-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: 1st CFP - UWSI 2006 Datum: Tue, 8 Nov 2005 13:43:34 +1100 Von: Pardede, Eric ekpardede@students.latrobe.edu.au Firma: "OptimaNumerics" An: Computational Science Mailing List computational.science@lists.optimanumerics.com
*** CALL FOR PAPERS *** Ubiquitous Web Systems and Intelligence (UWSI'2006) Workshop (http://homepage.cs.latrobe.edu.au/ekpardede/uwsi2006/ http://homepage.cs.latrobe.edu.au/ekpardede/uwsi2006/ )
in conjunction with International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications (ICCSA'2006) http://www.iccsa.org/ http://www.iccsa.org/
Glasgow, 8-11 May 2006
WORKSHOP DESCRIPTION Ubiquitous Web Systems and Intelligence represents a vision of the future whereby information access and discovery is available everywhere. It integrates concepts of ubiquitous and pervasive computing, web computing, and intelligent systems, whereby people are able to access information from various sources using ubiquitous devices. These information may also be in a form of knowledge discovered by the system. All of these are realized through the use of ambient intelligence in which humans are surrounded by an environment which is sensitive and responsive to them.
TOPICS OF INTEREST [1] Ubiquitous and Mobile Computing - Mobile Information Systems - Ubiquitous Web Access - Location Aware and Location Dependent - Web-Based Cooperative Work - Wireless Web Intelligence - Mobile User-Interface Design - Languages and Tools for Mobile Applications - Emerging Technology (Grid, P2P, Pervasive, Embedded Computing) [2] Web Information Systems Management, Access and Discovery - Web Databases, Web Warehousing, and Web OLAP - Heterogenous Databases - Data Models for the Web - Web Software Lify Cycle - Personalized Information Management - Metadata - Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery - Web Mining and Farming - Mobile Data Mining - Multimodal Information Retrieval - Ontology-Based Information Retrieval [3] Web Knowledge and Intelligence - Ontology Engineering - Semantic Web - Visualization of Information and Knowledge - Web-Based Decision Support - Web Intelligence - Web Agents - Ambient Intelligence - Information Filtering and Recommender Systems - Navigation Guides - Web Intelligence Development Tools [4] Web Business - Business Intelligence - E-Commerce and E-Business - M-Commerce - Web Services and Grid Services - Web Marketing and Merchandising - Web Auctions [5] Human-Web Interaction - Adaptive Web Interfaces - Multimedia Data Processing and Representation - Mobile Multimedia - Mobile Web Design
IMPORTANT DATES Deadline for Online Paper Submission: 12 December 2005 Notification of Acceptance: 20 January 2006 Camera Ready Papers and Pre-registration: 1 February 2006
SUBMISSION AND PROCEEDINGS Accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings to be published by Springer-Verlag as part of their Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. For initial submissions, authors are strongly encouraged to use Springer's manuscript submission guidelines at http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html . We invite you to submit a draft of the paper of up to 10 pages in an LNCS format. Submission to UWSI 2006 Workshop occurs through the ICCSA 2006 Cyberchair system (http://cyberchair.iccsa.org/ http://cyberchair.iccsa.org/ ). The electronic submission is articulated into three phases:
Phase 1 Abstract submission: during the first step the contact author specifies the title, the author(s), and other relevant information related to the contribution. Pay attention during this phase to select UWSI 2006 Workshop, just before specifying the Abstract of the contribution. After that submission, the contact author receives the login (the e-mail address he specified for the Contact author) and a password that will be required to proceed with step 2 (Paper submission) and, if the paper is accepted, with step 3 (Camera Ready submission).
Please save the login and password for subsequent operations. If you loose them, send an e-mail to osvaldo at unipg dot it
IMPORTANT NOTE: Since the workshop will have different due dates with the ICCSA general submission, please ensure that you select UWSI 2006 during the submission!
Phase 2 Paper submission: by specifying the above mentioned login and password, the contact author submits the full paper in one of the following formats: PDF (strongly recommended) or PS. Phase 3 - Camera ready submission:after the reviewing process, if the paper has been selected for publication in the LNCS Proceedings of ICCSA 2006, the contact author must submit the revised Camera ready version of the paper and all source files (including graphs, tables, images). Again the login and password are required.
JOURNAL SPECIAL ISSUES Selected papers will be invited to be extended for a publication in a UWSI'2005 special issue of the following journals:
1. Intl. Journal of Web Information Systems, Troubador Publisher (http://www.troubador.co.uk/ijwis/ http://www.troubador.co.uk/ijwis/ ) 2. Intl. Journal of Web and Grid Services, Inderscience Publisher (https://www.inderscience.com/browse/index.php?journalID=47 https://www.inderscience.com/browse/index.php?journalID=47 )
PC-CHAIRS David Taniar, Monash University, Australia - Email: dtaniar@gmail.com mailto:dtaniar@gmail.com Eric Pardede, La Trobe University, Australia - Email: ekpardede@cs.latrobe.edu.au mailto:ekpardede@cs.latrobe.edu.au
PC MEMBERS (to be added) Barbara Catania, University of Genova, Italy Bernhard Scholz University of Sydney, Australia Dan J Kim, Michigan State University, USA Elisabeth Metais, CEDRIC/CNAME of Paris, France Eng Wah Lee, SIMTech, Singapore Gustavo Rossi, LIFIA-UNLP, Argentina Jairo Gutierrez, The University of Auckland, New Zealand Junbin Gao, Charles Sturt University, Australia Key Pousttchi, University of Augsburg, Germany Marios C. Angelides, Brunel University, UK Massimo Marchiori, W3C, Italy Pedro Isaias, Universidade Aberta, Portugal Qing Zhang, CSIRO, Australia Richi Nayak, Queensland University of Technology, Australia Roland Kaschek, Massey University, New Zealand Simon So, Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong Stephane Bressan, National University of Singapore, Singapore Timothy K. Shih,Tamkang University, Taiwan Torab Torabi, La Trobe University, Australia Viacheslav Wolfengagen, Institute JurInfoR-MSU, Russia Vladimir Oleshchuk, Agder University College, Norway Zakaria Maamar, Zayed University, UAE Zheng Da Wu, Bond University, Australia Zoe Lacroix, Arizona State University, USA
Ubiquitous Web Systems and Intelligence (UWSI'2006) Workshop (http://homepage.cs.latrobe.edu.au/ekpardede/uwsi2006/)
in conjunction with International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications (ICCSA'2006) http://www.iccsa.org/
Glasgow, 8-11 May 2006
Ubiquitous Web Systems and Intelligence represents a vision of the future whereby information access and discovery is available everywhere. It integrates concepts of ubiquitous and pervasive computing, web computing, and intelligent systems, whereby people are able to access information from various sources using ubiquitous devices. These information may also be in a form of knowledge discovered by the system. All of these are realized through the use of ambient intelligence in which humans are surrounded by an environment which is sensitive and responsive to them.
[1] Ubiquitous and Mobile Computing - Mobile Information Systems - Ubiquitous Web Access - Location Aware and Location Dependent - Web-Based Cooperative Work - Wireless Web Intelligence - Mobile User-Interface Design - Languages and Tools for Mobile Applications - Emerging Technology (Grid, P2P, Pervasive, Embedded Computing)
[2] Web Information Systems Management, Access and Discovery - Web Databases, Web Warehousing, and Web OLAP - Heterogenous Databases - Data Models for the Web - Web Software Lify Cycle - Personalized Information Management - Metadata - Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery - Web Mining and Farming - Mobile Data Mining - Multimodal Information Retrieval - Ontology-Based Information Retrieval
[3] Web Knowledge and Intelligence - Ontology Engineering - Semantic Web - Visualization of Information and Knowledge - Web-Based Decision Support - Web Intelligence - Web Agents - Ambient Intelligence - Information Filtering and Recommender Systems - Navigation Guides - Web Intelligence Development Tools
[4] Web Business - Business Intelligence - E-Commerce and E-Business - M-Commerce - Web Services and Grid Services - Web Marketing and Merchandising - Web Auctions
[5] Human-Web Interaction - Adaptive Web Interfaces - Multimedia Data Processing and Representation - Mobile Multimedia - Mobile Web Design
Deadline for Online Paper Submission: 12 December 2005 Notification of Acceptance: 20 January 2006 Camera Ready Papers and Pre-registration: 1 February 2006
Accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings to be published by Springer-Verlag as part of their Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. For initial submissions, authors are strongly encouraged to use Springer's manuscript submission guidelines at http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html.
We invite you to submit a draft of the paper of up to 10 pages in an LNCS format. Submission to UWSI 2006 Workshop occurs through the ICCSA 2006 Cyberchair system (http://cyberchair.iccsa.org/). The electronic submission is articulated into three phases:
Phase 1 Abstract submission: during the first step the contact author specifies the title, the author(s), and other relevant information related to the contribution. Pay attention during this phase to select UWSI 2006 Workshop, just before specifying the Abstract of the contribution. After that submission, the contact author receives the login (the e-mail address he specified for the Contact author) and a password that will be required to proceed with step 2 (Paper submission) and, if the paper is accepted, with step 3 (Camera Ready submission). Please save the login and password for subsequent operations. If you loose them, send an e-mail to osvaldo at unipg dot it
IMPORTANT NOTE: Since the workshop will have different due dates with the ICCSA general submission, please ensure that you select UWSI 2006 during the submission! Phase 2 Paper submission: by specifying the above mentioned login and password, the contact author submits the full paper in one of the following formats: PDF (strongly recommended) or PS.
Phase 3 - Camera ready submission:after the reviewing process, if the paper has been selected for publication in the LNCS Proceedings of ICCSA 2006, the contact author must submit the revised Camera ready version of the paper and all source files (including graphs, tables, images). Again the login and password are required.
Selected papers will be invited to be extended for a publication in a UWSI'2005 special issue of the following journals: 1. Intl. Journal of Web Information Systems, Troubador Publisher (http://www.troubador.co.uk/ijwis/) 2. Intl. Journal of Web and Grid Services, Inderscience Publisher (https://www.inderscience.com/browse/index.php?journalID=47)
David Taniar, Monash University, Australia - Email: dtaniar@gmail.com Eric Pardede, La Trobe University, Australia - Email: ekpardede@cs.latrobe.edu.au
PC MEMBERS (to be added)
Barbara Catania, University of Genova, Italy Bernhard Scholz University of Sydney, Australia Dan J Kim, Michigan State University, USA Elisabeth Metais, CEDRIC/CNAME of Paris, France Eng Wah Lee, SIMTech, Singapore Gustavo Rossi, LIFIA-UNLP, Argentina Jairo Gutierrez, The University of Auckland, New Zealand Junbin Gao, Charles Sturt University, Australia Key Pousttchi, University of Augsburg, Germany Marios C. Angelides, Brunel University, UK Massimo Marchiori, W3C, Italy Pedro Isaias, Universidade Aberta, Portugal Qing Zhang, CSIRO, Australia Richi Nayak, Queensland University of Technology, Australia Roland Kaschek, Massey University, New Zealand Simon So, Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong Stephane Bressan, National University of Singapore, Singapore Timothy K. Shih,Tamkang University, Taiwan Torab Torabi, La Trobe University, Australia Viacheslav Wolfengagen, Institute JurInfoR-MSU, Russia Vladimir Oleshchuk, Agder University College, Norway Zakaria Maamar, Zayed University, UAE Zheng Da Wu, Bond University, Australia Zoe Lacroix, Arizona State University, USA
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