-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [computational.science] CFP: The Ninth International Conference on Simulated Evolution And Learning (SEAL'2012), 16-19 December 2012 Date: Thu, 2 Feb 2012 12:27:23 +0800 From: Weicai Zhong wakenov@gmail.com Organization: "ICCSA" To: Computational Science Mailing List computational.science@lists.iccsa.org
SEAL 2012 http://fit.lqdtu.edu.vn/seal2012/
The Ninth International Conference on Simulated Evolution And Learning (SEAL'2012) 16-19 December 2012, Ha Noi, Vietnam
Publications -------------- All accepted papers which are presented at the conference will be included in the conference proceedings, published as LNCS (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) by Springer. Selected best papers will be invited for further revisions and extensions for possible publications by several journal special issues.
Important Dates: ------------------ Paper Submission: 1, May, 2012 Notification of Acceptance: 1, July, 2012 Camera Ready Due: 1, August, 2012 Early Registration: 15, August, 2012 Conference Sessions: 16-19, December, 2012
Aim and Scopes -------------- Evolution and learning are two fundamental forms of adaptation. SEAL'2012 is the ninth biennial conference in the highly successful series that aims at exploring these two forms of adaptation and their roles and interactions in adaptive systems. Cross-fertilization between evolutionary learning and other machine learning approaches, such as neural network learning, reinforcement learning, decision tree learning, fuzzy system learning, etc., will be strongly encouraged by the conference. The other major theme of the conference is optimization by evolutionary approaches or hybrid evolutionary approaches. The topics of interest to this conference include but are not limited to the following: Evolutionary Learning; Evolutionary Optimization; Hybrid Learning; Adaptive Systems; Theoretical Issues in Evolutionary Computation; Real-World Applications of Evolutionary Computation Techniques.
1. Evolutionary Learning * Fundamental Issues in Evolutionary Learning * Co-Evolutionary Learning * Classifier System * Collective Intelligence * Modular Evolutionary Learning Systems * Representation Issues in Evolutionary Learning * Artificial Immune Systems * Credit Assignment * Interactions Between Learning and Evolution * Memetic Computation * Swarm Intelligence * Comparison between Evolutionary Learning and Other Learning Approaches
2. Evolutionary Optimization * Combinatorial Optimization * Numerical/Function Optimization * Hybrid Optimization Algorithms * Comparison of Algorithms * Other Nature-Inspired Algorithms (ant colony optimization, particle swarm optimization, simulated annealing, etc.)
3. Hybrid Learning * Evolutionary Artificial Neural Networks * Evolutionary Fuzzy Systems * Evolutionary Reinforcement Learning * Evolutionary Clustering * Evolutionary Decision Tree Learning * Evolutionary Unsupervised Learning * Genetic Programming * Other Hybrid Learning Systems * Developmental Processes
4. Adaptive Systems * Artificial Ecology * Complexity in Adaptive Systems * Evolutionary Robotics * Evolvable Hardware and Software * Evolutionary Games * Memetic Automaton * Self-Repairing Systems * Evolutionary Computation Techniques in Economics, Finance and Marketing
5. Theoretical Issues in Evolutionary Computation * Self-Adaptation in Evolutionary Algorithms * Computational Complexity of Evolutionary Algorithms * Convergence and Convergence Rate of Evolutionary Algorithms
6. Real-World Applications of Evolutionary Computation Techniques
For detailed information, please see http://fit.lqdtu.edu.vn/seal2012/default.aspx For more information about the place of the conference, please see e.g. http://fit.lqdtu.edu.vn/seal2012/location.aspx
We look forward to welcoming you in Hanoi, Vietnam! Dr. Lam Thu Bui, Dr. Yew-Soon Ong, General Conference Chairs