---------- Forwarded Message ---------- Subject: [GI-FB5-L] CfP: ECSCW 2001 Workshop on Actions and Identities in Virtual Communities of Practice Date: Wed, 16 May 2001 19:10:39 +0200 From: Volkmar Pipek pipek@informatik.uni-bonn.de To: Mailverteiler i und g vertig@uni-paderborn.de, Mailingliste sw-ergo sw-ergo@gui-design.de, Mailingliste IMD-ANNOUNCE IMD-ANNOUNCE@LISTSERV.GMD.DE, Mailingliste FG CSCW fgcscw@uni-koblenz.de, Mailingliste FB Wirtschaftsinformatik gi-fb5-l@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de, Mailingliste FB MuC hci-link@uni-paderborn.de, Mailingliste Community Informatics communityinformatics@vcn.bc.ca, Mailingliste BCS-KNOW-ORG KNOW-ORG@JISCMAIL.AC.UK, Mailingliste BCS-HCI BCS-HCI@JISCMAIL.AC.UK, Mailingliste BCS-CSCW-ALL CSCW-ALL-request@JISCMAIL.AC.UK
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Call for Papers and Participation
ECSCW 2001 (European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work) Bonn, Germany, September 16, 2001
Workshop on Actions and Identities in Virtual Communities of Practice http://www-staff.it.uts.edu.au/~lueg/ecscw2001.html
Organizers: Christopher Lueg, University of Technology Sydney Elisabeth Davenport, Napier University Toni Robertson, University of Technology Sydney Volkmar Pipek, University of Bonn
Workshop theme and background
Communities of practice are a hot topic in CSCW and knowledge management as they have been identified as social groups that support effective information and knowledge sharing as well as learning. As the number of physically distributed groups have increased so has the interest in the concept of virtual communities of practice.
This workshop will explore an aspect of virtual communities of practice that we consider important for understanding these social groups. The question is where the actions are in virtual communities of practice. Our focus is the relations between the locations of activity in virtual communities of practice. In particular, we want to investigate if and how it matters that activities in physical space create and maintain interaction in virtual communities of practice.
In order to investigate virtual communities of practice, we need to draw from several research areas. We know from sociology that humans are social beings that tend to form communities and we know from research in virtual communities that humans are able to form such communities in the virtual. We also know that ``communities of practice'' may emerge whenever people work together. However, social participation - as a constituent of communities of practice - is not just engaging in certain activities, such as working in a team, but actively participating in the practices of social communities and constructing identities in relation to these communities.
Such participation shapes not just what participants do but also self-perception and understanding of their own activities, i.e., their identities within specific communities of practice. Apparently, communication and socialisation can happen in the virtual to some extent. The action, however, still happens in the real world when interacting with the physical and social environment.
2 Goals and objectives
The overall goal of the workshop is to develop our understanding of the relations between virtual socialising and activities in the physical world, especially with regard to learning. Potential topics to investigate are as follows:
- Is the concept of communities of practice well-suited to be applied to virtual communities? Research indicates that communities of practice are only one specific social group among several that support information and knowledge sharing. Other groups, such as communities of interest, communities of purpose, and communities of passion or distributed communities of practice, might be more suitable to describe virtual settings. As these groups are not mutually exclusive, it might be difficult to allocate a specific concept to a particular social setting, such as newsgroups. - Research in embodied cognitive science stresses the importance of physical presence and bodily interaction with the environment. However, bodily experiences and tacit knowledge are hard to communicate and we are interested in what ways these communication ``problems'' matter in the context of virtual communities of practice. - ``Identity'' is an important aspect of communities of practice and in the context of virtual communities of practice, the role of identity has received less attention than in the context of real world communities of practice. The interesting thing with virtual communities of practice is that identities would not only form in the interaction with the virtual community but also in the interaction with the ``real'' social environment.
With the Internet, virtual communities use a medium which is not transparent to its participants. Communicating and acting in virtual communities is to some extent bound to the tools used by the community. Representations of persons, actions, artifacts, the communication flow, argumentation lines, etc. may play an important role in building identities and practices as well as in learning. We are also interested in the interdependencies between the tools (the medium) and the different dimensions of learning (as belonging, as becoming, as experience, and as doing) connected with the concept of communities of practice. And, as a consequence, what we can learn for tool design.
3 Intended participants
Participants should be familiar with either ``communities of practice'' or ``virtual communities'' but we do not expect participants to be experts in these particular areas. The ``action'' issue, in particular, demands an interdisciplinary perspective so that the workshop could benefit from a broad range of backgrounds from cognitive science to social sciences.
Participants are requested to submit /either/ a position paper (1-2 pages) stating background and interest in the workshop /or/ a 1-page position paper and a full paper that is suitable for publication. The position papers will be structured into a number of moderated discussion threads which will contribute to a summary of issues and positions at the end of the panel. Also, the position papers will be made available on the workshop home page. We intend to submit the full papers as a collection for publication. Lawrence Erlbaum expressed interest to publish such a collection.
Submissions (only PDF or postscript please) should be sent to the contact address listed above.
Time Schedule 01 July 2001 Papers are due 20 July 2001 Notification Early August 2001 Early registration deadline 16 September 2001 The workshop takes place at ECSCW 2001
See you in Bonn!
|Volkmar Pipek |Research Group SW-Ergonomics/CSCW | |fon:+228 734503 |fax:+228 734382 |Institute for Computer Science III | |mailto:pipek@cs.uni-bonn.de |University of Bonn | |http://www.cs.uni-bonn.de/~pipek |Roemerstr. 164, 53117 Bonn, Germany |
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