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Subject: [all-prolearn] CFP LOKMOL 2005 (in conjuction with 3rd Conference WM 2005) Date: Friday 09 July 2004 14:09 From: "Angkasaputra, Niniek" angkasa@iese.fraunhofer.de To: all-prolearn@agws.dit.upm.es Cc: "Ras, Eric" ras@iese.fraunhofer.de
Dear all, please find the call for papers for the International Workshop on Learner-Oriented Knowledge Management & KM-Oriented E-Learning (LOKMOL 2005). Please excuse any cross-postings. Please feel free to distribute it to those who might be interested. On behalf of Eric Ras, best regards, Niniek Angkasaputra
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Call for Papers
1st International Workshop on Learner-Oriented Knowledge Management & KM-Oriented E-Learning
(LOKMOL 2005)
Workshop affiliated to 3rd Conference on Professional Knowledge Management (WM 2005) 10 April - 13 April 2005, Kaiserslautern, Germany.
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MOTIVATION AND BACKGROUND An interview based study (Efimova, 2002) showed that perceived connections between Knowledge Management and e-learning are not operationalised, i.e., the integration-ideas are rarely implemented in practice: So far, Knowledge Management addresses learning mostly as part of knowledge sharing processes and focuses on specific forms of informal learning (e.g., learning in a community of practice) or to providing access to learning resources or experts. Current Knowledge Management technologies focus on knowledge acquisition, storage, retrieval, and maintenance. However, regarding the deployment process, learning is considered to be a fundamental part of Knowledge Management because employees must internalise (learn) shared knowledge before they can use it to perform specific tasks (Rus & Lindvall, 2002). On the other hand, e-learning systems might also benefit from Knowledge Management technologies. Especially the ones focusing on the support of technical and organisational components can play an important role concerning the development of professional e-learning systems. Moreover, it is still unclear to what degree centralised or decentralised systems (e.g., Weblogs, Wikis, XML/RSS based content syndication and aggregation) support certain learning processes. Thus, this workshop is based on the insight that Knowledge Management technologies need to take into account findings from social sciences such as pedagogics or psychology, to be effective in terms of learning and that learning can profit from Knowledge Management technologies. In fact, there is a gap between well organised, but monolithic and inert e-learning material such as courseware on the one hand and dynamic and flexible knowledge bases that are not able to activate learning processes on the other hand. An integration of knowledge management and e-learning could dramatically change today's understanding of further education towards lifelong learning fed by dynamically changing public and organisational knowledge repositories.
GOALS AND WORKSHOP QUESTIONS The workshop will focus on the following questions: * Methods: Which pedagogical approaches are suitable to facilitate learning from knowledge repositories? How can knowledge management systems be enhanced to suit the learners' needs as well as pedagogical principles such as informal and self-directed learning? What kind of pedagogical theories, principles and methods can be applied to compose learning material (semi-) automatically from knowledge chunks?
* Standards and technologies: Up to what extend do current knowledge management and e-learning standards support such an integration of learning and knowledge management? What are the requirements of Knowledge Management technologies to support the learners' needs and individual learning processes? What kind of technologies exist that combine stored knowledge to learning material based on e.g., instructional design models or didactic concepts? What are the advantages and disadvantages of centralised and decentralised systems regarding learning processes?
* Empirical results: Which empirical findings demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of learning material created in accordance with these methods and technologies?
POSSIBLE TOPIC AREAS - adaptivity and personalisation for learning * adaptive information retrieval * adaptivity in content presentation and presentation generation * the importance of "context" and how it can be represented * user modeling, user modeling frameworks, learning goals
- learner-oriented knowledge structuring * metadata concepts; standardisation vs application needs * ontologies to enable interoperability and to improve search and navigation * issues of domain (in)dependence and generic approaches/systems
- learning with Knowledge Management * integration of instructional design models in Knowledge Management systems * philosophy of learning with Knowledge Management systems * stimulating learning processes with Knowledge Management systems
- collaborative work and collaborative learning * use of Knowledge Management systems in communities of practice * use of Knowledge Management systems for informal or self-directed learning
- aspects of sustainability; from academia to professional Knowledge Management and e-learning
TARGET GROUPS The workshop brings together researchers and practitioners that are interested in combining findings from two different fields: knowledge management and e-learning. Thus, it especially addresses people with a background in pedagogics or psychology who want to share their knowledge with people from the more technology-oriented knowledge management community. The workshop language will be English.
SUBMISSIONS Each submission must explicitly address at least one of the questions above (the fulfilment of this requirement will be part of the review process). During the workshop all presenters will have the opportunity to state their individual contribution to these questions. In summary sessions these contributions will be collected and evaluated by the audience. Contributions submitted should not exceed 4 pages for short papers and 6 pages for long papers: * short papers: short descriptions of ongoing or beginning work, topics for discussion, position papers, thesis descriptions. Length: up to 4 pages (including references) * full papers: full papers are detailed descriptions of scientific work. Length: up to 6 pages (including references)
The submitted papers should be written in English and be formatted according to the Springer LNCS guidelines (have a look at http://www.springeronline.com/sgw/cda/frontpage/0,10735,5-164-2-72376-0,00.h tml).
Please email a PDF or POSTSCRIPT version (zipped) of your contribution to Eric Ras (mailto:eric.ras@iese.fhg.de) or contact: Eric Ras Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering (IESE) Sauerwiesen 6 67661 Kaiserslautern Tel.:+49-6301-707-141 Fax.:+ 49-6301-707-203
PUBLICATION We intend to publish all accepted papers in a joined conference proceedings volume within the series "Lecture Notes in Computer Science" of Springer. The following prerequisites have to be met in order to guarantee the paper is published: * All workshop participants have to register for the WM2005 conference. * At least one author of an accepted paper must register for the WM2005 conference before the deadline for camera-ready-copies of the papers (Nov. 22, 2004). Otherwise the paper will not be published.
IMPORTANT DATES * Submission of contributions September 3, 2004 * Notification of authors regarding acceptance/rejection October 11, 2004 * Camera-ready copy of the papers due November 22, 2004 * Workshop at WM2005 in Kaiserslautern, Germany April 11-13, 2005
Chief Organiser: Eric Ras, Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering, Kaiserslautern, Germany
Sebastian Fiedler, University of Augsburg, Medienpädagogik,Augsburg, Germany Martin Memmel, Kaiserslautern University of Technology, Kaiserslautern, Germany Stephan Weibelzahl, Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering, Kaiserslautern, Germany
Don't hesitate to contact us if there are any problems or questions.
PROGRAM COMMITTEE * Gabriela Avram, Centre de Recherche Public Henri Tudor, Luxembourg * Jürgen Cleve, University of Wismar, Germany * John D'Ambra, UNSW, Australia * Gunter Grieser, University of Darmstadt, Germany * Dieuwke de Haan, Netherlands * Jozef Hvorecky, College of Management, Bratislava, Slovakia * David Jonassen, University of Missouri-Columbia, USA * Rob Koper, Open University of the Netherlands, Netherlands * Steffen Lange, FH Darmstadt, Germany * Stefanie Lindstaedt, Know-Center Graz, Austria * Frank Maurer, University of Calgary, Canada * Patrick Waterson, Fraunhofer IESE, Kaiserslautern, Germany * Sandra Zilles, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
Best regards, Eric Ras, Sebastian Fiedler, Martin Memmel, Stephan Weibelzahl workshop organisers
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