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Subject: EMCSR 2004 Date: Tuesday 16 March 2004 12:21 From: OeFAI Information Server oefaiinf@ai.univie.ac.at To: undisclosed-recipients:;
* * * *
* ON *
* (EMCSR 2004) *
April 13 - 16, 2004
organized by the Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies in cooperation with the Dept. of Medical Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence, Medical University of Vienna
and the International Federation for Systems Research
Chairman: Robert Trappl
-------------------------------------- URL: http://www.oefai.at/emcsr/ --------------------------------------
Plenary lectures: *****************
Prof.Dr. Anton Nijholt, University of Twente, The Netherlands: COMPUTATIONAL HUMOR: HUMOROUS INTERACTION WITH THE COMPUTER (Tuesday, April 13, 10.00 a.m., Great Festival Hall of the University of Vienna)
Prof.Dr. Luigi Ricciardi, Universit�di Napoli Federico II, Italy: FROM MACROSCOPIC TO ULTRAMICROSCOPIC: SOME CURRENT PROBLEMS IN BIOCYBERNETICS (Wednesday, April 14, 9.30 a.m., Lecture Hall 47)
Prof.Dr. Robert Trappl, Medical University of Vienna and Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Austria: PROGRAMMING FOR PEACE: COMPUTER-AIDED METHODS FOR INTERNATIONAL CONFLICT RESOLUTION AND PREVENTION (Friday, April 16, 9.30 a.m., Lecture Hall 47)
(The entrance to all plenary lectures is free of charge.)
137 Papers will be presented and discussed in the following symposia: *********************************************************************
A Systems Science G.J. Klir, USA, and P. Prautsch, Czech Republic
B Mathematical Methods in Cybernetics and Systems Theory Y. Rav, France, and J. Scharinger, Austria
C Cybernetics, Interaction, and Conversation R. Glanville, UK
D Biocybernetics and Mathematical Biology L.M. Ricciardi, Italy
E Systems Science in Medicine F. Tretter, Germany, G. Ossimitz, Austria, and G. Porenta, Austria
F Cultural Systems M. Fischer, UK, and D. Read, USA
G Cognitive Rationality, Relativity, and Clarity P. Ballonoff, USA, and I. Ezhkova, Belgium
H Management, Organizational Change, and Innovation M. Mulej, Slovenia
I Paradigm Changes Due to Component-Based System Development G. Chroust, Austria, and C. Hoyer, Austria
J Soft Computing and Knowledge-Based Systems C. Carlsson, Finland, and K.-P. Adlassnig, Austria
K Artificial Neural Networks and Adaptive Systems G.Dorffner, Austria
L AT2AI-4: From Agent Theory to Agent Implementation [AT2AI-4 Website] J.P. Mller, Germany, and P.Petta, Austria
M ACE 2004: Affective Computational Entities [ACE 2004 Website] C. Pinto-Ferreira, Portugal, R. Ventura, Portugal, and P. Petta, Austria
N Theory and Applications of Artificial Intelligence V. Marik, Czech Republic, and E. Buchberger, Austria
O Computer Control and Robot Systems A. Weinmann, Austria
P Communication and Computers A M. Tjoa, Austria
Q History of Cybernetics, Information Technology, and Systems Research F. Pichler, Austria, and E.-G. Woschni, Germany
************************************************************* * STUDENTINNEN UND STUDENTEN HABEN GEGEN VORLAGE EINES * * GUELTIGEN STUDENTENAUSWEISES FREIEN EINTRITT ZU ALLEN * * VORTRAEGEN * *************************************************************
PROCEEDINGS: ************
Trappl R.(ed.): CYBERNETICS AND SYSTEMS 2004, 2 vols. Vienna: Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies. ISBN: 3 85206 169 5. EUR 75,--, to be ordered at the secretariat.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT: ***************************************
EMCSR 2004 Secretariat c/o Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies Feyung 6/6 A-1010 Vienna Austria Phone: +43-1-5336112-0 Fax: +43-1-4277-9631 E-mail: sec@oefai.at