-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [WI] CFP - Horizon 2020: “Smart Cities Learning” Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2012 09:25:38 +0200 From: Carlo Giovannella mifav@roma2.infn.it To: wi@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
=============================================== Horizon 2020: “Smart Cities Learning” Villard‐de‐Lans, Vercors, French Alps, January, 28 – February, 1 (2013) (3 days) ===============================================
located at Alpine Rendez‐Vous 2013 (ARV 13) https://metah.imag.fr/alpine-rendez-vous/
organized by Dept. of Education Science and Technology& IaD School of Tor Vergata University of Rome and PH Schwäbisch Gmünd University of Education.
Temporary workshop website: http://www.mifav.uniroma2.it/inevent/events/scl13/index.php -----------------------------------------------
INTRODUCTION ------------- From the Far East, to the Americas and to Europe, cities, villages and their surroundings are evolving towards a new dimension in which the info infrastructure becomes an indispensable asset of our life, contributes to the development of info-ecosystems embracing 'smart mobility and last-mile logistics', 'smart health', 'smart government', 'smart culture and tourism', the sustainability of the natural resources and the green economy. Such integrated effort of info-urbanism is expected to produces social innovation and, inevitably, leads to wonder about what forms can take the smart education underlined by all pieces that compose the mosaic of the info-ecosystems. The virtual infrastructure - web and mobile - will be integrated more closely with the physical landscape - internet of thing and sensible physical places - incorporating the latter into a complex ecosystem which will bring forward opportunities to learn from everyday life. Technologies, increasingly embedded into the everyday spaces and artefacts, will make the places not only more sensitive but also responsive and, potentially, coevolutionary (TEP - Technology Enhanced Places) will give rise to new landscapes in which one can experiment, seamless, the integration of physicality and virtuality. The person, considered in all her/his complexity, will be placed at the center of educational contexts and scenarios increasingly ubiquitous, complex, organic. Scenarios where the mediating role of technology will widen over the time to: foster relationships with the natural environments, filter content needed to support meaningful experiences at glocal level, disclose feedback necessary to learn how to manage "in action", the complexity of static and dynamic, of learning contexts and processes.
Through which educational path will everyone, and especially youths, become “participatorly” aware citizens of the future "SimCities"? How will we learn from the open books that are represented by cities of art, parks, agro-tech and industrial/productive districts ? How will data flowing from sensorised areas and personal devices will be elaborated to support awareness and continuous learning? How will our behaviour be influenced by knowledge of co-evolution mechanisms and limits of the ecosystems? Will the educational infrastructure be smart enough to readjust, even “autopoietically”, to satisfy the needs that everyone could develop life long, in different contexts? Would "smart cities learning" help to reinforce social inclusion and a common sense of belonging ?
IMPORTANT DATES --------------- • September 10 , 2012 -> Position paper (max 2 pages LNCS Springer format) + motivation + CV (-> all binded in one file) • September 30, 2012 -> Notification of evaluation results • November 15, 2012 -> Submission of preliminary full paper • December 15, 2012 -> start of workshop preparatory activities in a collaborative on-line environment • January 28 - February 1, 2013 -> 3 days workshop at ARV 13 • March 1, 2013 -> Submission of final full paper for proceeding publication (max 14 page LNCS Springer format)
TOPICS OF INTEREST ------------------ Contributions from people having a 'forward vision' are solicited on the following 'open' list of topics:
• Technological Ecosystems supporting learning within and from the 'smart cities' (toward 'web-mobile-internet of thing' integrated environments) • Educational Ecosystems: from ''intelligence' to long-life autopoietic education (re-skill& edupoiesis) • Future 'smart cities' learning scenarios (contexts and methods for the citizens of the future) • Ecological monitoring and visualization of flows, behaviors, experience's styles and 'smart cities' learning (analytics and visualization) • The impact of contextualization, glocalities, identities (cultural effect and inclusion)
PAPER FORMAT and PROCEEDING PUBLICATION --------------------------------------- Paper (max 14 pages) should be written accordingly to the LNCS Springer format http://www.mifav.uniroma2.it/inevent/events/idea2010/index.php?s=101&a=7
Workshop papers will be published in a special issue of the IxD&A Journal (ISSN 1826-9745) http://www.mifav.uniroma2.it/inevent/events/idea2010/index.php
SUBMISSIONS ----------- Please submit your manuscript using the IxD&A submission System at: http://www.mifav.uniroma2.it/idea2010/login.php
CONTACTS: --------- Carlo Giovannella - giovannella@scuolaiad.it Alke Martens - alke.martens@googlemail.com
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