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Subject: RE 02 Call for Papers: Intl Requirements Engineering Conference, Sept 2002 in Essen, Germany Date: Mon, 03 Dec 2001 20:29:09 +0100 From: Michael Goedicke info@re02.org To: neumann@nestroy.wi-inf.uni-essen.de Cc: goedicke@cs.uni-essen.de
This is an email to bring the
Intl. Requirements Engineering Conference RE 02 , Sept. 2002
to your attention. Please note, that we made a big effort that you did not receive this mail more than once. If this should have happened, please accept our apologies.
Michael Goedicke
I C R E '0 2 and R E '0 2
9-13th September, 2002 University of Essen, Germany
Please note the important dates for paper submission:
Abstract (mandatory) 1st Feb. 2002 Full paper 15th Feb. 2002 (hard deadline) Notification 16th April 2002
Dates for other contributions (Tutorials, Workshops, etc.) can be found below.
Please watch the conference website at http://www.re02.org
sponsored by: IEEE Computer Society, Univ. Essen, CRP Henri Tudor, Promatis AG
in cooperation with: ACM Sigsoft, GI, IFIP WG 2.9, INCOSE, RESG (BCS), Requirements Engineering Journal, Univ. Namur
Requirements Engineering (RE) is the branch of systems engineering concerned with the real-world goals for, functions of, and constraints on software-intensive systems. It is also concerned with how these factors are taken into account during the implementation and maintenance of the system, from software specifications and architectures up to final test cases. RE requires a variety and richness of skills, processes, methods, techniques and tools. In addition, diversity arises from different application domains ranging from business information systems to real-time process control systems, from traditional to web-based systems as well as from the perspective being system families or not.
Topics of submissions may include, but are not limited to: * domain specific requirements engineering * prioritising and agreeing on requirements * business case, case studies and experience reports * requirements evolution * requirements driven change management * requirements engineering education * application and extensions of UML * tool support for RE, including light weight and web-based tools * goal, scenario and model-based RE * prototyping, animation and simulation * handling of quality requirements * interplay of requirements and architecture * detection of requirements violations/contradictions * requirements engineering for product families * requirements management and traceability * requirements elicitation techniques * cognitive, social, political and cultural factors in RE * linking business and technical requirements
To increase industrial contributions and to provide a forum for exchanging practical experience and problems as well as research results we invite four types of contributions: - experience papers (including case reports, success and failure stories and empirical studies) must clearly present lessons learned that are of interest and benefit to a broad audience of researchers and practitioners. They should not exceed 8 proceedings pages. - research papers must clearly present an original contribution to the state-of-the-art or practice. Research papers should not exceed 8 proceedings pages. - vision papers should state industrial challenges or future research plans and directions and should provoke discussions. They will undergo a separate review process. Vision papers should not exceed 4 proceedings pages. - industrial presentations about experiences and problem statements. Submissions in this category should include a one page abstract and a presentation outline not exceeding four pages. The abstract of accepted presentations will be published in the proceedings. The talk outline and/or slides will be published in a separate proceeding.
SUBMISSION INFORMATION Paper submissions will be reviewed by the PC for significance, soundness, and quality of presentation. Research and experience papers exceeding 10 pages will be rejected without review. For research and vision papers, specific attention will be paid to originality. All submissions must describe work that has not been submitted to or presented at another forum. Revised versions of a selection of best papers will appear , depending on focus, in a special issue of Requirements Engineering Journal or IEEE Software.
Electronic submissions will be accepted at the symposium website starting one month before the deadline. Authors without web access must make advance arrangements with the Program Chair at least two weeks before the deadline. Papers submissions must not exceed the specified number of pages, and must be in IEEE CS Press format (see http://www.re02.org/submission.html). A signed IEEE copyright release form must accompany accepted papers. For submitting tutorial and workshop proposals, doctoral symposium papers, commercial- and research tool demos see the conference website (or contact the track chairs directly). For any other queries, please contact info@re02.org.
KEY DATES EXPERIENCE, RESEARCH AND VISION PAPERS: Abstract (mandatory) 1st Feb. 2002 Full paper 15th Feb. 2002 (hard deadline) Notification 16th April 2002
INDUSTRIAL PRESENTATIONS: Abstract outline 29th March 2002 Notification 16th April 2002
TUTORIAL; WORKSHOP, DOCTORAL SYMPOSIUM, TOOL DEMO SUBMISSIONS Tutorial proposal 29th March 2002 Workshop proposal 29th March 2002 Research tool demo 3rd May 2002 Commercial tool demo 3rd May 2002 Doctoral symposium 17th May 2002
GENERAL Co-CHAIRS Sol Greenspan, USA Jawed Siddiqi, Univ. Sheffield Hallam, UK
PROGRAM CO-CHAIRS: Eric Dubois, CRP Henri Tudor, Luxembourg Klaus Pohl, Univ. Essen, Germany
LOCAL ARRANGEMENTS, FINANCIAL CHAIR: Michael Goedicke, Univ. Essen, Germany
PUBLICITY CHAIR: Martin Glinz, Univ. Zuerich, Europe (Coord.) Daniel Berry, Univ. Waterloo,North America/Middle East Julio Leite, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, South America Barbara Paech, IESE FHG, Germany Motoshi Saeki, Tokyo Inst. of Techn., Asia Didar Zowghi, Univ. of Techn. Sydney, Australia
TUTORIAL CHAIR: Ian Sommerville, Univ. Lancaster, UK
WORKSHOP CHAIR: Annie Anton, North Carolina State Univ., USA
DOCTORAL SYMPOSIUM CHAIR: Anthony Finkelstein, UCL, London, UK
TOOL EXHIBITION CHAIR (commercial & research) Roel Wieringa, Univ. Twente, Netherlands