-------- Original Message -------- Subject: IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems Date: Wed, 7 Mar 2012 04:00:00 -0500 From: conference-services@ieee.org Reply-To: do-not-reply@ieee.org To: gustaf.neumann@wu-wien.ac.at
Dear colleagues,
Welcome to 2012 6th IEEE International Conference IntelligentSystems (IEEE IS 2012), IEEE record #19762
IEEE Computational Intelligence Chapter, Bulgaria IEEE IM/CS/SMC Joint Chapter, Bulgaria
Technical Co-Sponsors:
IEEE Region 8 IEEE Computational Intelligence Society
IEEE IS 2012 is a world-class conference held for the 6th time that aims to bring together researchers from both academy and industry, practitioners and students in the broad field of intelliget systems and applications from around the world. The conference will be held in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria, EU. The bi-annual IEEE IS (http://www.ieee-is.org) covers all topics in intelligent systems and applications including: ¦Advanced Intelligent Systems ¦Artificial Intelligence ¦Artificial life ¦Bioinformatics and Computational Biology ¦Business and Finance ¦Case-based and Temporal Reasoning ¦Cognitive Aspects of Intelligent Systems ¦Coevolution and collective behaviour ¦Computational Intelligence ¦Data Fusion ¦Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery ¦Data Processing ¦Deep Data Mining ¦Decision Support Systems ¦Evolutionary Computation ¦Education, e-Learning ¦Emerging areas ¦Enviromental Engineering ¦Fuzzy Sets and Logics, and Their Extensions ¦Genetic Algorithms ¦Health, Medicine,Bioengineering ¦Human-Machine Interaction Intelligent Behavior ¦Intelligent Control ¦Intelligent Information Security Systems ¦Intelligent Measurement ¦Intelligent Network Technologies ¦Intelligent Signal Processing ¦Knowledge Management ¦Machine Learning ¦Multi-Agent Systems ¦Neural Networks and Neuro-Fuzzy Systems ¦Ontology-Based Intelligent Systems ¦Petri Nets and Their Extensions ¦Power Industry ¦Process Control ¦Robotics and Manufacturing ¦Swarm Intelligence and Ant Colony Optimization ¦Telecommunication ¦Transportation ¦WEB Mining
In addition to the technical, poster and student sessions, Plenary Lectures will be delivered by Prof. R. Yager (USA), Prof. N. Kasabov (NZ), M. Dorigo (BE), J. Kacprzyk (PL), Prof.A. Kordon (USA) and Prof. A. Gegov (UK).
For additional information please write to Professor Krassimir Atanassov, Chair of NOC: ieee-is2012 .at. bas.bg
Paper Submission
Prospective authors are invited to contribute original,draft papers in IEEE conference format to IEEE IS 2012 through website http://www.edas.info For more information: http://www.ieee-is.org/.
The proceedings will be indexed in major databases and available through IEEE web site.
Traditionally the augmented versions of conference selected papers appear within 1-2 years after the conference dates in well-known International Journals and post-conference books. The last one is published in Springer series 'Advances in Soft Computing'.
The deadline for calls for Invited Sessions (minimum 5 papers), Tutorials and Workshops is March 20, 2011.
Other Important Dates
Invited session/Tutorial/Workshop decision notification: March 20, 2012 Draft paper submission deadline: March 27, 2012 Notification of acceptance: April 15, 2012 Submission of final papers: May 5, 2012 Early registration: May 5, 2012 Conference dates: September 6-8, 2012
Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP
IS'12 Honorary Chairman: Prof. Lotfi Zadeh (USA)
IS'12 General Chairmen: Prof. Ronald Yager (USA) Prof. Vassil Sgurev (Bulgaria)
IS'12 Technical Program Chair: Prof. Vladimir Jotsov (Bulgaria)
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