-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [isworld] CSCW 2008 Registration & Workshop Offerings Datum: Tue, 2 Sep 2008 19:40:35 -0400 Von: Madhu Reddy mreddy@ist.psu.edu Antwort an: Madhu Reddy mreddy@ist.psu.edu An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network isworld@lyris.isworld.org
2008 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW 2008) San Diego, California, 8-12 November 2008 Sponsored by the ACM Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction (SIGCHI) http://www.cscw2008.org/
-- Registration -- It is time to register for CSCW 2008! This year's program contains a growth in the diversity of topics, methods and technologies that support collaboration.
Paper sessions include research covering emerging areas of collaboration and collaborative systems such as Wikis & Wikipedia, Social Networking Systems, Gaming, Health Informatics, and Deployments at Home.
Interactive posters and demonstrations provide access to researchers and practitioners who have submitted cutting edge ideas in collaborative systems and research.
Panel sessions include discussion by leading thinkers on the topics of Gaming, Ubiquitous Computing, and Enterprise 3.0 systems.
Registration is now open at http://www.regonline.com/cscw08
Remember to register by September 30th to get the best registration rate available!
-- Workshop Offerings -- CSCW 2008 still has opportunities for you to participate by submitting to one of our exciting workshops. CSCW workshops will occur November 8th & 9th; the weekend before the technical program begins. With two days of workshop offerings we hope you can enjoy both some intellectual give & take as well as the many opportunities in San Diego!
Check out http://www.cscw2008.org/workshops_program.html for a full description of the available workshops.
Saturday Workshops (November 8th, 2008) W1: Designing Future Mobile Software for Underserved Users W2: Beyond the Laboratory: Supporting Authentic Collaboration with Multiple Displays W3: What to expect from Enterprise 3.0: Adapting Web 2.0 to Corporate Reality W4: Designing Cyberinfrastructure to Support Science W5: IFIP WG 9.1 Workshop on Changing Work, Changing Technology
Sunday Workshops (November 9th, 2008) W6: Virtual Worlds, Collaboration, and Workplace Productivity W7: Remix rooms: Redefining the smart conference room W8: Social Networking in Organizations W9: Supporting Distributed Team Work W10: CSCW and Human Factors - Where are we now and what are the challenges? W11: Designing for Families W12: Tinkering, Tailoring, & Mashing: The Social and Collaborative Practices of the Read-Write Web W13: The Tenth International Workshop on Collaborative Editing Systems
See you in San Diego!
David McDonald & Bo Begole Chairs, CSCW 2008
Send inquiries to publicity@cscw2008.org -- to stay connected to CSCW 2008 planning be sure to visit http://sigchi.org/listserv/ and join the chi-Announcements@acm.org mailing list
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