Forwarded message from [clt@Steam.Stanford.EDU] sent originally on Thu, 3 Feb 2000 15:46:47 +0800 (GMT-8): : The usual apologies for multiple copies : ============================================================================== : : Call for Papers : : FMOODS 2000 : : IFIP TC6/WG6.1 Fourth International Conference on : : Formal Methods for Open Object-Based Distributed Systems : : Stanford University , Stanford, California, USA : September 6-8, 2000 : : ------------------------------------------------------------------------ : : Electronic Information : : * The conference home page is found at : * Conference-related email should be addressed to : : * Information on the FMOODS series of conferences can be found at : : : ------------------------------------------------------------------------ : : Important Dates : : 1st March 2000 Submission deadline : 30th April 2000Notification of acceptance : 23rd May 2000 Camera ready copy for participants proceedings due : : ------------------------------------------------------------------------ : : Co-located with SPIN'2000, 7th International SPIN Workshop on : Model Checking of Software, to be held at Stanford the previous week : August 30-31, September 1. See: : : : ------------------------------------------------------------------------ : : Objectives : : Object-based Distributed Computing is being established as the most : pertinent basis for the support of large, heterogeneous computing and : telecommunications systems. Indeed, several important international : organisations, such as ITU, ISO, OMG, TINA-C, etc. are defining similar : distributed object-based frameworks as a foundation for open distributed : computing. : : The advent of Open Object-based Distributed Systems - OODS - brings new : challenges and opportunities for the use and development of formal methods. : New architectures and system models are emerging (e.g., the enterprise, : information, computational and engineering viewpoints of the ITU-T/ISO/IEC : ODP Reference Model) which require formal notational support. Usual design : issues such as specification, verification, refinement, and testing need to : take into account new dimensions introduced by distribution and openness, : such as quality of service and dependability constraints, dynamic binding : and reconfiguration, consistency between multiple models and viewpoints, : etc. OODS is a challenging research context and a source of motivation for : semantical models of object-based systems and notations, for the evolution : of standardised formal description techniques, for the application and : assessment of logic based approaches, for better understanding and : information modeling of business requirements, and for the further : development and use of Object Oriented methodologies and tools. : : The objective of FMOODS is to provide an integrated forum for the : presentation of research in several related fields, and the exchange of : ideas and experiences in the topics concerned with the formal methods : support for Open Object-based Distributed Systems. : : Topics of interest include but are not limited to: : : * formal models for object-based distributed computing : * semantics of object-based distributed systems and programming languages : * formal techniques in object-based and object-oriented specification, : analysis and design : * refinement and transformation of specifications : * types, service types and subtyping : * interoperability and composability of distributed services : * object-based coordination languages : * object-based mobile languages : * efficient analysis techniques of specifications : * multiple viewpoint modelling and consistency between different models : * formal techniques in distributed systems verification and testing : * specification, verification and testing of quality of service : constraints : * formal methods and object life cycle : * beyond IDL: semantics based specification patterns : * formal models for measuring the quality of object-oriented requirement : or design specifications : * formal aspects of distributed real-time multimedia systems : * applications to telecommunications and related areas : : ------------------------------------------------------------------------ : : Invited Speakers: : : Jose Meseguer, SRI International : : and others to be announced : : ------------------------------------------------------------------------ : : Conference Organizers : : Carolyn Talcott(Chair) Scott Smith(PC Chair) : Tel: + 650 723-0936 Tel: + 410 516-5299 : Fax: + 650 725-7411 Fax: + 410 516-6134 : Stanford University The Johns Hopkins University : Stanford, CA, USA Balimore, MD, USA : : : Nalini Venkatasubramanian Sriram Sankar : Tel: + 949 824-5898 Tel: + 510 796-0915 : Fax: + 949 824-4056 Fax:+ 510 796-0916 : University of California at Irvine Metamata Inc. : Irvine, CA, USA Fremont, CA, USA : : : Program Committee : : * Gul Agha (U. of Illinois, USA) : * Patrick Bellot (ENST, Paris, France) : * Lynne Blair (U. Lancaster, UK) : * Howard Bowman (UKC, Kent, UK) : * Paolo Ciancarini (U. Bologna, Italy) : * John Derrick (UKC, Kent, UK) : * Michel Diaz (LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse, France) : * Alessandro Fantechi (U. Firenze, Italy) : * Kathleen Fisher (ATT Research Labs, USA) : * Kokichi Futatsugi (Jaist, Ishikawa, Japan) : * Joseph Goguen (UC San Diego, USA) : * Roberto Gorrieri (U. Bologna, Italy) : * Guy Leduc (U. of Liege, Belgium) : * Luigi Logrippo (U of Ottawa, Canada) : * David Luckham (Stanford University, USA) : * Jan de Meer (GMD Fokus, Berlin, Germany) : * Elie Najm (ENST, Paris, France) : * Dusko Pavlovic (Kestrel Institute, USA) : * Omar Rafiq (U. of Pau, France) : * Arend Rensink (U. Twente, Netherlands) : * Sriram Sankar (Metamata Inc., USA) : * Gerd Schuermann (GMD Fokus, Berlin, Germany) : * Scott Smith (Johns Hopkins University, USA) : * Jean-Bernard Stefani (FT/CNET, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France) : * Carolyn Talcott (Stanford University, USA) : * Nalini Venkatasubramanian (UC Irvine, USA) : : Sponsors - IFIP : : ------------------------------------------------------------------------ : : Evaluation and Publication of Submitted Papers : : Submitted manuscripts will be evaluated and selected for presentation in the : conference. The proceedings of FMOODS '00 will be published by Kluwer, the : publishers of IFIP events. The proceedings will be made available at the : conference. : : Instructions to the Authors : : Authors are invited to submit full original research papers, up to 16 pages : (including bibliography), 12 point, single spaced, including an informative : abstract, names and affiliations of all authors, and a list of keywords : facilitating the assignment of papers to referees. : : Submission : : Paper submissions will be electronic via the web. Papers must be submitted : as postscript documents that are interpretable by Ghostscript. Details on : the submission process are to be found at : The package for electronic submission of papers will be available : approximately one month before the submission deadline. : : ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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