-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [WI] 2nd CfP Infrastructuring and Collaborative Design (Int. Journal on CSCW) Datum: Sat, 23 Jan 2016 19:05:36 +0000 Von: Pipek, Volkmar, Dr. volkmar.pipek@uni-siegen.de Antwort an: Pipek, Volkmar, Dr. volkmar.pipek@uni-siegen.de An: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org aisworld@lists.aisnet.org, Mailingliste GI-FG Mailingliste Mailingliste GI-FG CSCW fgcscw@gi-ev.de, Mailingliste Wirtschaftsinformatik GI-FB 5 wi@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de, FK615 /Listserv FK615@listserv.zimt.uni-siegen.de, pdworld /Listserv pdworld@listserv.zimt.uni-siegen.de, Mailingliste Communities Mailingliste Communities and Technologies comtech@fit.fraunhofer.de, Mailingliste Mailingliste CHI-Announce CHI-ANNOUNCEMENTS@LISTSERV.ACM.ORG, locatingmedia /Listserv locatingmedia@listserv.zimt.uni-siegen.de, sfbmdk@listserv.uni-siegen.de sfbmdk@listserv.zimt.uni-siegen.de, mci@listserv.uni-siegen.de mci@listserv.zimt.uni-siegen.de
2nd Call for papers Special Issue of the International Journal on Computer Supported Cooperative Work - The Journal of Collaborative Computing and Work Practices, Springer, London (JCSCW)
JCSCW Special Issue on Infrastructuring and Collaborative Design
Guest edited by Geoffrey C. Bowker, Helena Karasti, and Volkmar Pipek
How infrastructures are designed is a current area of research in a number of fields, including Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, Science and Technology Studies and Information Systems. Although there already are a number of special issues on the topic of Information Infrastructures (JAIS 2009, 2014; JCSCW 2006, 2010) and one to be published on Knowledge Infrastructures (S&TS 2016), this Special Issue is the first one to focus particularly on research that engages with a processual (in-the-making) perspective and/or design-oriented interest towards Information Infrastructures. This approach has been called the study and practice of Œinfrastructuring¹.
It has been pointed out that the emergence of infrastructures is not only a question of ³being designed² in traditional sense, nor is it just ³happening² without some intentionality involved. A growing body of work has started to explore what is actually being done and taking place in infrastructuring in a wide variety of settings; others have proposed suggestions for design methodologies/approaches making room and accounting for infrastructuring as a longitudinal, unfolding process.
Infrastructuring proposes new, original challenges to contemporary CSCW and Information System design in general by, for instance, extending the temporal, organizational, societal scopes and diversifying collaboration arenas from the common use, design and development to tailoring, appropriation, repair, maintenance and standardization, to including professionals from industry, formal organizational structures like standardization bodies and authorities as well as community members and citizens in informal, community-based initiatives.
Topics of the Special Issue include, but are not limited to:
- studies of infrastructuring Œin the wild¹
- theoretical/reflective articles on what the turn from the relational notion of II to the processual one of infrastructuring denotes
- what could be learned from these studies towards developing design methods and approaches for infrastructuring
- examples of participatory/collaborative infrastructuring approaches/methods
- design cases and approaches that push traditional boundaries to involve communities not typically considered in CSCW
- practice-based and practice-initiated design cases and approaches
- cases and theoretical contributions to consolidate and improve design/infrastructuring methods and practices
This Special Issue aims at collecting works that analyze the role of information and communication technologies in these collaborations, develop technological support for these arenas, and improve the methodological basis to analyze and design technologies for and within these arenas. We are interested in those arenas that cross the boundaries between (different) technology development practices and (different) domain practices. We aim to generate a new, practice-based grounding to consolidate design methodologies in a world of infrastructuring activities, and to refine analyses of infrastructuring activities in a world of method-guided technology development projects.
Please send questions/abstracts/articles to: jcscwinfrastructuring@listserv.uni-siegen.de
Details on the submission format can be found on the homepage of the Journal on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work: http://www.springer.com/computer/journal/10606
- (optional, abstracts can be submitted anytime to receive a comment on the topical fit within one week) Abstracts submission deadline to help organizing reviewers: February 21 , 2016
- Full paper submission deadline: March 21, 2016
- Reviewing Feedback: May 16, 2016
- Resubmission Deadline: June 27, 2016
- Final Feedback/Notification of Acceptance: August 29, 2016
- Submission Camera-ready paper: September 12, 2016
- Publication in Autumn 2016
Bibliography (works that have inspired us in planning this special issue, it is not required to know and cite them):
Appel, H., N. Anand and A. Gupta (2015) "The Infrastructure Toolbox." Fieldsights - Theorizing the Contemporary, Cultural Anthropology Online, September 24, 2015, http://www.culanth.org/fieldsights/725-the-infrastructure-toolbox http://www.culanth.org/fieldsights/725-the-infrastructure-toolbox. Bossen, C., & Markussen, R. (2010). Infrastructuring and Ordering Devices in Health Care: Medication Plans and Practices on a Hospital Ward. Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW). doi:10.1007/s10606-010-9131-x. Clement, A., B. McPhail, K. L. Smith and J. Ferenbok (2012) Probing, Mocking and Prototyping: Participatory approaches to identity infrastructuring. Proc. PDC 2012, 21-30. Edwards, P. N., Jackson, S. J., Bowker, G. C., & Knobel, C. P. (2007) Understanding infrastructure: Dynamics, tensions, and design. Final report of the workshop History and Theory of Infrastructure: Lessons for New Scientific Cyberinfrastructures. NSF, Office of Cyberinfrastructure. p. 50. Ehn, P. (2008). Participation in design things. In Proceedings of the Tenth Anniversary Conference on Participatory Design 2008 (pp. 92101). Bloomington, Indiana, October 01 - 04, 2008: Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN. Hillgren, P-A, A. Seravalli and A. Emilson (2011) Prototyping and infrastructuring in design for social innovation. CoDesign 7(3-4): 169-183. Karasti, H. (2014) Infrastructuring in Participatory Design. Proc. PDC 2014, 141-150. Karasti, H. and K.S. Baker (2004) Infrastructuring for the Long-Term: Ecological Information Management. Proc. HICSS¹37, p. 10. Karasti, H., K.S. Baker and F. Millerand (2010) Infrastructure Time: Long-Term Matters in Collaborative Development. Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 19(3-4): 377-415. Karasti, H. and A-L. Syrjänen (2004) Artful infrastructuring in two cases of community PD. Proc PDC 2004, 20-30. Le Dantec and C. DiSalvo (2013) Infrastructuring and the formation of publics in participatory design. Social Studies of Science, 42(2): 241-264. Neumann, L. and S.L. Star (1996) Making Infrastructure: The Dream of a Common Language.Proc. PDC 1996, 231-240. Parmiggiani, E., E. Monteiro and V. Hepsø (forthcoming) The Digital Coral: Infrastructuring Environmental Monitoring. Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) The Journal of Collaborative Computing and Work Practices (published online September 7, 2015), pp. 1-38. Pipek, V. and V. Wulf (2009) Infrastructuring: Towards an Integrated Perspective on the Design and Use of Information Technology. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 10(5): 447-473 Star, S.L. and G.C. Bowker (2002) How to infrastructure? In L.A. Lievrouw and S.L. Livingstone (Eds.) The Handbook of New Media. Social Shaping and Consequences of ICTs. Sage: London, 151-162. Star, S.L. and K. Ruhleder (1996) Steps toward an Ecology of Infrastructure: Borderlands of Design and Access for Large Information Spaces. Information Systems Research, 7(1): 111-134.
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