-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [WI] IEEE BigData Congress 2013: Special Session on BigData Quality, Security and Privacy Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2013 11:01:18 +0200 From: Fulvio Frati fulvio.frati@unimi.it To: wi@lists.uni-karlsruhe.de
[Apologies for multiple sendings]
IEEE BigData Congress 2013
Special Session on BigData Quality, Security and Privacy
Session Chair: Lionel Brunie (INSA-Lyon, France)
BigData research has unveiled the potential of huge data stores for many business applications. For the research community dealing with data protection and secure data communication, however, Big Data equals big risk.
The security, privacy and quality implications for collecting, storing and utilizing BigData are many-fold. In BigData environments, the sheer volume of data being collected and stored is often too large for organizations to sift through it and determine the sensitive nature of a particular data item.
As big data environments rapidly expand, the quantity and size of opaque objects that need to be properly managed also increases. For this reason, new techniques are needed to (i) assess the quality, and (ii) transparently encrypt blocks big data stored in the cloud or on premises. Such solutions must work while maintaining the highest levels of data availability and performance.
This session will foster an understanding of the open issues, give visibility on ground-breaking work in progress and reveal innovative techniques for managing emerging data technologies.
The Special Session on BigData quality, security and privacy, to be held in the framework of the IEEE BigData Congress 2013 (http://www.ieeebigdata.org/2013/) encourages submissions of last minute, work-in-progress papers on the following topics:
- Enhanced Security Capabilities for BigData Systems
- Managing User Access in a BigData Environment
- Policy & Governance in a BigData Environment
- Migrating BigData to the Cloud
- Protecting Citizen & Business Privacy in the Era of BigData
- BigData and Security Analytics
- BigData and Assurance: Beyond PCI and HIPAA
- User Profiling in BigData Environments
- De-anonymization using BigData Analysis Tools
- Trust and Reputation Management in BigData Environments
- BigData and Differential Privacy
- Data Provenance in BigData Environments
Important Dates
- Full Paper Submission Due Date: April 27, 2013 Extended!
- Decision Notification (Electronic): May 4, 2013
- Camera-Ready Copy Due Date & Pre-registration Due: May 11, 2013
Paper Submission
Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research papers that are not being considered in another forum.
The Special Session will accept full papers (6 pages) and position papers (4 pages). Papers are REQUIRED to be formatted using the IEEE Proceedings template (http://conferences.computer.org/scc/2013/IEEECS_CPS_8.5x11x2.zip ) in Word or Latex (http://conferences.computer.org/scc/2013/IEEECS_CPS_LaTeX_Letter_2Col.zip).
The submitted papers can only be in the format of PDF or WORD. At least one author of each accepted paper is required to attend the conference and present the paper. Electronic submission of manuscripts (in PDF or Word formats) is required. Submissions should include paper title, abstract, name of authors, their affiliations, and emails addresses.
Please use the BigData 2013 Research Track Paper Submission System at
http://www.confhub.com/conf.php?id=271 to submit your research papers to BigData 2013 Special Session. You can select one or two of the research topics when you submit your paper in the online submission system so it will be reviewed by the right subject matter experts.