-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [isworld] 2nd CFP: EJIS "Meeting the Renewed Demand for IT Workers" Datum: Sat, 13 Sep 2008 10:43:06 -0400 Von: Armstrong, Deb djarmstrong@cob.fsu.edu Antwort an: Armstrong, Deb djarmstrong@cob.fsu.edu An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network isworld@lyris.isworld.org
Call for Papers for a Special Issue of European Journal of Information Systems on Meeting the Renewed Demand for IT Workers
URL: http://www.palgrave-journals.com/ejis/CFP-EJIS-ITWorkers.pdf
Cindy Riemenschneider, Baylor University, cindy_riemenschneider@baylor.edu Jo Ellen Moore, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville; joemoor@siue.edu Deb Armstrong, Florida State University; djarmstrong@cob.fsu.edu
The Information Technology (IT) workforce is rapidly changing. Many of the IT baby boomers are retiring or planning to retire, the number of college students majoring in IT has declined worldwide and, in the US, the federal government continually changes the number of allowable work visas. At the same time, the resurgence in demand for IT workers is widely evident in the many articles and stories appearing recently in the media, describing the plethora of jobs available in IT as well as the competitive salaries that accompany these jobs.
This new wave of demand is not a local phenomenon, but global in its scope and implications. In Ireland, declining enrollments in the IT fields and a growth rate in the IT sector three times the national average have companies scrambling for IT workers with both technical and management skills. In Vietnam high staff turnover and the arrival of firms such as Intel, IBM, Panasonic and Samsung have caused an exponential increase in the demand for IT workers. India and China are facing an interesting reversal - the traditional outsourcing recipients are now confronting IT worker shortfalls, which are driving those nations to export IT jobs.
How will the global IT community (both academia and industry) respond to this demand for the next wave of IT workers? How do we attract, mentor, and retain IT students and professionals? Have the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to be successful in IT morphed to include new elements or a different mix of elements? What is the impact of the new "millennium worker" on various educational systems and the profession? Has the world view of IT changed? What is the impact of outsourcing on the global IT workforce?
It is in exploring this area where this special issue of the European Journal of Information Systems seeks to make a contribution to the literature. The main objective of this special issue is to examine the challenges of refilling the IT pipeline as well as methods to meet those challenges. Studies offering a wider focus from a human, organizational or technical perspective are encouraged, and methodological approaches that adopt exploratory, theory building or testing through interviews, case analysis, or surveys are welcome.
15 September 2008: Due date for full paper submission for special issue 15 October 2008: Outcome of initial screening sent to authors 15 January 2009: Outcome of first round review sent to corresponding authors 15 March 2009: Due date for resubmission of paper with required revisions 15 May 2009: Final decision 15 June 2009: Due date for authors to submit final version of paper End 2009: Target publication date of special issue
Please submit your original manuscript as an email attachment to Dr. Deb Armstrong (djarmstrong@cob.fsu.edu), which observe the European Journal of Information Systems published style preferences: http://www.palgrave-journals.com/ejis/author_instructions.html .
Deb Armstrong Florida State University The College of Business MIS Department djarmstrong@cob.fsu.edu mailto:djarmstrong@cob.fsu.edu 850-644-8228
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