-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [isworld] Cfp Special Issue: IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part A: Systems and Humans (fwd) Datum: Wed, 28 May 2008 17:33:21 -0400 Von: Miltiadis Lytras mdl@aueb.gr Antwort an: Miltiadis Lytras mdl@aueb.gr An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network isworld@lyris.isworld.org
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part A: Systems and Humans
SPECIAL ISSUE ON The Human Semantic Web Personalization, Management of Personal Knowledge and Social Identity for the Knowledge Society
Special Issue in Late 2009
The First World Summit on the Knowledge Society, http://www.open-knowledge-society.org/summit.htm is the conference/origin of the special issue
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Part A: Systems and Humans seeks original manuscripts for a Special Issue on The Human Semantic Web scheduled to appear in a late 2009 issue. The Semantic Web vision has evolved in the last years as a blueprint for a knowledge-based framework aimed at crossing the chasm from the current Web of unstructured information resources to a Web equipped with metadata and oriented to delegation of tasks to software agents. In spite of the orientation of Semantic Web technology to machine processing, a large part of useful Semantic Web applications require the building of semantic user models, and semantic end-user interfaces. The increasing popularity of open social systems has contributed an additional dimension to the complex picture of bringing semantics to the Web. Ontologies are the key piece of this framework in that they provide shared semantics to metadata, thus enabling a degree of semantic interoperability. The challenge of building person- and social-oriented semantic systems requires the integration of personal and social information models with domain and commonsense ontologies. Also, there is a need to combine metaknowledge on user interface and usability issues along with models of social networks, which may result in hybrid systems. Going a step further, cultural issues pervade the meaning of everyday�s objects and communication, so that successful applications need to consider these aspects. The special issue aims at helping in communicating and disseminating relevant recent research in systems engineering and human machine systems as applied to the context of personal and social information in the Semantic Web. The scope of the call includes systems engineering and human machine systems for organizational applications, Semantic Web approaches to Information Systems and Ontology-Based Information Systems research, as well as the diverse underlying personalization aspects, as long as they touch social, interface, cultural or personal issues. Papers dealing with aspects that touch several of these aspects are especially sought. Topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
1. Applications of the Human Semantic Web to the Knowledge Society: . Potentially large-scale applications (e.g. to Personal Knowledge Management, Semantic Desktop, Knowledge Portals) . Data Semantics and Web Semantics in peer-to-peer systems, grids, multimedia . Communication, dialogue and argumentation models . Mediation, negotiation and conflict resolution 2. Ontologies for social and personal interaction: . Ontology Alignment (mapping, matching, merging, mediation and reconciliation) . Ontology Learning and Metadata Generation (e.g. HLT and ML approaches) . Ontology Management (creation, evolution, evaluation, etc.) . Ontology Modeling, reuse, extraction, and evolution . Searching and Ranking ontologies 3. Social Semantic Web: . Social networks and processes on the Semantic Web . Semantic web technology for collaboration and cooperation . Representing and reasoning about Trust, Privacy, Security and Intellectual Property Rights . Tools and processes for sense-making, analysis and decision-making . Supporting strategic communication 5. User Interfaces: . Interacting with Semantic Web Data . Semantic Web content creation and annotation . Mashing up Semantic Web data and processes
Submitted articles must not have been previously published or currently submitted for journal publication elsewhere. As an author, you are responsible for understanding and adhering to our submission guidelines. You can access them by clicking on http://www.ieee-smc.org/publications/. Please thoroughly read these before submitting your manuscript. Please submit your paper to Manuscript Central at http://smcaieee. manuscriptcentral.com/
Please note the following important dates. Important dates:
WORKSHOP FOR THE SPECIAL ISSUE ON 1ST WORLD SUMMIT ON THE KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY: Submission through http://www.open-knowledge-society.org/submissions Presentation on SUMMIT: 24-26 September 2008 Selected Papers from Summit - Submission Deadline through IEEE T-SMC: 15-Nov-08 Completion of First-Round Reviews: 15-Dec-05 Revised Papers (after Minor Revisions): 19-Feb-09 Publication Materials Due: 23-March-09 Publication: in a Late 2009 issue. Please address all other correspondence regarding this special issue to Guest Editors M. Lytras, E. Damiani, A. Naeve GUEST EDITORS Ernesto Damiani, University of Milano, Italy, E-mail: damiani@dti.unimi.it Miltiadis Lytras, University of Patras, Greece, Email: Lytras@ceid.upatras.gr Ambjorn Naeve, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, E-mail:amb@nada.kth.se
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