-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: CASA'2006 CFPs Datum: Mon, 28 Nov 2005 01:22:51 +0100 Von: iglesias iglesias@unican.es Firma: "OptimaNumerics" An: Computational Science Mailing List computational.science@lists.optimanumerics.com
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First Call for Papers
Fourth International Workshop on Computer Algebra Systems and Their Applications, CASA'2006
Reading University, Reading, UK, May 28-31, 2006
Conference web site: http://personales.unican.es/iglesias/CASA2006/
Contact person: Andres Iglesias, iglesias@unican.es
INVITATION ----------
Computer Algebra (also known as Symbolic Computation or Computational Algebra) has found applications in many domains of science such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, engineering, computer science, computational biology, education, etc. The computer algebra systems (CAS) such as Mathematica, Maple, MuPAD, Reduce, Axiom, Lie, Matlab, Scilab, CoCoa, MuMATH, Derive, Pari-GP, SMP, MathCAD (and many others that have been developed so far) are becoming more and more popular and now they are valuable tools for teaching, research and industry.
This workshop solicits high-quality papers for presentation describing original research results in Computer Algebra Systems and their Applications.
All accepted papers will be published in the Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) Series and will be available for the delegates in printed form. In addition, the accepted papers will be scheduled for oral presentation. Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register and present the paper.
The workshop is a part of ICCS'06, the 2006 International Conference on Computational Science to be held at The University of Reading, Reading (UK), May 28-31 2006. This fourth CASA workshop follows-up the highly successful CASA'2003 held in Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation, June 2-4 2003 (18 accepted papers published by Springer-Verlag LNCS, vol 2657), CASA'2004 held in Krakow, Poland, June 6-9 2004 (17 accepted papers published by Springer-Verlag LNCS, vol 3039) and CASA'2005 held in Atlanta, USA, May 22-25 2005 (12 accepted papers published by Springer-Verlag, LNCS, vol. 3516). In addition, some papers of this workshop have been selected for a Special Issue of Elsevier's journal "Future Generation Computer Systems" to appear in 2006.
The conference language will be English.
INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE -------------------------------
So far we have confirmed the following members for the CASA'2005 Program Committee (in alphabetical order):
Bruno AUTIN - CERN, SWITZERLAND Algimantas CEPULKAUSKAS - Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, LITHUANIA Akemi GALVEZ - University of Cantabria, SPAIN Tetsuo IDA - University of Tsukuba, JAPAN Andres IGLESIAS - University of Cantabria, SPAIN Mariusz JANKOWSKI - University of Southern Maine, USA Chikara MIYAJI - Japan Institute of Sports Science, JAPAN Alfred G. NOEL - University of Massachusetts Boston, USA Haiduke SARAFIAN - Pensilvania State University, USA Unal UFUKTEPE - Izmir Institute of Technology, TURKEY Ryszard A. WALENTYNSKI - Silesian University of Technology, POLAND Ali YAZICI - TOBB University of Economics and Technology, TURKEY
and we are still working on it.
TOPICS ------
This workshop is intended to cover recent developments (algorithms, programs, packages, extensions, new tools, etc.) for computer algebra systems (CAS). Emphasis will be placed upon the applications of these systems for solving problems in science and engineering. Thus, we accept papers describing research on actual or possible applications of CAS and techniques to other fields (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Computer Science, Education, Industry, etc.).
A very remarkable feature of CAS is their capability to handle symbolic, numerical and graphical tasks within a uniform framework. Papers exploring the interaction of these CAS symbolic, numerical and graphical tools to solve complex problems as well as papers describing strategies to combine CAS with other programs and/or packages are also welcomed.
Finally, an exciting new feature of many CAS is the possibility to perform calculations by using remote kernels connected via Internet. Papers discussing the use of this new technology will also be considered.
The topics to be addressed include (but are not limited to):
* computer algebra applications to Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Biology, Computer Science, Social Sciences, Arts, Entertainment, Architecture, etc. * symbolic-numerical computations using computer algebra systems * computer algebra systems and Internet * industrial applications of computer algebra * problem-solving environments * symbolic-numeric interface * computer algebra systems in Education * computer algebra based simulations * new computer algebra developments (packages, notebooks, etc.) * new symbolic computation algorithms * new issues in symbolic computation
IMPORTANT DATES ---------------
* December 20, 2005: Draft papers due
* January 31, 2006: Notification of Acceptance
* February 10, 2006: Camera Ready Papers
* March 30, 2006: Early registration
* May 28-31, 2006: ICCS 2006 conference in Reading (UK)
PROCEEDINGS -----------
All accepted papers will be published as full papers by Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series and will be available for the delegates in printed form. In addition, all accepted papers will be scheduled for oral presentation.
SUBMISSION OF PAPERS --------------------
For paper submission, please refer to the URL:
and follow the instructions indicated there.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ----------------------
If you have questions with the procedures or encounter any problems please contact the workshop chair Andres Iglesias by e-mail at: iglesias@unican.es
----------- END OF CALL FOR PAPERS ---------