Forwarded message from [BEATTYRC@MUOHIO.EDU (ROBERT BEATTY)] sent originally on Tue, 20 Jun 2000 16:56:27 -0400: : CALL FOR PAPERS : : Special Issue of the Journal of Electronic Commerce Research on : : ELECTRONIC COMMERCE BUSINESS STRATEGY : DEVELOPMENT AND PRACTICES : : Scope and Topics : : The explosive growth and development of e-commerce has prompted many organizations to reassess and redesign they way that they share critical business information with both their valued business partners and customers. Existing business assumptions, practices, and processes are often times being transformed to address the new opportunities available through e-commerce. Organizations are now faced with the exciting challenge of developing e-business strategies that will allow them to effectively leverage the benefits of the various e-commerce technologies. Although the development of an integrated e-commerce strategy in critical to the future success of many organizations, very little is known about the e-commerce strategy development and practices. A recent survey indicated that a stunning 65% of companies stated that they do not have an overall e-commerce strategy, and nearly one fourth of respondents stated they lack the basic business and implementation plan for e-commerc! e. The purpose of this special issue is to explore the antecedents, processes, and business factors that are salient in the development of current e-commerce business strategies. The primary objective of this issue is to bring to the forefront what organizations or industries are doing to establish new business commerce practices and strategies to compete in the information age. : : This special issue of the Journal of Electronic Commerce Research is devoted to the theory and application of electronic commerce business strategy. Possible topics for papers submitted to the special issue include but are not limited to: : : - EC strategy development practices and methodologies : - Emerging EC strategy business models and processes : - EC strategy development techniques and plans : - Integration of new EC strategies with existing I/S strategies : - Organizational impacts of new EC strategies (e.g., structure, : communication, internal business practices, etc.) : - The development and evolution of tools to support EC strategy : development : - The role of outsourcing in EC business strategy development : - Successful/Unsuccessful practices that have been applied to the EC : strategy development process : - Industrial applications and case studies relating to e-business strategy : : Important Dates : : - Submission of Manuscript: October 1, 2000 : - Notification of Acceptance: December 31, 2000 : - Publication of Special Issue: February 20, 2001 : : Paper Submission Guidelines : : 1. Except in unusual cases, manuscripts should not exceed 30 pages of one-sided, double-spaced text, including figures, tables, and references. : 2. The title page (numbered page 1) should include the title of the article, name of the author(s), affiliation(s), address(es), phone number(s), a suggested running head (not to exceed 40 characters and spaces). To facilitate blind review, indications of authorship should appear only on the detachable title page. : 3. An abstract (number page 2) of 100 to 150 words should provide a brief, comprehensive summary of the content of the manuscript. : 4. Tables, numbered with arabic numerals, should be arranged sequentially and numbered in the order in which the tables are first mentioned in the text and placed at the end of the manuscript. Each table should have a brief, explanatory title centered above the table; explanatory notes to a table (e.g., probability levels, explanations of abbreviations, etc.) should appear below the table. : 5. Figures (graphs, line drawings, photographs, charts), numbered consecutively, in arabic numerals, should also be cited in the order in which they appear in the text. : 6. Mathematical expressions and notations should be used judiciously and only as required by the subject matter. All symbols should be identified. : : Authors are invited to electronically submit original papers via e-mail to Dr. Beatty at: : : : : Guest Editor and Contact : : Dr. Bob Beatty : Miami University : (513) 529-4836 : : : ===== Start of ISWorld List Footer ===== : ISWorld list is a service of the Association for Information Systems (AIS) : ( hosted at University College Dublin. For archives, : subscribing, or posting "norms" see : ===== End of ISWorld List Footer =====
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