-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: Call for papers Datum: Sat, 2 Dec 2006 08:02:24 -0500 Von: Samuel Pyne spyne@cis.famu.edu An: spyne@cis.famu.edu
*Apologies for cross posting. Please forward to interested people*
www.PromoteResearch.org http://www.promoteresearch.org/
The 2007 International Multi-Conference in Computer Science, Engineering, and Information Science will be held during 9-12 of July 2007 in Orlando, FL, USA. The multi-conference consists of four major events namely
**International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition (AIPR-07)** **International Conference on ****Enterprise**** Information Systems and Web Technologies (EISWT-07)*** ***International Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking and Communication Systems (HPCNCS-07)*** ***International Conference on Software Engineering Theory and Practice (SETP-07)**
All these events will be held simultaneously at the same place. Click on www.PromoteResearch.org http://www.promoteresearch.org/ for more information.
Samuel B. Pyne
Publicity committee co-chair
Department of Computer and Information Sciences, Florida A&M University
Tallahassee, FL 32307, USA
Email: spyne@cis.famu.edu mailto:spyne@cis.famu.edu
PS: please send an email to the above address in case you are not interested on further emails on this event.