-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [AISWorld] CFP Innovation in Software Development SEAA2011 Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2011 14:32:31 +0100 From: Martin Mocker martin@mocker.nl To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org
*** Apologies for cross-posting ***
Track on Innovation in Software Development http://seaa2011.oulu.fi/index.php/innosd
special track of the
2011 International Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA 2011) http://seaa2011.oulu.fi/
August 30 to September 2, 2011 Oulu, Finland
This session is aimed at studying how innovation happens in software development groups.
In this session we consider innovation as a new manner of production of software. In software development, innovation can be of different types. Some examples of types of innovations (not a complete list) in software development are:
* Use of a new programming language, or development tool, or a bug-tracking tool (category tools) * A new processes or change of development process (category process); * A new design method (e.g. based on Object Orientation rather than on functional decomposition) (category method) * A new code- or test-generation technique (category techniques) * The use of or migration towards cloud-computing or SOA (architectural style/pattern)
Innovations may be the collective choice of a team, or the choice of an individual.
This survey is not aimed at functional innovations of software products; thus: adding a new feature to a program is not considered an innovation from this sessions’ perspective.
For this session we solicit papers describing research regarding:
* Case studies and experience reports regarding: * Open source as a source of innovation * Use of migration towards cloud-computing, or SOA * The introduction of/transition towards Model-driven development * The introduction of new testing techniques * The introduction of iterative development process * The introduction of agile development practices
Studies on the innovation process and management of innovation
* Management of innovation in software development * Studies of diffusion/adoption of innovation in software development * Which types of innovations are popular for which types of software development groups ? * Relation between innovation and development styles (agile, iterative, CMMI, ...) * Innovation ecosystems * The role of universities for innovation in industrial innovation in software development. * Impact of innovation in software development on performance of IT-departments/business
The Paper submission system and further instructions are available at the submission page: http://seaa2011.oulu.fi/index.php/submission
Important dates:
* Paper submission dates: o Papers and experience reports: March 1, 2011 o PhD Symposium: March 31, 2011 o Workshop submissions: April 20, 2011 o Work in Progress: May 10, 2011 * Notification of accepted papers: o Papers and experience reports: April 15, 2011 o Workshop submissions: May 20, 2011 * Camera-ready paper due: o Papers and experience reports: June 1, 2011 o Workshop submissions: June 1, 2011 * Conference: August 30 to September 2, 2011 at Oulu, Finland
Accepted papers will be included in the proceedings, published by the IEEE Computer Society Press, and the IEEE Xplore Digital library.
Extended versions of selected papers will be considered for publication in the Journal on Information and Software Technology (Elsevier).
Session chair Michel Chaudron, Leiden University, Netherlands
Program Committee
* Jean-Pierre Banatre, INRIA, France * John Hutchinson, Lancaster University, U.K. * Jordi Cabot, Ecole de Mines/INRIA Nantes, France * Martin Mocker, Reutlingen University, Germany * Pekka Abrahamson, Helsinki University, Finland * Slinger Jansen, Utrecht University, Netherlands * Sue Black, University College London, U.K. * Tony Gorschek, Blekinge Inst. of Technology, Sweden