-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [computational.science] Call for Papers - 7th Int. Conf. on Knowledge, Information, and Creativity Support Systems Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2012 03:00:46 +0000 From: Kok-Leong Ong kok-leong.ong@deakin.edu.au Organization: "ICCSA" To: Computational Science Mailing List computational.science@lists.iccsa.org
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7th International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems Melbourne, Australia, November 8 - 10, 2012 http://gnn.infotech.monash.edu.au/kicss2012
Creativity, to varying degree, is virtually existent in every aspect of life and in each of us. The ever-changing and conflicting world requires creative thinking, innovative ideas and implementations to stir us through competition, deal with challenges and to be successful. While creativity is seen as a human endeavour that cannot be fully replicated yet, there are certainly views and acknowledgement that support mechanisms and systems could aid the creative pursuit. Indeed research on creativity support systems is now an emerging field. Naturally multi-disciplinary in its nature, it is where advances and innovations are combined through a wide range of scientific, technological and management disciplines in systems practices. The KICSS conference aims to facilitate technology and knowledge exchange among researchers and practitioners in the field of knowledge science, information technology, systems science to enable creativity support and advance systems in aiding creativity pursuits.
The 7th KICSS will be held in Melbourne, Australia and will continue the success of its previous organisation to further this exchange and collaboration among researchers and practitioners. The conference venue is located in the city centre close to the Melbourne arts precinct as well as the Federation Square, where innovation and creativity in all forms are showcased and celebrated.
Topics ***** This year, the 7th KICSS will focus on four key areas, where papers are called for to report latest developments and research results. Topics include but are not limited to the following.
Track 1 - System Science * Opinion dynamics models * Service sciences and systems * Complex systems analysis and design * Organizational learning and ontology * Social informatics and human capital * Non-monotonic reasoning * Meta-synthesis and advanced modelling
Track 2 - Knowledge Science Engineering& Management * Knowledge creation, acquisition and dissemination * Knowledge management strategies/practices * Knowledge management support systems * Knowledge-based engineering, representation and reasoning * Cognitive foundations and logic of knowledge * Game-theoretical aspects of knowledge Track 3 - Intelligent Information Systems * Information quality, security and privacy preservation * Data mining and knowledge discovery for creativity processes * Web intelligence * Semantic Web and ontological reasoning * Creative pattern extraction * Software agents and artificial intelligence * Intelligent business models for smart electricity grids
Track 4 - Creativity Support Systems * Design and implementation of creativity support systems * Data driven innovation models * Innovation portfolio management * Creative e-Learning and systems * Creativity in Wireless 2.0 enterprises * Creativity-aided design * Evaluation techniques in creativity models * Process, product and mind innovation Paper Submission ***** We invite submissions of papers in one of the following four formats.
* Full paper of up to 8 pages, or demonstration paper of up to 4 pages, where a presentation is required at the conference
* Poster paper of up to 8 pages, or short paper of up to 4 pages, where no presentation is required but a poster must be displayed at the conference
Upon acceptance and receipt of paper registration fees, the paper will be published through the IEEE Computer Society where publications will be made available digitally through CSDL, IEEE Xplore and IEEE IEL, and are indexed by INSPEC, EI, Compendex and ISI. Selected best papers, subjected to approval, will be invited for an extended version to be published in a special issue that will be indexed by SCI.
Workshop Proposal Submission ***** We also invite submission of workshop/special session proposals that are related to the conference theme. Proposals should include information on the workshop/special session title, a brief introduction of the workshop theme, potential attendees, organising committee and a list of potential PC members. A workshop/special session can be of a half day (4 papers) or a full day (8 papers) schedule.
Important Dates Workshop/special session proposal 30 March 2012 Notification of proposal acceptance 6 April 2012 Submission (all paper formats for main conference or workshops) 30 April 2012 Notification of acceptance 31 May 2012 Camera ready 15 June 2012 Conference 8 - 10 November 2012
International Advisory Board ***** Thanaruk Theeramunkong (SIIT, Thailand) Hiroshi Motoda (Osaka University, Japan) Susumu Kunifuji (JAIST, Japan) Irene Ng (Warwick University, UK) Chang Chieh Hang (National University of Singapore, Singapore) Ee-Peng Lim (Singapore Management University, Singapore) Wee-Keong Ng (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) Kate Smith-Miles (Monash University, Australia) Andrew Kusiak (The University of Iowa, USA)
General Chairs ***** Jian Chen (Tsinghua University, China) Vincent C.S. Lee (Monash University, Australia) Kok-Leong Ong (Deakin University, Australia)
Program Committee ***** Please see KICSS 2012 Website for full list of PC members.