-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [isworld] Call for papers - ICISO 2009 Datum: Tue, 16 Sep 2008 11:38:23 -0400 Von: Chenghua Lin chenghua.lin@reading.ac.uk Antwort an: Chenghua Lin chenghua.lin@reading.ac.uk An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network isworld@lyris.isworld.org
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Call for papers - ICISO 2009
11th International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations http://www.orgsem.org/2009
The International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations (ICISO 2009), previously named International Conference on Organisational Semiotics (ICOS), is the eleventh in a series of international events devoted to the latest research in informatics and applications of Organisational Semiotics in organisations. The main theme on this occasion is:
*** Information Systems in the Changing Era: Theory and Practice ***
The ICISO 2009 aims to provide a focal forum for active researchers, practitioners, business and industrial professionals and academics from diversified domains of information systems and with diversified backgrounds to get together, to share latest research achievements and practical experiences, to exchange in-depth findings and innovative ideas, and in particular to harness the greatest challenges in the changing era and think seriously into the future.
The ICISO 2009 will also continue the effort of the international research community in the development of the emergent discipline in informatics and its applications. It will focus not only on the theory building, but also on practical benefits gained so far through applications of methods and techniques derived from various approaches.
Papers describing original work in all areas of information systems are invited. Accepted papers, presented at the conference by one of the authors, will be published in the Proceedings of ICISO2009. Acceptance will be based on quality, relevance and originality.
** Topics Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Organisational Semiotic theory, concepts, methods and techniques, and their practical applications - Semiotically motivated approaches to information systems - Pragmatic web and applications - Adaptive architecture for information systems - Methodologies for information systems design and implementation - Information engineering and complex systems - Semiotic engineering and semiotics in business computing - Agent-based information systems for business support - Information managements in logistics - Information technology in value chain management - Information fusion in enterprise applications - E-government, e-commerce, mobile and pervasive commerce - Customer relationship management and data mining - Enterprise resource planning and supply chain management - Service-oriented computing - Semantic web and its applications - Innovative business models for mobile commerce - Integration of heterogeneous systems - Mobile services and ubiquitous/pervasive systems - Future generation enterprise information systems - Enterprise modelling and simulation - Enterprise application integration - User-centred approaches to information systems and information management - Ubiquitous information access - Knowledge management - Ontology engineering - Business process and workflow modelling, analysis, integration and management - Business process reengineering - Business intelligence - Enterprise modelling and simulation - Applications, case studies, and management issues - Digital content management
*** Important dates Full paper submission: 15 November, 2008 Notification of acceptance: 7 January 2009 Camera-ready version: 30 January, 2009 Conference: 10-12 April, 2009
*** Submission Guidelines Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research papers that must not be published elsewhere and not currently under review for any other publication. The manuscripts in English must be submitted in IEEE format as PDF files and may not exceed 8 pages. Please follow IEEE CPS authors guidelines (http://www.computer.org/portal/pages/cscps/cps/cps_forms.html) to prepare your papers. At least one of the authors of accepted papers is requested to register and present their work at the conference.
*** Publication The papers will be selected based on a peer review by at least three independent members of the program committee. This review process will be anonymous in order to ensure the quality and in order to avoid prejudices. Conference proceedings will be published by IEEE Press and submitted for index by EI and ISTP. Selected best papers will be considered for "fast track" review by some prestigious journals(pending).
*** Host institution Beijing University of Technology, China
*** Supported by Informatics Research Centre (http://www.reading.ac.uk/irc) INSTICC, Portugal (http://www.insticc.net/)
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