-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: Call for papers: Pacific Rim International Workshop on Electronic Commerce] Datum: Fri, 18 Nov 2005 18:50:31 +1100 Von: Minjie Zhang minjie@uow.edu.au Firma: "OptimaNumerics" An: Computational Science Mailing List computational.science@lists.optimanumerics.com
--------------------------- PRELIMINARY CALL FOR PAPERS --------------------------- The First Pacific Rim International Workshop on Electronic Commerce (PRIWEC 2006) March 27 - 28, 2006. http://www-toralab.ics.nitech.ac.jp/PRIWEC2006/ National Center of Sciences Building, Tokyo, Japan http://www.nii.ac.jp/map/hitotsubashi-e.html
In cooperation with - IPSJ (Information Processing Society in Japan) / IPSJ SIG-ICS (Special Interest Group on Intelligence and Complex Systems) - MACC (Special Interest Group on Multi-Agents and Cooperative Computation, Japan Society of Software Science and Technology).
This workshop may be sponsored by IEEE / IEEE Computer Society TCEC.
-------- Overview -------- PRIWEC2006 is the first Pacific Rim workshop on advances in theory, systems, and applications for electronic commerce. The increase of Electronic Commerce research activities can be observed in a variety of the fields. Though there have been several workshops on Electronic Commerce, there is little interaction so far among Pacific Rim countries. The aim of this workshop is to encourage activities in this field, and to bring together Pacific Rim researchers with an interest in Electronic Commerce. Unlike conventional conferences, this workshop will mainly discuss and explore scientific and practical problems as raised by the participants. The focus of the workshop will be on computer science, game theory, auction theory, artificial intelligence, multi-agent systems, WWW, semantic web, etc. In particular, the workshop will bring together researchers from Computer Science and Economics.
The workshop is interdisciplinary in nature, and will address the following topics:
- E-Commerce architecture - E-procurement and auctions - Mechanism design - Game theoretic analyses in e-commerce - Intelligent e-commerce system & agents - P2P & its application on e-commerce - Real-time Internet technologies - Scheduling protocols in e-commerce - Security & trust issues in e-commerce - WWW and e-commerce - Web services in e-commerce - Semantic Web and e-commerce - Strategy-proof and Incentive Compatible Mechanisms - Efficient mechanisms for trading - Coordination Mechanisms - Robust Negotiation Mechanisms - Computational mechanism design - Economic and game theoretic design and analysis - Two-sided matching
These issues are being explored by researchers from different communities in Electronic Commerce. This workshop will bring together researchers in the Asia Pacific area from these communities to learn about each other's approaches, form long-term collaborations, and cross-fertilize the different areas to accelerate progress towards scaling up to larger and more realistic applications.
-------------------------- IPSJ SIG-ICS -------------------------- This workshop is going to be held with IPSJ 143th SIG-ICS. Papers that are not accepted for PRIWEC2006 can be considered as submissions to IPSJ SIG-ICS.
-------------------------- PROGRAMS -------------------------- Technical sessions and invited talk sessions are planed. We would invite one or two speakers from international society on Electronic Commerce.
-------------------------- PAPER SUBMISSION -------------------------- The workshop is soliciting full papers on all aspects of electronic commerce. Submitted papers will be evaluated on significance, originality, technical quality, and exposition. They should clearly establish the research contribution, its relevance to electronic commerce, and its relation to prior research.
All accepted papers will be provided an oral presentation at the conference. In addition to oral presentations, there will be a poster session at which all accepted papers will be represented.
We require on-line submission through PRIWEC2006 home page (http:// www-toralab.ics.nitech.ac.jp/PRIWEC2006/). If you cannot send your paper by online submission systems, please send your paper by e-mail (PRIWEC2006ORG@autumn.ics.nitech.ac.jp).
Multiple submission policy for papers: Papers that are being submitted to other conferences, whether verbatim or in essence, must reflect this fact on the title page. Papers that do not meet this requirement are subject to rejection without review. Each paper needs to be reviewed by at least two PC members or experts in the field.
----------------------------- FORMATTING GUIDELINES: ----------------------------- We encourage submission in Springer Lecture Notes Series format. (See the Springer LNCS home page: http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/ authors.html). The length of papers is recommended to be 15 pages long excluding bibliography. However, slightly longer papers may also be accepted. All submissions must include the author's name(s), affiliation, complete mailing address, phone number, fax number and email address. All papers must be submitted in PDF format.
--------------- Publication --------------- All accepted papers will be published by the IEEE Computer Society. Also, all accepted papers will be published in the Workshop Proceedings.
-------------- Key dates -------------- Paper Submission: Dec. 23, 2005. Notifications: Jan. 25, 2006. Camera-ready copy: February 10, 2006 Workshop: March 26 - 27, 2006
----------------------------------------------------------- Workshop Organizing Committee (tentative) -----------------------------------------------------------
Organizing Committee Makoto Yokoo (yokoo@is.kyushu-u.ac.jp) (Organizing Chair) Kyushu University, Japan Takayuki Ito (itota@ics.nitech.ac.jp) (Program Co-Chair) Nagoya Institute of Tech. Japan/ Harvard University / Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US. Tokuro Matsuo (tmatsuo@ics.nitech.ac.jp) (Program Co-Chair) Nagoya Institute of Tech., Japan Minjie Zhang (minjie@uow.edu.au) (Program Co-Chair) Woolongong University, Australia
Program Committee Jen-Yao Chung (jychung@us.ibm.com) IBM T. J. Watson Research Center Vivian Ding (dingw@cn.ibm.com) IBM China Research Lab, China Sven Doering (doering@forsip.de) University of Augsburg, Germany Martin Hepp (mhepp@computer.org) University of Innsbruck, Austria Atsushi Iwasaki (iwasaki@is.kyushu-u.ac.jp) Kyushu University, Japan Juhnyoung Lee (jyl@us.ibm.com) IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA Sang-goo Lee (sglee@europa.snu.ac.kr) Seoul National University, Korea Thomas Li (thomasli@us.ibm.com) IBM China Research Lab, China Kwei-Jay Lin (klin@uci.edu) University of California, Irvine, USA Werner Kiessling (kiessling@informatik.uni-augsburg.de) Institut fur Informatik, Germany Shigeo Matsubara (matsubara@cslab.kecl.ntt.co.jp) NTT Communication Science Laboratory, Japan Yuriko Sawatani (yuriko@jp.ibm.com) IBM Tokyo Research Lab, Japan Junho Shim (jshim@sookmyung.ac.kr) Sookmyung Women's University, Korea Takahiro Watanabe (nabe@nabenavi.net) Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan Hirofumi Yamaki (yamaki@i.kyoto-u.ac.jp) Kyoto University, Japan