------------------------------ Participants in this conference will receive a password to also have access to all the virtual sessions (associated with the face-to-face sessions) of the program held 1) on March 2011 at The 2nd International Conference on Education, Training and Informatics: ICETI 2011; and 2) on July 2011 at The 9th International Conference on and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications: EISTA 2011; as well as to all their collocated conferences. ------------------------------------ Deadlines:
Submissions and Invited Sessions Proposals: July 5th, 2011
Authors Notifications: August 25th, 2011
Camera-ready, full papers: September 15th, 2011 ------------------------------------
Technical keynote speakers will be selected from early submissions because this selection requires an additional evaluation according to the quality of the paper, assessed by its reviewers, the authors' CV and the paper's topic.
Submissions for *Face-to-Face* or for *Virtual* Participation are both accepted. Both kinds of submissions will have the same reviewing process and the accepted papers will be included in the same proceedings.
All Submitted papers/abstracts will go through three reviewing processes: (1) double-blind (at least three reviewers), (2) non-blind, and (3) participative peer reviews. Authors of accepted papers who registered in the conference can have access to the evaluations and possible feedback provided by the reviewers who recommended the acceptance of their papers/abstracts, so they can accordingly improve the final version of their papers.
Pre-Conference and Post-conference Virtual sessions (via electronic forums) will be held for each session included in the conference program.
Registration fees of an effective invited session organizer will be waived according to the policy described in the web page (click on 'Invited Session', then on 'Benefits for the Organizers of Invited Sessions').
Authors of the best 30%-50% of the papers presented at the conference (included those virtually presented) will be invited to adapt their papers for their publication in the Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (JSCI), or in the Journal of Education, Informatics, and Cybernetics (JEIC)
icEIC 2011 Organizing Committees
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