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Subject: CFP: SSECP 2002 - Melbourne, Australia 11-12 July, 2002 Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 17:25:04 +1100 From: Stephen Burgess Stephen.Burgess@VU.EDU.AU To: ISWORLD@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE
Skill Sets for the E-Commerce Professional Conference (SSECP 2002) The Human Side of E-Commerce
Dates: 11th & 12th July, 2002
Venue: Duxton Hotel, Flinders Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Call for Papers
Victoria University's Electronic Commerce Research Unit and RMIT's School of Business Information Technology are joint sponsors of the annual SSECP conference for the second year.
This year's theme will be "The Human Side of E-Commerce", which concentrates on people issues in relation to the need for new skills required for E-Commerce and its impact on developers and users.
The increased application of Electronic Commerce in the business, government and education sectors worldwide is apparent to all. The successful application of E-Commerce requires new skills and knowledge that many organizations are still coming to terms with.
This conference will address new skill sets required by employees, users and the management in all sectors of the economy as the adoption of e-commerce intensifies.
CALL FOR PAPERS Researchers are invited to submit a full-length paper on the above topics of about 3,000 words (but not exceeding 4,000 words). Multidisciplinary papers on the conference theme are encouraged. Papers must be original, previously unpublished, and include a 100-200 word abstract. They may be completed research, research-in-progress or case studies addressing theory, research, and/or applications. All papers should be grounded in current research and literature. Higher degree research students are encouraged to submit papers and participate in the conference.
SUBMISSION PROCESS Given the theme of the conference, papers will only be accepted in electronic form. They must be in Word 2000 (or earlier, or RTF) format and should be emailed to:
ecru@vu.edu.au by 3rd April 2002.
All papers will be double blind, peer refereed. Authors of accepted papers will be notified by 26th April 2002 and sent formatting guidelines for the final paper to be published in the conference proceedings. Papers will only be published if at least one of their authors registers for and attends the conference. The authors of selected papers from last year's conference were invited to submit chapters into a research book based on the conference theme, to be published by Heidelberg Press in 2002. This year, the conference organisers are negotiating with an e-commerce journal for authors of selected papers to submit articles to a special edition of that journal.
Suggested topics for the conference include, but are not restricted to: *Required skills for someone working in an E-Commerce environment (B2B, B2C, G2C, etc) - How much do IT professionals need to know about e-business? - What development skills are needed? - What are the effects on IT professionals of having to develop these skills? - The implications of applying old skill sets in this new environment
*Skills needed by general business users of E-Commerce systems. - How much technical expertise do general business users need to have? - Is there an appropriate mix of business and technical skills? - What are the effects on users of this 'new' technology? - Dealing with resistance from employees
*The role of educational institutes, consultants, new curriculum, schools and the community in enhancing e-commerce skills of employees and users: - Development of Undergraduate and Postgraduate E-Commerce courses. - New methods for the delivery of E-Commerce courses. - Other means of developing E-Commerce skill sets. - Requirements of particular groups of E-Commerce users.
*Anticipated requirements for future E-Commerce skills.
*Other Research issues related to this year's conference theme.
IMPORTANT DATES Submission of full paper (electronic form) 3rd April 2002 Approval/disapproval notification 26th April 2002 Registration for paper presenters 3rd June 2002 Final copy required for proceedings 3rd June 2002 Conference dates 11th & 12th July 2002
For further information contact:
Electronic Commerce Research Unit School of Information Systems Victoria University PO Box 14428 Melbourne City MC VIC 8001 Australia Email: ecru@vu.edu.au
Website: http://www.BusinessAndLaw.vu.edu.au/ec/SSECP2002.html
Watch the Website for developments over the next few weeks
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