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Subject: CfP: Design & Mgmt of Data Warehouses 2002 Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 15:10:55 +0100 From: Manfred Jeusfeld Manfred.Jeusfeld@KUB.NL To: ISWORLD@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE
(sorry for multiple reception)
Call for Papers & Participation 4th International Workshop on
May 27, 2002 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
in conjunction with the 14th Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering CAiSE'02 May 27-31, 2002
Data Warehousing embraces technology and industrial practice to systematically integrate data from multiple distributed data sources and to use that data in annotated and aggregated form to support business decision-making and enterprise management. Although many database techniques have been revisited or newly developed in the context of data warehouses, such as view maintenance and OLAP, little attention has been paid to the design and management of data warehouses to appropriately serve their purposes, i.e., to support the management of a given enterprise. This workshop is intended as a forum to fill this gap. DMDW started as a CAiSE worhshop in Heidelberg, 1999. Since then, the workshop has taken place on an annual basis with a big success, with special journal issues publishing best papers from past editions of DMDW. As in earlier DMDW workshops, we invite research papers covering all aspects of data warehouse design and management over its lifecycle. Equally welcome are papers from the industry reporting on data warehouse toolkits and experiences from data warehouse implementation projects. The workshop will continue to promote a culture of vivid discussions.
We cordially invite researchers to submit original research papers to the 4th DMDW Workshop, and practitioners of the DW application industry to submit experience papers. Here is a non-exclusive list of
Research Track
Design methods for data warehouses Data warehouse architectures Physical organization of data warehouses Materialized view selection for data warehousing Data extraction and cleaning for data warehousing Organization of meta-data management Management of data quality and uncertainty Verification of design goals and information needs Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) Conceptual and logical modeling of multidimensional data Multidimensional query languages Query processing and optimization in data warehouses Data warehouse evolution Data warehouse security Data warehouses and the web Online Analytical Mining (OLAM) Temporal aspects
Experience Track
Motivation for installing a data warehouse Integration of a data warehouse into an organization's business processes Supporting federations of data warehouses Experience with data warehouse software and tools Detection of useful/necessary functionalities lacking from commercial products Problems and challenges in data warehouse usage (e.g. data loading, data cleaning, data inconsistency, data maintenance, data quality, performance issues) User acceptance of data warehouses Impact of OLAP and data mining on business decisions Success stories of data warehouse installations
Research papers up to a maximum of 5000 words and experience papers up to 2500 words should besubmitted in electronic form (Standard Postscript or PDF) via Email to dmdw02@cs.ubc.ca
by the submission deadline (see below). NO OTHER FORMS OR FORMATS OF SUBMISSION ARE ACCEPTABLE. Authors are responsible for making sure their submissions print/view properly.
More information about the workshop is available at:
For further questions, please contact either the program chair or one of the members of the organizing committee (coordinates below). The workshop proceedings will be published as a technical report. Proceedings of previous DMDW editions can be found at: http://CEUR-WS.org/
As in the past, we expect that selected papers from the workshop will be published in a special issue of a leading international journal.
March 29, 2002: Submission of papers May 6, 2002 : Notification of acceptance May 17, 2002 : Camera Ready copy due May 27, 2002 : Workshop date.
March 29, 2002: Submission of papers May 6, 2002 : Notification of acceptance May 17, 2002 : Camera Ready copy due May 27, 2002 : Workshop date.
Dimitri Theodoratos (NJIT, NJ) dth@homer.njit.edu Joachim Hammer (Univ. of Florida, FL) jhammer@cise.ufl.edu Manfred Jeusfeld (Tilburg Univ., The Netherlands) Manfred.Jeusfeld@kub.nl Martin Staudt (Swiss Life, Switzerland) Martin.Staudt@swisslife.ch Il-Yeol Song (Drexel Univ., PA) songiy@drexel.edu
Curtis Dyreson (Washington State Univ., USA) Jarek Gryz (Univ. of William and Mary, USA) Himanshu Gupta (Univ. of Chicago, USA) Joachim Hammer (Univ. of Florida, USA) Bala Iyer (IBM Silicon Valley, USA) H.V. Jagadish (Univ. of Michigan, USA) Matthias Jarke (RWTH Aachen, Germany) Manfred Jeusfeld (Tilburg University, The Netherlands) Kamalakar Karlapalem (International Inst. of Info. Technology, India) Laks V.S. Lakshmanan (Univ. of British Columbia, Canada) [Program Chair] Maurizio Lenzerini (University of Rome, "La Sapienza", Italy) Alberto Mendelzon (Univ. of Toronto, Canada) Torben Bach Pedersen (Aalborg Univ., Denmark) Jian Pei (Simon Frase Univ., Canada) Louiqa Raschid (Univ. of Maryland, USA) Fereidoon Sadri (UNCG, USA) Timos Sellis (National Tech. Univ. of Athens, Greece) Il-Yeol Song (Drexel Univ., USA) Divesh Srivastava (AT&T Labs - Research, USA) Martin Staudt (Swiss Life, Switzerland) Dimitri Theodoratos (NJIT, USA) Riccardo Torlone (Roma Tre University, Italy) Gottfried Vossen (Univ. of Muenster, Germany) Carlo Zaniolo (UCLA, USA)
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