---------- Forwarded Message ---------- Subject: 8th ERCIM Workshop "User Interfaces for All" - Call for PapersDate: Tuesday 30 September 2003 20:54From: Peter Brusilovsky peterb@mail.sis.pitt.eduTo: Adilah Nisman m4hsuri@time.net.my, Amnonarbel amnon@canaan.co.il, Antonio Braz cstore@vetorialnet.com.br, "CATAI-Prof.Dr.Ferrer-Roca" catai@teide.net, Claude Ghaoui C.Ghaoui@livjm.ac.uk, DAOUDI ABDELKRIM daoudi_abdelkrim@hotmail.com, David Schwartz dschwar@mail.biu.ac.il, Djamel Fezzani fezzani@inrs-telecom.uquebec.ca, Frankie fkiecarrero@wanadoo.es, "Gamper Johann (P)" JGamper@unibz.it, Haido Samaras hsamara@uom.gr, Henrry koala.shu@msa.hinet.net, Isabela Gasparini isagasp@sercomtel.com.br, Jat Hothi jathothi@hotmail.com, "K. Koidl" koidl@rbg.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de, Lynn Thomas lynner@nb.sympatico.ca, "m.c. schraefel" mc@cs.toronto.edu, "Neil W. Van Dyke" nwv@media.mit.edu, Nelis Franken igor@global.co.za, "Pedro M. Hontangas" pedro.m.hontangas@uv.es, Rafael Morales Gamboa rmorales@iie.org.mx, Riccardo Ortale ortale@si.deis.unical.it, Robert Farrell robfarr@us.ibm.com, Rolf Zajonc zajonc@physik.hu-berlin.de, Samir sam@manner44.freeserve.co.uk, sariya binsaleh sariyab@hotmail.com, Sejin Chung chungs@state.mi.us, "Sherry Y. Chen" Sherry.Chen@brunel.ac.uk, Susanne van Mulken mulken@ai-gate.cs.uni-sb.de, Talha Khan talha_khan25@hotmail.com, "Tomas A. Perez Fernandez" jippefet@si.ehu.es, Vagelis Mennis v.mennis@aegean.gr, Vangelis Triantafillou vtrianta@csd.auth.gr, Zhou Xuehai xhzhou@ustc.edu.cn, alenka.kavcic@fri.uni-lj.si, Anastasia Adila m4hsuri@yahoo.com, elisabeth.andre@dfki.de, Elisabeth Andre andre@informatik.uni-augsburg.de, Angel Garcia Crespo acrespo@ia.uc3m.es, anna.stefani@infotn.it, Arouna WOUKEU warouna@yahoo.co.uk, AShapiro@UMassD.Edu, Boaz Mermelshtein boazme@oumail.openu.ac.il, Bob Young ryoung@SciComp.com, boecker@darmstadt.gmd.de (Dr. Heinz Dieter Boecker), Brigitte Trousse Brigitte.Trousse@sophia.inria.fr, Carlo Strapparava strappa@irst.itc.it, Charles Nicholas nicholas@cs.umbc.edu, Christian Süß suess@fmi.uni-passau.de, Christoph von Uthmann ischut@wi.uni-muenster.de, Clara Ines Pena de Carrillo clarenes@silver.udg.es, Claude Ghaoui C.Ghaoui@livjm.ac.uk, Claudia Engel cengel@cesga.es, Cord.Hockemeyer@kfunigraz.ac.at (Cord Hockemeyer), Cornelia Seeberg Cornelia.Seeberg@KOM.tu-darmstadt.de, cstaff@cs.um.edu.mt (Christopher Staff), d.mullier@lmu.ac.uk, damien@cometway.com, Daryl McCullough daryl@cogentex.com, David Brown dcb@sequoia.WPI.EDU, David Bueno Vallejo bueno@lcc.uma.es, Paul De Bra debra@win.tue.nl, Fiorella de Rosis fide@flashnet.it, dlamas@ufp.pt, dparra@cutipay.inf.uach.cl, dufresne@iro.umontreal.ca (Aude Dufresne), dunja@cs.cmu.edu, "Eklund, John" JohnE@testingcentre.com, Eric Schwarzkopf schwarzk@dfki.de, Erica Melis melis@ags.uni-sb.de, Fabio Paterno fabio.paterno@cnuce.cnr.it, Fahri Yetim fahri.yetim@njit.edu, Fiorella de Rosis fide@mbox.flashnet.it, Florina Almenárez florina@it.uc3m.es, Franca Garzotto garzotto@elet.polimi.it, Francisco Saiz francisco.saiz@ii.uam.es, Fresta Giuseppe Giuseppe.Fresta@cnuce.cnr.it, Fulantelli fulantelli@itdf.pa.cnr.it, G.Fresta@cnuce.cnr.it, Gary Katzenstein mngary@ust.hk, Gene Golovchinsky gene@pal.xerox.com, "Juan E. 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8th ERCIM WORKSHOP "USER INTERFACES FOR ALL" Palais Eschenbach, Vienna, Austria 28-29 June 2004 Special Theme "User-Centred Interaction Paradigms for Universal Access in the Information Society" http://www.ui4all.gr/workshop2004/
Call for Papers ============================================================
Technical Description--------------------- The 8th ERCIM Workshop "User Interfaces for All" builds upon theresults of the seven previousWorkshops held in Heraklion, Crete, Greece, 30-31 October 1995;Prague, Czech Republic, 7-8 November1996; Obernai, France, 3-4 November 1997; Stockholm, Sweden, 19-21October 1998; Dagstuhl, Germany,28 November - 1 December 1999; Florence, Italy, 25-26 October 2000;and Paris (Chantilly), France,23-25 October, 2002. The vision of User Interfaces for All advocates the proactiverealisation of the "design for all"principle in the field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), andinvolves the development of userinterfaces to interactive applications and telematic services, whichprovide universal access andusability to potentially all users. In the tradition of its predecessors, this Workshop aims toconsolidate recent work, and tostimulate further discussion, on the state of the art in UserInterfaces for All, and its increasingrange of applications in the emerging Information Society. Theemphasis of this year's event is on"User-Centred Interaction Paradigms for Universal Access in theInformation Society", and invitescontributions on a broad range of topics, including technological,applications and policydevelopments aiming to advance the notion of an Information Societyaccessible and acceptable by thewidest possible end user population. As a result of the increasing demand for ubiquitous and continuousaccess to information andservices, Information Society Technologies are anticipated to evolvein the current decade towards anew paradigm, characterised by computing and networking technologiespresent everywhere and embeddedin everyday objects, which are interconnected in a web-like structureand form a virtualall-encompassing computing platform. Such a platform is composed ofmultiple distributed processingand interactive units, is capable of monitoring the user and canexhibit different degrees ofintelligence. This paradigm-shift will have profound consequences onthe type, content andfunctionality of the emerging products and services, as well as onthe way people will interact withthem. The 8th ERCIM Workshop "User Interfaces for All" will thereforefocus on the new HCIchallenges arising from this evolution, and on how these will affectthe continuing efforts towardsUniversal Access in the Information Society. Scientific / technological contributions should be on concepts andtools that advance theunderstanding of, and contribute towards, Universal Access to the newcomputer-mediated virtualspaces. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to, future andemerging technologies, novelcomputing paradigms, computer-mediated virtual spaces, architecturesand tools, interactionplatforms, interaction metaphors, experimental or empirical studies,etc., which bear an impact onthe scope of human access to digital content in an Information Society. Application-oriented contributions may address practice andexperience in the application ofUniversal Access principles in critical domains such as health,education, employment, etc. In thiscontext, this year's Workshop encourages contributions that elaborateupon, adopt, apply or validatea Universal Access code of practice in selected application domains. Design-oriented contributions should focus on the development and theapplication of principles ofuser-centred design in the course of universally accessible softwaredevelopment. Of particularinterest are contributions that describe and reflect successfuldesign cases. They should indicatethe progressive development of established user-centred designtechniques towards handling diversitywith respect to user, as well as functional requirements. Finally, contributions on policy developments should discuss theimpact of non-technologicalfactors, such as legislation, standardisation, technology transfer,etc., on developing a culturefor Universal Access in the Information Society, for all partiesconcerned and in particular theindustry. Policy contributions may cover success stories of the pastor identify obstacles to beaddressed by effective policy interventions.
Areas of interest----------------- Areas of interest for which papers are solicited, include, but arenot limited to, the followingtopics: - Adaptable and adaptive interaction- User modeling techniques & applications- Intelligent interface technologies- Novel interaction techniques, multimedia / multimodal interfaces- Design methodologies: user-centred, customer-centred, participatory, community-based, inclusive, etc.- Universal Access design methods and tools- Interface architectures, development tools, interoperability- Universal access and software quality models- Universal Access scenarios for ambient intelligence- Universal Access and novel interaction paradigms (wearable and ubiquitous computing, tangible interfaces, Virtual Reality)- Novel interaction metaphors- User Support, role-based modeling- Accessibility of (public) web sites- Accessibility of novel devices (PDAs, mobiles and other network-attachable devices)- Presence, awareness, cooperation and collaboration in virtual social information spaces- Personalised content organisation and delivery- Access to community-tailored archival knowledge- Access to e-services (e-learning, e-government, e-health, etc)- Evaluation techniques and tools- Accessibility and usability practices- National and European policies for e-accessibility- Standards development for Universal Design and Universal Access- Advances in legislation for Universal Access
Solicited contributions----------------------- The 8th ERCIM Workshop "User Interfaces for All" aims to solicit: - long papers (between 12 and 20 pages), reporting original completed research and development activities relevant to the themes of User Interfaces for All (see list above);- short papers (between 6 and 8 pages), reporting work in progress or late breaking results;- position papers (between 4 and 8 pages);- poster presentations (two-page abstract).
Review Process-------------- All submissions will be peer reviewed by at least 2 reviewers.Accepted papers will be presentedduring the Workshop and will appear in the Workshop Proceedings.
Publications------------ The Workshop Proceedings will be published by Springer on paper andelectronically. Paperpresentation at the Workshop and publication in the Proceedings areconditional on registration ofone author to the Workshop. The authors of the best papers will be invited to submit an extendedversion to the Springer journal"Universal Access in the Information Society"(http://link.springer.de/journals/uais/). The abstracts of the poster presentations will be published in theWorkshop Adjunct Proceedings.
Submission---------- Submissions should be sent by e-mail to Prof. Christian Stary(Christian.Stary@jku.at). Submissions in PDF or in Word (PC or Macintosh) format should includea short abstract (200 words)and comply with the following format: A4, 1 column, with 1 inchmargins, Times New Roman 12 pointfont, single spacing. Poster presentations do not require short abstracts.
Important Dates--------------- - 15 February 2004 Deadline for electronic submission of all papers - 1 April 2004 Conditional notification of acceptance (confirmation will be given upon registration) - 1 May 2004 Deadline for electronic submission of camera-ready papers - 31 May 2004 Deadline for registration
Keynote Speakers---------------- Ben Shneiderman, University of Maryland, USAJenny Preece, University of Maryland Baltimore County, USA
Registration fees----------------- 350 Euros (this will include: 2 lunches, 1 gala dinner and 4 coffee breaks)
Programme Committee------------------- - Prof. Christian Stary, University of Linz, Austria (Programme Chair)- Prof. Constantine Stephanidis, ICS-FORTH and University of Crete, Greece (Workshop Chair)- Dr. Ray Adams, University of Middlesex, UK- Dr. Demosthenes Akoumianakis, ICS-FORTH, Greece- Prof. Elizabeth Andre, University of Augsburg, Germany- Dr. Markus Bylund, SICS, Sweden- Prof. Noelle Carbonell, LORIA (CNRS, INRIA, Universite de Nancy), France- Dr. P. John Clarkson, University of Cambridge, UK- Dr. Pier Luigi Emiliani, CNR-IFAC, Italy- Dr. Hans W. Gellersen, Lancaster University, UK- Dr. Andreas Holzinger, University of Graz, Austria- Dr. Ilias Iakovidis, European Commission- Dr. Fabio Paterno, CNR-CNUCE, Italy- Prof. Michael Fairhurst, University of Kent at Canterbury, UK- Mr. Seppo Haataja, NOKIA Mobile Phones, Finland- Dr. Eija Kaasinen, VTT, Finland- Dr. Simeon Keates, University of Cambridge, UK- Dr. Sri Hastuti Kurniawan, UMIST, UK- Dr. Reinhard Oppermann, Fraunhofer-FIT, Germany- Dr. Michael Pieper, Fraunhofer-FIT, Germany- Dr. Thomas Rist, DFKI, Germany- Dr. Anthony Savidis, ICS-FORTH, Greece- Dr. Dominique Scapin, INRIA, France- Prof. Jean Vanderdonckt, Universite catholique de Louvain, Belgium- Dr. Harald Weber, ITA, Germany- Prof. Michael Wilson, RAL, United Kingdom- Dr. Juergen Ziegler, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Contact Details--------------- For more information, please contact: Programme Chair: Prof. Christian StaryUniversity of LinzDepartment of Business Information SystemsCommunications EngineeringFreistadterstra?e 315A - 4040 Linz, Austriatel: +43 732 2468 7102, fax: +43 732 2468 7111e-mail: christian.stary@jku.at Workshop Chair: Prof. Constantine StephanidisChair ERCIM WG UI4ALLInstitute of Computer ScienceFoundation for Research and Technology-HellasHeraklion, CreteGR-71110 Greecetel: +30 2810 391741, fax: +30 2810 391740e-mail: cs@ics.forth.gr
Local Organisers: AARITAUSTRIAN SOCIETY OF COMPUTER SCIENCEWollzeile 3A - 1010 Vienna, Austria ------------------------------------------------------- -- Univ.Prof. Dr.Gustaf NeumannAbteilung für WirtschaftsinformatikWU-Wien, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien