-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [WI] ICST - GridNets 2009: Call for Papers Datum: Fri, 27 Feb 2009 21:05:37 +0100 Von: info@icst.org Antwort an: info@icst.org An: wi@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
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++++ GridNets 2009 ++++ Third International ICST Conference on Networks for Grid Applications September 7-9, 2009 - Athens (Greece) http://www.gridnets.org
++ Sponsored by ICST ++ In cooperation with ACM SIGARCH (pending) Technically co-sponsored by Create-Net and EU-IST
++ Paper submission deadline: May 8, 2009 ++
GridNets provides a focused and highly interactive forum where researchers and technologists have the opportunity to present and discuss leading research, developments, and future directions in the Grid networking area. The goal of this event is to serve as both the premier conference presenting best Grid Networking research and a forum where new concepts can be introduced and explored.
Grid developers and practitioners are increasingly realizing the importance of efficient network support. Entire classes of applications would greatly benefit by a network-aware grid middleware, able to effectively manage the network resource in terms of scheduling, access and use. Conversely, the peculiar requirements of grid applications provide stimulating drivers for new challenging research towards the development of grid-aware networks.
Cooperation between grid middleware and network infrastructure driven by a common control plane is a key factor to effectively empower the global grid platform for the execution of network-intensive applications, requiring massive data transfers, very fast and low-latency connections, and stable and guaranteed transmission rates. Large e-science projects, as well as industrial and engineering applications for data analysis, image processing, multimedia, or visualisation just to name a few are awaiting an efficient grid network support. They would be boosted by a global grid platform enabling end-to-end dynamic bandwidth allocation, broadband and low-latency access, interdomain access control, and other network performance monitoring capabilities.
-- TOPICS --
* Network architectures and technologies for grids; * Integration of advanced optical networking technologies into the grid environment; * The network as a first class grid resource: network resource information publication, brokering and co-scheduling with other resources; * Interaction of the network with distributed data management systems; * Network monitoring, traffic characterisation and performance analysis; * Inter-layer interactions: optical layer with higher layer protocols, integration among layers; * Experience with pre-production optical network infrastructures and exchange points; * Peer-to-peer network enhancements applied to the grid; * Network support for wireless and ad hoc grids; * Data replication and multicasting strategies and novel data transport protocols; * Cluster and high performance networks; * Networks for Data Centers; * Networks & Cloud computing issues; * Fault-tolerance, self healing networks; * Security and scalability issues when connecting a large number of sites within a virtual organization VPN; * Energy awareness and power consumption in grids.
Authors are invited to submit papers through the ASSYST conference management system, according to the indications given on this page:
* http://gridnets.org/submission.shtml
Regular papers should be up to 16 pages. Only original papers, written in English, which have not been published previously elsewhere, will be considered for publication, after a peer-review process.
At least one author of each accepted paper must register and present the work at the conference.
The event is organized by ICST in cooperation with the ACM Special Interest Groups on Computer Architecture (SIGARCH; pending). All accepted papers will be published by Springer in the ICST Lecture Notes (LNICST) series. The proceedings will be published by Springer and will be available both as paper-based copies and via Springerlink, Springer's digital library.
Optical Grids - September 7, 2009 Organized by: Kyriakos Vlachos, RACTI (Greece); Dominique Verchere, Alcatel-Lucent (France).
Wireless Grids - September 7, 2009 Organized by: Frank Fitzek, Aalborg University (Denmark).
Submission deadline: May 8 2009 Notification of acceptance: June 19, 2009 Camera ready: July 12, 2009 Conference: September 7-9, 2009
Steering Chair * Imrich Chlamtac, CREATE-NET
General Chairs * Ioannis Tomkos, AIT
Local Chair * Yvan Pointurier, AIT * Konstantinos Kanonakis, AIT
Publicity Chairs TBA
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