-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [computational.science] Call for Book Chapters: COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE Datum: Mon, 9 Apr 2007 17:21:02 -0600 Von: Marina Gavrilova marina@cpsc.ucalgary.ca Organisation: "OptimaNumerics" An: Computational Science Mailing List computational.science@lists.optimanumerics.com
Call for Book Chapters in UPCOMING BOOK:
Computational Intelligence: a Geometry-based Approach
in Springer Series on Computational Intelligence
http://www.springer.com/west/home?SGWID=4-102-69-173623546-0 http://www.springer.com/west/home?SGWID=4-102-69-173623546-0&changeHeader=t rue&SHORTCUT=www.springer.com/series/7092 &changeHeader=true&SHORTCUT=www.springer.com/series/7092
EDITOR: Marina L. Gavrilova
PUBLISHER: Springer, Germany
DEADLINE (for expression of interest): April 27, 2007
Computational Science is a main pillar of most of the present research, industrial and commercial activities and plays a unique role in exploiting ICT innovative technologies. As part of computational science, the area of intelligent computing has been the driving force behind many recent innovations in problem solving and simulation strategies, applied to complex real world problems.
The new and exiting concept of intelligent and adaptive computing contributes to the development of new generation computer systems, networks, and algorithms. Aside from methodological advances, it finds many applications in such rapidly developing areas as visualizations, 3D graphics, bioinformatics, computer simulation, high-performance computing, biometric, Geographical Information Systems, robotics, and navigation. In all of the above areas, topology and geometry play a key role in choosing methods and techniques for data representation, visualization and analysis.
The objective of this book is therefore to present a comprehensive survey of studies on Computational Intelligence with the focus on exploiting Geometrical properties of the data sets. It will present a gamut of novel ideas, insightful findings and interactive systems across multiple disciplines and applications, showcasing power of merging geometry-based techniques with intelligent and adaptive computing.
The book will concentrate on computational aspects of intelligent computing and has at its focus geometric methods and their applications.
All chapters will be focused on specific research topics relating to different book sections. The list of provisional topics for each book section can be found in the tentative table of contents.
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit electronically 1-2 page proposals specifying
- title of the chapter and its relationship to the list of contents - chapter authors - type of the proposed chapter (i.e. state of the art, novel methodology, review, application) - scope and concentration of the proposed chapter.
The authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection of their proposal by April 30, 2007. Authors of accepted proposals will be invited to submit full chapters by May 31st, 2007 in accordance with provided guidelines. All submitted chapters will be peer-reviewed by assigned referees.
All accepted chapters must be formatted according to detailed guidelines available on Springer web site:
http://www.springer.com/west/home/new+%26+forthcoming+titles+%28default%29?S GWID=4-40356-69-173623546-0 http://www.springer.com/west/home/new+%26+forthcoming+titles+%28default%29? SGWID=4-40356-69-173623546-0&detailsPage=contentItemPage&contentItemId=14981 3&CIPageCounter=CI_FOR_AUTHORS_AND_EDITORS_PAGE1 &detailsPage=contentItemPage&contentItemId=149813&CIPageCounter=CI_FOR_AUTHO RS_AND_EDITORS_PAGE1
Please submit chapter proposals of 1-2 pages via e-mail to:
Editor Marina L. Gavrilova mailto:marina@cpsc.ucalgary.ca marina@cpsc.ucalgary.ca by April 27, 2007.
1. Foundations of Intelligent Computing
-Scope of Intelligent Computing
-Recent Advances in Intelligent Computing
-Intelligent Computing and Computational Geometry
2. Classification of Input Data and Geometric Data structures for Data Representation
-Types of input data (in GIS, medical research, imaging, visualization, modeling)
-Types of data formats
-Types of data structures
3. Geometric data representation and its evolution over the last decades
4. Intelligent geometric algorithms and their evolution (intelligent searching, randomized techniques, dynamic algorithms, heuristic-based algorithms, feature-based algorithms, evolutionary computing, etc.)
5. Intelligent approach to adaptive hierarchical systems and their utilization in GIS (terrain modeling), robotics (navigation), evolutional computing (swarm simulation), biometric (decision making).
6. Applications of intelligent geometric systems to: - communications, - networks, - bioinformatics,
- computational physics, - computational chemistry, - computational biology, - biometrics,
- geographical information systems, - computer graphics, - art
7. Visualization of intelligent geometric systems, including dynamic interactive systems
8. Case studies
9. Conclusions
Marina L. Gavrilova, Ph.D. Associate Professor
Editor-in-Chief, TCS Journal, Springer
SPARCS Lab Co-Head BTLab Co-Head Department of Computer Science University of Calgary Calgary AB Canada T2N1N4 Phone: (403) 220-5105 Fax: (403) 284-4707 Official web: www.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/~marina