Third Latin American Web Congress (LA-WEB'05) Buenos Aires - Argentina - Oct. 31/Nov. 2nd, 2005
LA-WEB'05 is an endorsed regional conference by IW3C2 International World Wide Web Conference Committee. This will be the Third Latin American venue for international researchers, technologists, and leaders from academia, industry, and government. They will gather together to present, demonstrate, and discuss the latest developments in the Web, and how this can be used to empower the Latin American Web. The first two editions were held in Santiago, Chile (2003) and Ribeirao Preto, Brazil (2004). In 2005 the congress will be co-located and sharing one day on Web Retrieval with SPIRE (String Processing and Information Retrieval Symposium). As in past editions, the proceedings of LA-WEB 2005 will be published by IEEE CS Press.
Topics LA-WEB 2005 seeks original papers describing research in all areas of the Web. Topics include but are not limited to:
Applications (Area 1), Browsers and User Interfaces (Area 2), Electronic Commerce (Area 3), Hypermedia (Area 4), Mobility and Wireless Access (Area 5), Multimedia (Area 6), Performance and Reliability (Area 7), Search and Data Mining (Area 8), Security and Privacy (Area 9), Semantic Web (Area 10), and Web Engineering (Area 11).
Papers should cover not only technical but also practical solutions oriented to solve specific Web problems.
Key Dates May 23, 2005 Deadline for submitting papers June 30, 2005 Notification of acceptance of papers July 30, 2005 Papers received in camera ready form Oct. 31/Nov. 2nd LA-WEB'05 Conference
Submission of Papers Submissions should present original reports of new work in English. Papers should properly place the work within the field, cite related work, and clearly indicate the innovative aspects of the work and its contribution to the field. Papers must be submitted electronically in PDF, and must be formatted using the IEEE-CS Author's styles that are posted in the LA-WEB site We encourage authors to submit concise papers with up to 8 pages; however, papers with up to 10 pages may be submitted, and an additional 2 pages (for a maximum of 12) may be purchased later.
Programme Committee Chair Luis Olsina, National University of La Pampa (Argentina)
Members Alberto Mendelzon, University of Toronto (Canada) Arno Scharl, UWA Business School, (Australia) Bebo White, Stanford University (USA) Claudia Pons, National University of La Plata, (Argentina) Daniel Schwabe, PUC Río (Brazil) David Lowe, University of Technology (Australia) Dieter Fensel, DERI, University of Innsbruck (Austria) Emilia Mendes, University of Auckland, (New Zealand) Enrico Motta, The Open University (UK) Ethan Munson, Univesity of Wisconsin - Milwaukee (USA) Gastón Mousques, ORT University (Uruguay) Gert-Jan Houben, Technical University Eindhoven (The Netherlands) Gustavo Rossi, National University of La Plata (Argentina) Horacio Leone, National Technical University, Sta. Fe (Argentina) Jean Vanderdonckt, Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium) João Falcão e Cunha, Porto University (Portugal) Juliana Freire, OGI (USA) Maria da Graça Pimentel, USP São Carlos (Brazil) Mario Piattini, Castilla-La Mancha University (Spain) Maristella Matera, Politecnico di Milano (Italy) Martin Gaedke, University of Karlsruhe (Germany) Monica Scannapieco, University of Rome (Italy) Mitsuru Ikeda, Osaka University (Japan) Nora Koch, Munich University (Germany) Olga De Troyer, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium) Oscar Pastor, Politechnical University of Valencia (Spain) Piero Fraternali, Politecnico di Milano (Italy) Ray Welland, University of Glasgow (UK) Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Chile University (Chile) Ricardo Falbo, Federal University of Espirito Santo (Brazil) San Murugesan, Southern Cross University (Australia) Sandro Morasca, University of Insubria (Italy) Silvia Abrahao, Politechnical University of Valencia (Spain) Stefan Decker, DERI, Galway (Ireland) Steven Furnell, University of Plymouth (UK) Symeon Retalis, University of Piraeus (Greece) Virgilio Almeida, Federal University of Minas Gerais, (Brazil) Yogesh Deshpande, University of Western Sydney Macarthur, (Australia) Wieland Schwinger, SCC Hagenberg (Austria) [List not complete yet]
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