-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [computational.science] AI*IA 2007: Special Track Call for Paper Datum: Fri, 26 Jan 2007 11:22:17 +0100 Von: Roberto Basili basili@info.uniroma2.it Organisation: "OptimaNumerics" An: Computational Science Mailing List computational.science@lists.optimanumerics.com
(Please apologize multiple postings)
***************************** "AI*IA07" Special Track Call for Paper *****************************
Artificial Intelligence and Human-oriented Computing 10th Congress of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence
September 10-13, 2007 - University of Roma Tor Vergata (Italy)
Web: http://aiia.info.uniroma2.it/
* * * Submission deadline: April 25, 2007 * * *
This year bi-annual Congress of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence will include three Special Tracks about the following specific topics:
· AI and Robotics
· AI for Intelligent Access to Multimedia Data
· AI for Expressive Media
AI*IA invites the submission of papers to the Special Tracks. Each special track will span one full day of the Congress, running in parallel with the other AI*IA 07 program sections. The Special Track programs will include presentation of technical papers and an invited talk. All Special Tracks have separated Web portals for the electronic submissions of technical papers although they share the same deadlines (see "Intruction for Authors" below). All accepted papers will be published in the AI*IA 2007 Congress proceedings on the Springer-Verlag LNAI series (previous volumes, AI*IA 2005, AI*IA 2003). All information about AI*IA07 Special Tracks are published at: http://aiia.info.uniroma2.it/specialprogram.html
******************************************* AI*IA-07 Special Track on "AI and Robotics" *******************************************
The acceptance and success of robotics in real environments is still substantially depending on the ability of robots to effectively act, possibly in cooperation with other robots or devices, in unknown and dynamic environments as well as to naturally interact with humans.
The goal of the special track on "AI and Robotics" is to provide a forum for discussion of the research approaches that face some of the scientific challenges raised by the attempt to build robotic systems, regarded as intelligent agents: companions, assistants, teammates. In particular, we welcome contributions that exploit AI techniques and approaches to the design of intelligent robotic agents.
The European Robotic Platform, in addition to industry, indicates two major commercial targets for robotics, service and security/space. Consequently, we encourage presentation of research work specifically in these application areas.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Cognitive Robotics - Robotic Perception - Robotic Learning - Human Robot Interaction - Emotional Robotics - Humanoid Robots - Bioinspired Robotics - Service Robotics - Space Robotics - Security Robotics
Program Committee
Andrea Bonarini, Politecnico Milano (Italy) Antonio Chella, Università di Palermo (Italy) Daniele Nardi, Università "La Sapienza" Roma (Italy) (chair) Stefano Nolfi, ICST-CNR, Roma (Italy) Enrico Pagello, Università di Padova (Italy) Fiora Pirri, Università "La Sapienza" Roma (Italy) Alessandro Saffiotti, Orebro University, Sweden Bruno Siciliano, Università "Federico II", Napoli (Italy)
************************************************************************ AI*IA-07 Special Track on "AI for Intelligent Access to Multimedia Data" ************************************************************************
The full exploitation of multimedia archives is only viable through technologies that allow filling the so-called Semantic Gap between low-level multimedia descriptors and the semantics of human interpretation. Although technologies for indexing of AV material are now available, locating the suitable information given the scale and the heterogeneity of the current and growing archives is still an open problem. As the tradition and trends in information retrieval and Web search suggests, information integration at a conceptual level and automatic knowledge discovery and acquisition are required. The role of AI is here twofold. On one side knowledge representation technologies are requested to support the managemenet of the overall complexity according to current standard formalisms and best practices applied in the Semantic Web. On the other hand, the typical redundancy in multimedia data opens the way to intelligent inductive technologies. Data mining and machine learning methods can be successfully applied to enrich data descriptions, increase their abstraction leveland scale up to the suitable dimensions. Mining the huge information and knowledge embodied by the audiovisual archives represents an important step forward.
In this special track, researchers and practitioners from academic and industrial institutions are expected to present their work in the area of multimedia content processing and artificial intelligence. Recent theoretical and applicative results about representation, indexing, acquisition and delivery of multimedia semantics in real scenarios will be presented and discussed. The outcome will represent a possibly heterogenous but wide picture of the area that surveys current results and stimulates cross-fertilization among independent research fields.
Program Committee
Werner Bailer Joanneum Research, (Austria) Roberto Basili, University of Roma, Tor Vergata (Italy) (chair) Hamish Cunningham, University of Sheffield (UK) Daniela D'Aloisi, Fondazione Ugo Bordoni (Italy) Alberto Messina, RAI-CRIT (Italy) Borislav Popov, Sirma Lab., Ontotext, (Bulgaria), Giovanni Semeraro, University of Bari (Italy) Valentin Tablan, University of Sheffield (UK) Fabio Vignoli, Philips Research Lab. Europe (The Netherlands)
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Integration of multimedia processing and Artificial Intelligence technologies - Semantic-driven multimedia indexing and retrieval - Integration of content-based image/video analysis with natural language and speech processing - Methods for Semantic media annotation - Ontologies and Multimedia - Standards bridging the multimedia and knowledge domains - Cross-media machine learning and data mining - Multimodal learning and reasoning techniques - Dimensionality Issues: low-level and high-level feature engineering - Knowledge based inference over semantic media annotation - Browsing large multimedia archives - Scalable, semantic-driven multimedia content adaptation and summarization - Interfaces and personalisation for large multimedia repositories - Semantics-driven multimedia presentation generation - Intelligent content, user and network-aware media engineering
*************************************************** AI*IA-07 Special Track on "AI and Expressive Media" ***************************************************
AI techniques are widespread in novel communication forms, especially in those that aim at shaping audience/user's emotions through expressive contents, e.g. behavior models of acting virtual characters, engines for game programming, planning formalisms in interactive storytelling, learning techniques for music composition and performance. The goal of the Special Track on "AI and Expressive Media" is to provide a definition of the Expressive Media in extensional terms (through reworked examples of applications), to improve the general awareness of the AI techniques that are mostly employed (together with revealing new interesting problems to be modeled), to stimulate the sharing of AI approaches among researchers in different communication forms. Researchers, developers and practitioners working in artificial intelligence, human sciences, media studies, music, art and design, and other related areas, are invited to submit their works. Particular attention to cross-fertilization is solicited; each paper will also be reviewed by one non-expert of some particular communication form in order to improve the circulation of ideas. The program will include presentation of the selected papers and posters, one invited talk and a final panel, and will occupy one full day of the Congress in parallel with the other Special Tracks.
Program Committee
Marc Cavazza, University of Teesside, UK David Cope, University of California, Santa Cruz, USA Craig Lindley, Gotland University and Blekinge Technical College, Sweden Vincenzo Lombardo, Università di Torino, Italy (Chair) Ramon Lopez de Mantaras, IIIA - AI Research Institute CSIC, Bellaterra, Spain Frank Nack, Université Claude Bernard, Lyon 1, France Anton Nijholt, University of Twente, The Netherlands Ana Paiva, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal Oliviero Stock, ITC-IRST, Trento, Italy
Topics The topics listed for this special track summarize and generalize over several initiatives that have been arising on the relationship between AI and expressive media. However, it is by no means exhaustive.
Affective Computing AI and Media Studies AI and Creativity AI in Communication Design AI in Entertaiment AI in Music and Art AI in Interaction Paradigms AI in Game Design and Programming Autonomous Animated Characters Computational Humor Emotional Interfaces Interactive Storytelling Intelligent Virtual Environments
****************************************** Important Dates (for all Special tracks) ****************************************** Paper due: April 25 2007 Acceptance Notification: June, 2 2007 Final Paper due: June, 25 2007 Conference: September 10-13, 2007
************************ Instructions for Authors ************************ All Special Track will consist of paper and poster presentations. The submissions to each Special Track are managed by three independent Web submission portal. Please check on the Special Track portal at for the details.
Papers must be submitted no later than 15th of April 2007. All papers should consist of max. 8 pages (inclusive of references, tables, figures and equations), in English. PDF files should be submitted formatted according to the Springer Verlag Proceedings style. Latex style files and word document templates can be found at: LNCS Series: Author Instruction
All accepted papers and posters will be published in the AI*IA 2007 Congress proceedings on the Springer-Verlag LNAI series (the previous volume can be found at AI*IA 2005 (URL: http://www.springerlink.com/content/48ue1vxmf0wl/).
**************** Conference Venue ****************
The conference will take place at Villa Mondragone (Monte Porzio Catone, Roma), one of the historical and most beautiful buildings of the "Ville Tuscolane", dating back to the XVI century. Property of the University of Tor Vergata, the Villa is located between Frascati and Monte Porzio Catone, in the hart of the world famous area of Castelli Romani. Roma is only 20 km north-west from the conference venue.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Roberto BASILI
Department of Computer Science, Systems and Production AI Research Group University of Roma, Tor Vergata Via del Politecnico 1 00133 Roma, Italy Tel. +39-06-72597391. Lab. +39-06-72597332, Fax. +39-06-72587460 URL: ai-nlp.info.uniroma2.it/basili ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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