-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [isworld] EDOC 2010: Call for Workshop Proposals; Deadline 10-12-2009 Datum: Thu, 3 Dec 2009 05:55:49 -0500 Von: Maria-Eugenia Iacob m.e.iacob@utwente.nl Antwort an: Maria-Eugenia Iacob m.e.iacob@utwente.nl An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network isworld@lyris.isworld.org
************************************************************************* Fourteenth IEEE International EDOC Conference (EDOC 2010) "The Enterprise Computing Conference" ************************************************************************* Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society (approval pending) and IEEE Communications Society Supported by OMG and The Open Group
25-29 October 2010, Vitória, ES, Brazil http://edoc2010.inf.ufes.br
************************************************************************** CALL FOR WORKSHOP PROPOSALS **************************************************************************
The IEEE EDOC Conference is the key annual event in enterprise computing. EDOC conferences address the full range of engineering technologies and methods contributing to intra- and inter-enterprise distributed application systems. EDOC 2010 will be the fourteenth event in the series of conferences. Since 1997, EDOC has brought together leading computer science researchers, IT decision makers, IT architects, solution designers and practitioners to discuss enterprise computing challenges, models and solutions from the perspectives of academia, industry and government.
Enterprise computing is based on a wide (and ever growing) range of methods, models, tools and technologies. The resulting applications also cover a broad spectrum of vertical domains and industry segments, from electronic and mobile commerce to real-time business applications for collaborating enterprises. In recent years, technologies related to business processes integration, management, execution and monitoring have become some of the top areas of interest in enterprise computing.
Today, the creation, operation and evolution of enterprise computing systems create challenges that range from high-level requirements and policy modeling to the deployment and maintenance of solutions in and across customer businesses.
The IEEE EDOC Conference emphasizes a holistic view on enterprise applications engineering and management, fostering integrated approaches that can address and relate processes, people and technology. The themes of openness and distributed computing, based on services, components and objects, provide a useful and unifying conceptual framework.
IEEE EDOC 2010 welcomes high quality scientific submissions as well as papers on enterprise computing industry experiences.
Expert panel discussions and keynotes will address hot topics and issues in the domain.
Workshops complement IEEE EDOC's main scientific program with presentations and discussions of both mature and preliminary project results, ideas, experiences, and knowledge in a way that is more interactive and more focused than paper sessions in the main conference program. To foster this interactivity and focus, workshops target a narrower range of topics and have smaller number of participants (often around 20 or more) compared to the main conference.
EDOC 2010 workshops will result in useful exchanges of ideas, improvement of understanding of topics and issues, and clearer identification of important open research issues and possible approaches towards their solution. They will not only cover in-depth study of research issues, but also address relevant issues for enterprise computing practice. Workshops can discuss emerging topics and technologies that are already raising interest of the broader enterprise computing community. They can also be used as an opportunity for participants to coordinate efforts and establish collaborations.
Workshops should be organized in a manner that fosters discussions among participants and active engagement of participants. In this respect, each EDOC 2010 workshop should have at least one discussion session that complements sessions with presentations of peer-reviewed full and short workshop papers. To facilitate discussion of recent research results and ongoing projects, workshops should accept short papers (4 pages in the IEEE-CS format), in addition to full papers (8 pages in the IEEE-CS format) describing more mature results.
Workshop proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer Society and included in the IEEE Computer Society Digital Library(CSDL) and the IEEE Xplore.
All submissions to workshops must comply with the IEEE Computer Society conference proceedings format guidelines http://www2.computer.org/portal/web/cscps/formatting) (please use the latest template as there have been updates recently).
Submissions must be in English.
At least 1 workshop chair has to be present at the workshop. At least 1 author of each accepted workshop paper will have to register for the whole EDOC conference and attend the workshop to present the paper. (Analogously to previous years, there will be no workshop-only registration at EDOC.) IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference (e.g., removal from IEEE Xplore) if the paper is not presented at the workshop. Similarly, all other workshop participants, including chairs and keynote speakers (if any), should register for the whole EDOC conference. No workshop costs (e.g., related to workshop chairs or keynote speakers) can be covered by the EDOC conference.
All EDOC 2010 workshops must have an informative Web page. In addition, the workshop chairs should vigorously advertise the workshop and the whole EDOC 2010 conference through all relevant distribution channels.
EDOC workshops will normally last 1 day. However, it is also possible to organize half-day or 2-day workshops.
We invite proposals for EDOC 2010 workshops satisfying the above general criteria. Workshop proposal submissions in PDF or TXT should be e-mailed to the EDOC 2010 Workshops Chair Dr. Maria-Eugenia Iacob (m.e.iacob at utwente.nl) with Subject line "EDOC 2010 Workshop Proposal Submission". Submission of a workshop proposal implies commitment to organize and hold this workshop at EDOC 2010 if the proposal is accepted. It also implies commitment to common EDOC 2010 workshop deadlines (listed below) for submission of workshop papers, notification of acceptance, and preparation of workshop proceedings.
The received workshop proposals will be reviewed by EDOC 2010 organizers and all suitable proposals will be accepted into the EDOC 2010 program. The selection of workshops will be based primarily on the timeliness and expected interest in the workshop topic within the broader enterprise computing community, fit of the workshop within the scope of the EDOC conference, and its potential to contribute to the productive exchange of knowledge and ideas. Workshop chairs' ability (e.g., experience) to organize a successful workshop (particularly, to attract sufficient number of paper submissions and participants) will be also taken into consideration.
Each workshop proposal should contain the following information:
Title of the workshop
1.Proposed duration of the workshop 2.Name, affiliation, and e-mail addresses of the workshop chairs 3.Extended abstract (about 500-1000 words; approximately 1-2 pages) of the workshop, explaining importance of the workshop topics, fit within and complementarity with the EDOC 2010 conference, intended audience, and other relevant issues that are not adequately covered in the preliminary Call for Papers 4.Preliminary Call for Papers (not all Program Committee members have to be confirmed at the workshop proposal submission time, although it is certainly beneficial to have some preliminary acceptances) 5.Information about distribution channels (e.g., list-servs) that will be used for advertising the workshop 6.History of the workshop (if it was held before) 7.Short biographies (about 200 words each) of all workshop chairs, including information about past experience in organizing/chairing conferences and workshops
EDOC Workshop Proposals should be submitted by December 10th 2009. Notifications to workshop organizers will be sent out by December 17th 2009. Workshops will take place on the 25th or 26th October 2010 (the first two days of the conference).
Workshop paper deadlines should follow this schedule (which enables the roll-out procedure and the publication of pre-conference proceedings in print and online):
Workshop paper submission due: 17 April 2010 Workshop paper notification: 4 June 2010 Workshop paper camera-ready paper due: 16 June 2010
General Chair: João Paulo A. Almeida (Fed. Univ. of Espirito Santo, Brazil)
Program Chairs: Giancarlo Guizzardi (Fed. Univ. of Espirito Santo, Brazil) Lea Kutvonen (University of Helsinki, Finland)
Workshops Chair: Maria-Eugenia Iacob (University of Twente, The Netherlands)
Finance Chair: Roberta Lima Gomes (Fed. Univ. of Espirito Santo, Brazil)
Publicity Chairs: José Raúl Romero (University of Cordoba, Spain) Antonio Vallecillo (University of Malaga, Spain) Dragan Gasevic (Athabasca University, Canada)
EDOC program inquiries should be sent to program co-chairs, Giancarlo Guizzardi (gguizzardi (at) acm.org) and Lea Kutvonen (Lea.Kutvonen (at) cs.Helsinki.FI)
Workshop inquiries should be sent to the workshops chair, Maria-Eugenia Iacob (m.e.iacob (at) utwente.nl)
Other inquires should be sent to the general chair, João Paulo A. Almeida (jpalmeida (at) ieee.org)
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