-------- Original Message -------- Subject: Advertisement for Special Issues, Conferences and Journals (January 2011) Date: Sat, 22 Jan 2011 16:14:59 +0800 From: Robert C. Hsu robert@grid.chu.edu.tw To: neumann@wu-wien.ac.at
================================================= Please accept our apologies for multiple copies of this email ================================================= -------------------- Special Issues --------------------
1. Theme: Green Technologies for Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing IET Communications Journal Details: http://scitation.aip.org/journals/doc/IEEDRL-home/info/pdf/com_gtwc_cfp.pdf Contact: Prof. Tzung-Shi Chen (chents@mail.nutn.edu.tw) *Deadline: Feb. 1st, 2011
2. Theme: Techniques and Applications for Merging Mobile and Cloud Services International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems (IJCNDS), INDERSCIENCE. Details: http://www.inderscience.com/browse/callpaper.php?callID=1548 Contact: Prof. Yingyuan Xiao (yingyuanxiao@gmail.com) *Deadline: April 15, 2011
----------------- Conferences -----------------
1. Cloud&Grid 2011 (International Workshop on Cloud and Grid Interoperability) Busan, Korea, 26-28 May 2011 Publication: IEEE CS http://www.ftrai.org/cloudgrid2011 *Submission deadline: Jan. 25, 2010
2. ICCSA 2011 (The 11th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Application) Santander, Spain, 20-23 June 2011 Publication: LNCS / IEEE CS http://www.iccsa.org/ *Submission deadline: Jan. 31, 2011
3. MUE 2011 (The 5th IEEE/FTRA International Conference on Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering) June 28-30, 2010, Crete, Greece Publication: IEEE CS http://www.ftrai.org/mue2011 *Submission deadline: Feb. 6, 2011
4. Umedia 2011 (The 4th IEEE International Conference on Ubi-media Computing) July 3-4, 2011, Sao Paulo, Brazil Publication: IEEE CS http://nupro.ufabc.edu.br/umedia2011/ *Submission deadline: February 10, 2011
5. ICPP 2011 (The 40th International Conference on Parallel Processing) September 13-16, 2011, Taipei, Taiwan Publication: IEEE CS http://www.icpp-2011.org *Submission deadline: February 24, 2011
6. WORLDCOMP 2011 (The 2011 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing) July 18-21, 2011, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA http://www.world-academy-of-science.org/ *Submission deadline: March 10, 2011
7. EIDWT 2011 (The 2-nd International Conference on Emerging Intelligent Data and Web Technologies) September 7 - 9, 2011, Tirana, Albania Publication: IEEE CS http://voyager.ce.fit.ac.jp/~eidwt2011/ *Submission deadline: March 10, 2011
8. UIC 2011 (The 8th International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing) August 29-31, 2011, Banff, Canada Publication: LNCS http://cse.stfx.ca/~uic2011/ *Submission deadline: April 15, 2011
9. IEEE BIBE 2011 (The 11th IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering) Oct. 24-26, 2011, Taichung, Taiwan http://bibe2011.asia.edu.tw/ *Submission deadline: April 22, 2011
10. CEC 2011 (The 13th IEEE Conference on Commerce and Enterprise Computing) September 5-7, 2011, Luxembourg, Luxembourg http://www.tudor.lu/cec2011 Publication: IEEE CS *Submission deadline: May 16, 2011
11. APSCC 2011 (The 6th IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference) December 12 - 15, 2011, Jeju, Korea Publication: IEEE CS http://www.ftrai.org/apscc2011 *Submission deadline: June 15, 2011
-------------------------- Call for Workshops ---------------------------
1. CSE 2011 (The 14th IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering) Conference Date: August 24-26, 2011, Dalian, China http://ncc.dlut.edu.cn/~cse11/ Contact: Prof. Robert C. H. Hsu (chh@chu.edu.tw)
2. EIDWT 2011 (The 2-nd International Conference on Emerging Intelligent Data and Web Technologies) Conference date: September 7 - 9, 2011, Tirana, Albania http://voyager.ce.fit.ac.jp/~eidwt2011/ Contact: Prof. Florin Pop (florin.pop@cs.pub.ro)
3. FCST 2011 (The 6th International Conference on Frontier of Computer Science and Technology) Conference date: Nov. 16-18, 2011, Changsha, Hunan, China http://trust.csu.edu.cn/conference/fcst2011/ Contact: Prof. Robert C. H. Hsu (chh@chu.edu.tw)
------------ Journals ------------
1. International Journal of Grid and High Performance Computing (IJGHPC) http://www.igi-global.com/bookstore/TitleDetails.aspx?TitleId=1105
2. International Journal of Engineering and Industries (IJEI) http://www.aicit.org/ijei/cfp.html
3. Journal of Information Technology and Applications (JITA) http://ojs.csi.chu.edu.tw/index.php/JITA/about/submissions#onlineSubmissions
4. International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering (IJCSE) http://www.inderscience.com/browse/index.php?journalCODE=ijcse
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