-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [isworld] Call for Papers and Participation-Nashville-Deadline May 11, 2009 Datum: Mon, 13 Apr 2009 17:05:12 -0500 Von: Dr. Edd R. Joyner eddjoyner@charter.net Antwort an: Dr. Edd R. Joyner eddjoyner@charter.net An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network isworld@lyris.isworld.org
May 25th, 26th, and 27th 2009--submit by May 11, 2009 <--Extended deadline)
Nashville, TN at the legendary Opryland Hotel (Register for one, attend the other for free)
ACADEMIC BUSINESS WORLD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ------------------------------------------------ http://ABWIC.org <--Full Conference Information
Papers in all traditional areas of business as well as any of the reference disciplines are solicited, with particular emphasis on papers in early development stages and papers involved with non-traditional paradigms. Submit papers to any of the following tracks:
Accounting Track Economics Track Finance Track Information Systems Track Management (General) Track Management (POM) Track Management (HRM) Track Marketing Track General Business Track
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LEARNING AND ADMINISTRATION IN HIGHER EDUCATION --------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://ICLAHE.org <--Full Conference Information
We encourage the submission of manuscripts, and abstracts to any of the following tracks:
Learning We encourage the submission of manuscripts pertaining to pedagogical topics. We believe that much of the learning process is not discipline specific and that we can all benefit from looking at research and practices outside our own discipline. The ideal submission would take a general focus on learning rather than a discipline-specific perspective. For example, instead of focusing on "Motivating Students in Group Projects in Marketing Management", you might broaden the perspective to "Motivating Students in Group Projects in Upper Division Courses" or simply "Motivating Students in Group Projects" The objective here is to share your work with the larger audience.
Academic Administration We encourage the submission of manuscripts pertaining to the administration of academic units in colleges and universities. We believe that many of the challenges facing academic departments are not discipline specific and that learning how different departments address these challenges will be beneficial. The ideal paper would provide information that many administrators would find useful, regardless of their own disciplines.
APPLICABLE TO BOTH CONFERENCES ------------------------------
If you are interested in moderating a session or reviewing submitted papers,
please contact Dr. Edd R. Joyner (Conference Chair) at eddjoyner@charter.net Please include the broadest academic areas you feel comfortable reviewing.
All papers will be blind reviewed by three or more peer reviewers. Authors will normally be notified of the status of their papers within 2-weeks of submission. Accepted articles will be published in the refereed conference proceedings. Papers receiving Best Paper awards will be published in one of our Journals (See below.)
While only full papers are eligible for publications in the Journals listed below, Abstracts are welcome for presentation at the conference--and may be developed into full papers later.
The best papers, as rated by reviewers, will be published (subject to possible revision to meet publication standards) in one of the following journals:
International Journal of the Academic Business World (IJABW) ISSN 1942-6089 (print) ISSN 1942-6097 (online) IJABW is a peer-reviewed journal in its third year of publication and will be included in the 11th Edition of Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Business.
The Journal of Learning in Higher Education (JLHE) ISSN: 1936-346X (print) JLHE is a peer-reviewed journal in its fourth year of publication and is listed in Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Educational Psychology and Administration.
The Journal of Academic Administration in Higher Education (JAAHE) ISSN: 1936-3478 (print) JAAHE is in its fourth year of publication and is listed in Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Educational Psychology and Administration.
Dr. Edd R. Joyner, Joint Conference Chair edd.joyner@baker.edu or EddJoyner@charter.net
These conferences are sponsored by:
JW Press PO Box 49 Martin, TN 38237
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