### to whom it may concern. //fw.
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TENCompetence Workshop
Learning Networks for Lifelong Competence Development
March, 30-31, 2006 Sofia, Bulgaria
Web page: http://ld06.uni-sofia.bg/
OBJECTIVE This workshop is organized by the EU 6th Framework Integrated Project TENCompetence (www.tencompetence.org). The objective of the workshop is to identify and analyse current research and technologies in the fields that provide the building blocks for the development of an open source infrastructure that contains all the services needed to support individuals, teams and organisations to (further) develop their competences, using all the distributed knowledge resources, learning activities, units of learning and learning routes/programmest that are available online. This includes open, usable and accessible services for: • the creation, sharing, discovery and use of knowledge resources, learning activities and learning paths by any individual, team or organisation. • the development, use, monitoring and maintenance of competence frameworks for the different professions or domains of knowledge. • the assessment of competences • the registration, use and sharing of personal data (profiles, portfolios, ...) • the discovery of suitable learning resources that are adapted to the users needs and profile • the support of users to navigate through all the possible learning resources to build specific competences • the support for users to learn in new fields and the support for the people who provide the support (e.g. by providing monitoring services, help by email handling). TOPICS Relevant topics for the workshop include, but are not limited to: • Learning Design for formal and informal Lifelong Learning and Competence Development • Knowledge Management issues related to competence development, lifelong learning or HRM • Competence description frameworks for professions • Monitoring (changes in) competences in professions • Competence assessment and learner positioning • Methods and tools for learner support in distributed environments • Methods and tools to support peer tutoring, teaching, mentoring, coaching, ... • Personal data, profiles, and portable ePortfolios for competence registration • Technologies for the discovery of suitable learning resources • Collaborative filtering technologies, recommendor systems for learning • Use of language technologies to support learning processes • Navigational support to users in a learning network • Authoring, discovery, advise and/or exchange of knowledge resources • Authoring, discovery, advise and/or exchange of learning activities or units of learning • Open standards and specifications usable for learning networks • Social software usable for lifelong competence development • New social theories and practices which have implications for the CD • Models and tools supporting work-based learning • Personalised and collaborative trails using knowledge resources or learning activities • Mobile support for lifelong competence development • Semantic Web and lifelong competenc development WORKSHOP LANGUAGE English SUBMISSION DETAILS During the workshop it will be possible to present a paper of 2000 words. These submissions may include Research, Technology Development, Review and Application but are not limited to these only. Furthermore, participants can submit a proposal for a demonstration session to demonstrate relevant software.
Deadline for submission - 6th March 2005.
Electronic submissions may be forwarded as a Portable Document Format (.pdf) attachment to: ld06@uni-sofia.bg. All submissions must be papers of 2000 words that are formatted according to the publication guidelines (http://ld06.uni-sofia.bg/CFP_Instructions for Authors.pdf)
CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS All papers accepted for the workshop will be published in the workshop proceedings with ISBN and will distributed to the participants after the workshop. Selected papers will be invited to workout a full paper (4000 words) for the special issue of the SSCI journal 'Interactive Learning Environments' (http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/titles/10494820.asp).
CHAIR Rob Coper (Netherlands) - Chair Krassen Stefanov (Bulgaria) – Co-chair PROGRAMME COMMITTEE Heidrun Allert, Austria Terry Anderson, Canada Albert Angehrn, France Miguel Arjona Villanueva, Spain Sue Bennett, Australia Fabrizio Cardinali, Italy Juan Manuel Dodero, Spain Peter Goodyear, Australia Dai Griffith, Spain Barry Harper, Australia Roger Hartley, UK Kinshuk, New Zealand Ralf Klamma, Germany Ruud Lemmers, The Netherlands Oleg Liber, UK David Merrill, USA Patrick McAndrew, UK Ambjörn Naeve, Sweden Wolfgang Nejdl, Germany Gilbert Pacquette, Canada Griff Richards, Canada Demetrios Sampson, Greece Judith Schoonenboom, The Netherlands Bernard Scott, UK Peter Scott, UK Marcus Specht, The Netherlands Mike Spector, USA Colin Tattersall, The Netherlands Luk Vervenne, Belgium Martin Weller, UK David Wiley, USA LOCAL ORGANISING COMMITTEE ADDRESS: Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Bulgaria Centre of Information Society Technologies (CIST) 125, Tzarigradsko Shosse, 1113 Sofia Tel: +(359 2) 9713509 ; 8657111 Fax: +(359 2) 9713504 ; +(359 2) 8687422 Email: ld06@uni-sofia.bg
CONTACT PERSONS: Stanimira Yordanova (s_yordanova@fmi.uni-sofia.bg) Angelina Popova (apopova@fmi.uni-sofia.bg )
IMPORTANT DATES Registration Due: 24 March 2005 Paper Submission Due: 6 March 2005 Notification of Acceptance: 22 March 2005 Camera-ready Paper Due: 29 March 2005
If you have any questions, please contact the Local Organising Committee
REGISTRATION Registration form may be filled on-line or filled in and send as an email attachment (template files will be available as a Word (.doc), Rich Text Format (.rtf) or Portable Document Format (.pdf) attachment files) to: ld06@uni-sofia.bg. Deadline for the registration: 24th March
FEES There will be no conference fee.
LOCATION The main conference venue will be in Sofia, hotel Vitosha (http://www.vitoshaparkhotel.com/).
ACCOMODATION Booking Hotel All workshop bookings will be maintained by the Local Workshop organisers, so it is not necessary to contact directly any hotel. To book a hotel please tick the corresponding checkbox in the Workshop registration and payment form (http://ld06.uni-sofia.bg/registration.html). Payment of accommodation can be done by bank transfer, credit card (please make sure that the transfer will arrive before March 26th) or in cash at the workshop registration desk. For the credit card or bank transfer details please look at the Registration form.