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Subject: CFP: First International Workshop on Modelling Complex Systems Date: Wednesday 03 November 2004 22:06 From: "Ruili Wang" r.wang@massey.ac.nz To: computational.science@optimanumerics.com
[We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this announcement.]
Call for Papers
First International Workshop on Modelling Complex Systems (MCS 2005) http://www-ist.massey.ac.nz/rwang/conferences/MCS05.htm
in conjunction with and as a part of The International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications (ICCSA 2005), Singapore, May 9 - 12, 2005
All formatting instructions, the copyright form and the registration form can be found at ICCSA 2005 web site. For conference venue locations, special events, hotel booking and other related information please consult http://www.iccsa.org/ Workshop Description
The workshop of Modelling Complex Systems will aim at both basic and applied research on complex systems, with particular emphasis on emergent behaviour. The investigation of nonlinear processes, predictability and concepts such as order, complexity and information interdependence inform our understanding of how complex systems behave and may provide insight on the dynamics, development and control.
Examples of systems exhibiting complex and emergent behaviour may include, but is not limited to the following: . Biological systems . Physical systems . Social systems . Financial systems . Traffic ad transportation systems . Information Systems The workshop will provide an opportunity for researchers in different disciplines to explore potential for cross-fertilization of ideas in modelling complexity. CALL FOR PAPERS (PDF version available here)
Submission of Papers and Proceedings
Full papers of 6 to 10 pages (Letter or A4 paper) for oral presentation are invited. Proceedings of the Workshop will be published in the Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. All contributions should be original and not published elsewhere or intended to be published during the review period. Contributions from more applied related fields in industry and commerce are very welcome. Submitted papers should have a maximum of 10 pages. All papers must be presented by one of the authors who must register for the conference and pay the fee. To ensure high quality, all papers will be thoroughly reviewed two reviewers. Please refer to the Springer-Verlag web site for directions on the Final Paper Format which must be strictly followed for all papers that are to appear in the proceedings.
Please submit your paper directly to the following email addresses: Attn: Prof. Heather J. Ruskin ( Heather.Ruskin@dcu.ie ) or and Dr. Ruili Wang (r.wang@massey.ac.nz)
Indicate in the header of the message "MCS 2005 submission". Important Date
. Paper submission deadline: December 10, 2004 . Notification of acceptance: January 10, 2005 . Camera ready papers and Pre-registration: February 10, 2005