-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: Call for Papers - A2E (CSEDU2021) Date: Tue, 2 Feb 2021 18:24:02 +0000 From: Ana Isabel Rojão Lourenço Azevedo aazevedo@iscap.ipp.pt
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Dear Colleague,
Hope this email finds well and safe!
I ask your help to collaborate with the disclosure of the call for papers, following this message. I also encourage you to submit your own work. I call your attention to the fact that this year the conference will take place via online streaming. Find more details here: http://www.csedu.org/A2E.aspx http://www.csedu.org/A2E.aspx.
Thank you for your collaboration.
Ana Azevedo
*Online Streaming – April 23-25, 2021*
Paper Submission: *February 24, 2021* Authors Notification: *March 10, 2021* Camera Ready and Registration: *March 18, 2021*
Analytics is an area of growing interest in the research communities. INFORMS defined analytics as the scientific process of transforming data into insights with the purpose of making better decisions. Being grounded on the area of decision support systems, the area of analytics has got a vast range of applications. One important application concerns educational environments, where the three types of analytics, namely, descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive are being applied.
The use of LMS where the activity of the students’ can be easily accessed, potentiated the use of analytics to understand their route during the learning process, thus they can be helped to improve during that process. Also, the use of analytics from the school’s managers, can help them to take better decisions. In this special session we are interested in research papers focusing in two of the three domains, as presented by Cetis Analytics Series: domain of the teacher and learner, and domain of management and support systems
Authors are welcome to submit papers, discuss theory or research issues, demonstrate tools:
§Analytics in e-learning Environments
§Decision Support Systems in Educational Institutions
§Learning Analytics
§Educational Data Mining
§Data Mining, Text mining, Web Mining
§Analytics in e-assessment Applications
§Educational Process Mining
§Others Considered Relevant to this Area
You can find more details and make your submission here: http://www.csedu.org/A2E.aspx http://www.csedu.org/A2E.aspx