-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [WI] CfP 27th International EDOC Conference (EDOC 2023) Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2023 15:09:24 +0000 From: Pufahl, Luise luise.pufahl@tu-berlin.de Reply-To: Pufahl, Luise luise.pufahl@tu-berlin.de To: WI@lists.kit.edu WI@lists.kit.edu
Dear colleagues,
Please find attached the CfP of EDOC 2023. We are looking forward to your submissions.
27th International EDOC Conference (EDOC 2023) Enterprise Design, Operations and Computing October 30 - November 3, 2023, Groningen, The Netherlands (on-site) http://edocconference.org/2023
Special theme for 2023: Sustainable Enterprises
EDOC 2023 is the 27th conference in the EDOC series. EDOC conferences traditionally provide a key forum for researchers and practitioners in the field of Enterprise Design, Operations and Computing, by addressing the full range of models, methodologies, and engineering technologies contributing to building and evolving intra- and inter-enterprise software systems.
EDOC 2023 will be hosted by the Bernoulli Institute for Mathematics, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence of the University of Groningen, in Groningen, the Netherlands. It will be collocated with the 29th International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS).
EDOC 2023 calls for contributions with a special emphasis on the theme of designing and operating “Sustainable Enterprises” to reflect the global developments toward sustainable living. In this context, new concepts and approaches are required: (a) to address pressing challenges ensuing from the need for sustainability in domains like healthcare, advanced manufacturing, finance, environmental management, agriculture, supply chain management, energy, and others, while ensuring long-term interoperability and resilience of enterprise systems; and (b) to leverage or rethink technologies such as digital twins, machine learning, IoT, big data analytics, distributed ledgers/blockchain, as well as novel computing approaches, when addressing the multifaceted nature of sustainable enterprise systems.
The conference welcomes high-quality scientific submissions and experience papers from industry. Additionally, expert panel discussions and keynotes will address current topics and issues in this domain.
Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:
* Enterprise Architecture & Engineering
Methods, Frameworks, Reference Models, and Tools, for Enterprise Architecture Enterprise architecture for networked organisations Architectural impact of new technologies, including AI, cloud computing, edge computing, block chain, etc. Architecture level concerns, such as interoperability, security, sustainability, etc.
* Service-Oriented Software System Architectures
Service composition, orchestration and choreography Service policies, contract definition and enforcement Software & services modeling languages and approaches Architectures for cyber-physical systems Software architecture level concerns, such as interoperability, security, sustainability, etc.
* Model-Based Software Engineering
Software engineering methods for enterprise computing Model-driven architectures and software development Domain specific modeling languages (DSML) Engineering of digital twins Low code platforms
* Enterprise Cyber Security
Sensing and Awareness Threat modeling, attack simulation, intrusion detection and prevention Access control & SOA security Blockchain and enterprise security Privacy Preserving Technologies
* Business Process and Business rules
Process modeling, verification, configuration, architectures and enabling infrastructures Process mining and robotic process automation Business process agility/flexibility and decision management Business rule languages and engines, process compliance
* Semantics and Information Management
Business object modeling methodologies and approaches Enterprise taxonomies, ontologies and business knowledge integration Master data management, data mining and (real-time) data Data quality and trustworthiness Combining data-driven and symbolic modeling approaches
* Modeling in an enterprise context
Philosophical, linguistic, and mathematical foundations of modeling Return on modeling effort Design and evolution of modeling languages and frameworks Modeling practices and modeling capabilities in enterprises Experience reports and case studies on models at work (in an enterprise context)
Two types of submissions are solicited:
a) scientific research papers (including case studies), and
b) industry experience reports.
Scientific papers should describe original results not having been accepted or submitted for publication elsewhere. These papers will be peer-reviewed based on their scientific and technical contribution, originality, and relevance. Case studies following a formal case study research method (e.g., involving elaborate and well-structured gathering and processing of data from the case(s)) also fall within this category of papers.
Industry experience reports should provide insights from real-world experiences, e.g., feedback about the state of practice or pose challenges for researchers. These reports must be based on real-world projects and involve at least one author with industry affiliation. Such reports are required to follow the STARR template (the Situation in which the project took place, the Task that needed to be done, the Activities that were conducted (and the tools/methods/technologies used), the Results that were achieved, followed by well-motivated Reflections). These papers will be evaluated based on appropriateness, significance, and clarity.
Papers should be submitted at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=edoc2023
All papers will be refereed by at least 3 members of the international programme committee, while a dedicated programme board will oversee the general reviewing process. The proceedings will be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. Full papers should follow the Springer LNCS style at https://www.springer.com/gp/computer-science/lncs/conference-proceedings-gui.... The page limit for submitted papers (as well as final, camera-ready papers) is 16 pages (including references). An Overleaf LaTeX template is available for your convenience.
Each paper must have one of its authors registered to EDOC 2023 before the camera-ready deadline. The organizers reserve the right to remove a paper from the proceedings if no author is registered by the camera-ready deadline. Only papers presented during the conference will be published in the proceedings.
Abstract submission: May 21, 2023 Full paper submission: June 4, 2023 Full paper notification: July 21, 2023 Camera ready papers: September 3, 2023
Prof. Dr. Luise Pufahl
Chair of Software and Business Engineering Technische Universitaet Berlin
luise.pufahl@tu-berlin.de mailto:luise.pufahl@tu-berlin.de www.tu-berlin.de http://www.tu-berlin.de/
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