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Subject: [ADV] International Symposium on Information and Communication Technologies Date: Sunday 16 November 2003 13:55 From: "International Symposium on Information and Communication Technologies" info@isict.org To: gustaf.neumann@wu-wien.ac.at
Call for Workshops / Call for Papers
ISICT 04 International Symposium on Information and Communication Technologies
Las Vegas, Nevada. June 16th-18th, 2004
The purpose of ISICT 04 is to provide an international forum for discussion between theoreticians and practitioners and to promote an inter disciplinary exchange of research ideas. We invite papers exploring all aspects of Computer and Communication Technologies. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Computer Science * Information Technology and Systems * Communication Technology * Networks, Control Systems * Image, Acoustic, Speech and Signal Processing * Experience and Applications
There are two principal modes of paper submission:
MODE I : Invited Workshop Organization
To chair and organize a workshop at ISICT 04 send an email to workshops@isict.org with the title, a description of the topic of your proposed workshop up to two hundred words in length, and the name(s) of the workshop organizer(s) and chair(s) as soon as possible and before 15 January 2004. If your proposal is suitable, you will receive preliminary approval notification within a few days. Final approval will depend upon submission and registration of at least FOUR papers in the workshop by the ISICT 04 camera ready deadline of 17th March 2004. The organizer(s) of pre-approved workshops will be responsible for advertising their workshop, using electronic or other means, and for the reviewing process for their workshop's papers or extended abstracts, and for the notification to ISICT 04 of accepted papers. The organizer(s) of approved workshops will be added to the ISICT 04 programme committee and be editors of the ISICT 04 conference proceedings.
MODE II : Stand-Alone Papers
Papers must be submitted in WORD or PDF format by 1st February 2004 for review. Please submit either an extended abstract or short paper of up to 6 pages in length. Papers should be formatted so that they are single-spaced, single column, and use a 12pt Times font. All papers submitted will be reviewed in full by reviewers from independent institutions.
Important Dates
15th January 2004 Preliminary approval of invited workshops 1st February 2004 Submission of stand-alone papers 17th February 2004 Notification of acceptance of stand-alone papers 17th March 2004 Camera-ready copies due for all papers 17th March 2004 Registration due for all papers 17th March 2004 Copyright due for all papers 16th-18th June 2004 Conference
The Venue
Shimmering from the desert haze of Nevada, Las Vegas is the most dynamic, spectacular city on earth. At the start of the twentieth century it didn't even exist and now it's home to over a million people. No other city in history has explicitly valued the needs of visitors over its own population. Thirty seven million come to Las Vegas each year. The majority of the worlds largest hotels are here - extraordinary places, self contained fantasy lands that can stretch as much as a mile from end to end. Each holds its own flamboyant permutation of showrooms and swimming pools, luxurious guest quarters and restaurants, high tech rides and attractions.
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