---------- Forwarded Message ---------- Subject: [GI-FB5-L] ESEC / FSE 2001 Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 18:23:30 +0200 From: Volker Gruhn Volker.Gruhn@uni-dortmund.de To: esec@adesso.de, profs profs profs@waldorf.cs.uni-dortmund.de, swt@udo.informatik.uni-dortmund.de, zirkel@adesso.de, " Alfonso.Fuggetta@polimi.it" Alfonso.Fuggetta@polimi.it, Mehdi Jazayeri M.Jazayeri@infosys.tuwien.ac.at, Udo Kelter kelter@informatik.uni-siegen.de, "Prof. Wilhelm Schäfer" wilhelm@uni-paderborn.de, A Min Tjoa tjoa@ifs.tuwien.ac.at, "Alexander L. Wolf" alw@cs.colorado.edu, Michel Lemoine Michel.Lemoine@cert.fr, Pere Botella botella@lsi.upc.es, Helmut Schauer schauer@ifi.unizh.ch, Roger Johnson rgj@dcs.bbk.ac.uk, Oscar Nierstraz oscar@iam.unibe.ch, Hans-Werner Six hw.six@Fernuni-Hagen.de, "Alfred Bröckers" broeckers@adesso.de, Carlo Montangero monta@di.unipi.it, Flavio Oquendo Flavio.Oquendo-Simoes@esia.univ-savoie.fr, "Rudolf K. Keller" keller@iro.umontreal.ca, Wolfgang Emmerich W.Emmerich@cs.ucl.ac.uk, David Rosenblum dsr@ics.uci.edu, Gerti Kappel gerti@ifs.uni-linz.ac.at, Mehdi Jazayeri <M.Jazayeri@infosys.tuwien.ac.! at>, Stefan Jablonski Stefan.Jablonski@informatik.uni-erlangen.de, Paul Grefen grefen@cs.utwente.nl, David Raffo davidr@sba.pdx.edu, "Prof. Wilhelm Schäfer" wilhelm@uni-paderborn.de, Yun Yang yun@venus.it.swin.edu.au, Leon Osterweil ljo@cs.umass.edu, Johannes Bumiller Johannes.Bumiller@daimlerchrysler.com, "George T. Heineman" heineman@cs.wpi.edu, Gianpaolo Cugola cugola@elet.polimi.it, Bashar Nuseibeh ban@doc.ic.ac.uk, "Alexander L. Wolf" alw@cs.colorado.edu, Harald Gall h.gall@infosys.tuwien.ac.at, Dewayne Perry perry@ece.utexas.edu, Prem Devanbu devanbu@cs.ucdavis.edu, "A. van Lamsweerde" avl@info.ucl.ac.be, Nenad Medvidovic neno@usc.edu, Carlo Ghezzi ghezzi@elet.polimi.it, Israel Ben-Shaul issy@ee.technion.ac.il, Wilhelm Hasselbring hasselbring@informatik.uni-oldenburg.de, David Notkin notkin@cs.washington.edu, Mary Jean Harrold harrold@cc.gatech.edu, Tetsuo Tamai tamai@graco.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp, Pamela Zave pamela@research.att.com! , Christine Choppy christine.choppy@lipn.univ-paris13.fr, Debra Richardson djr@ics.uci.edu, Katsuro Inoue inoue@ics.es.osaka-u.ac.jp, Walcelio Melo wmelo@br.oracle.com, jens jens@acm.org, SE_Professors softec.hsl@Fernuni-Hagen.de, Volker Gruhn volker.gruhn@uni-dortmund.de
ESEC/FSE 2001 Joint 8th European Software Engineering Conference (ESEC) and the 9th ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE-9)
We are pleased to announce that ESEC/FSE 2001 ADVANCE PROGRAM is now on-line at the conference web site:
ESEC/FSE 2001, one of the premier conferences for software engineering, will feature the latest inventions, achievements, and experiences in software engineering research and practice, and will give researchers practitioners, and educators the opportunity to present, discuss, and learn.
The ESEC/FSE 2001 Software Engineering Week, September 10-14, 2001 consists of the main ESEC/FSE conference, 12 tutorials, and 2 international workshops.
The conference venue is the Technical University of Vienna, Austria. Vienna is a museum paradise and one of the richest in art in Europe. Home to the world famous Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, the Vienna State Opera, the Vienna Boy's Choir and the Spanish Riding School. The Museum of Fine Arts is considered one of the best in the world.
You can visit the former Palaces of Schonbrunn and Belvedere, now beautiful museums. Or just relax at one of the historic coffee houses and be tempted by the array of delicious pastries.
Technial Program highlights are: - Invited talks by Michael Jackson and other leading researchers and practitioners - 29 technical papers on all areas of software technology - 2 co-located workshops: Workshop on Composition Languages (WCL) and the International Workshop on Principles of Software Evolution (IWPSE 2001) - 12 Tutorials on topics such as UML, component-based development, software architecture, Internet security, Middleware, XML, and Web services
We look forward to seeing you at ESEC/FSE 2001!
Volker Gruhn A Min Tjoa Program Chair General Chair
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