-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: I3E'2009 Second Call for papers Datum: Thu, 26 Feb 2009 12:12:20 +0100 (CET) Von: i3e2009@kti.ue.poznan.pl Antwort an: i3e2009@kti.ue.poznan.pl An: gustaf.neumann@wu-wien.ac.at
SECOND CALL FOR PAPERS (We apologize if you are receiving duplicates through different channels...)
I3E 2009, the 9th IFIP Conference on e-Business, e-Services, and e-Society September 23-25, 2009, Nancy, France http://i3e2009.loria.fr/
Papers due: March 31, 2009
General Chair: Claude Godart, Nancy University, France
Program Committee Chairs: Norbert Gronau, University of Postdam, Germany Sharma Sushil, Ball State University, USA
Organization Chairs: Gérôme Canals, Nancy University, France Anne-Lise Charbonnier, INRIA, France
Publicity Chair: Khalid Benali, Nancy University, France
Program Committee and liaison Chairs See http://i3e2009.loria.fr/
The I3E 2009 conference is the ninth IFIP conference on e-Business, e-Services, and e-Society sponsored by IFIP WG 6.11 in cooperation with TC11 and TC8. It will be hosted in Nancy, France. It provides a forum for users, engineers, and scientists in academia, industry, and government to present their latest findings in e-business, e-services, and e-society applications and the underlying technology to support those applications. The conference will host keynotes as well as regular paper sessions comprising research track and industrial and administration track. Areas of particular interest for the regular paper sessions include but are not limited to:
e-Business - Innovative e-Business models - Trust, privacy and security - Inter-organizational systems - Enterprise application integration - Business process integration - e-Negotiations, auctioning and contracting - Business process re-engineering - Supply, demand, and value chains - e-Marketplaces, e-Hubs and portals - e-Commerce content management - Digital goods and products - Dynamic pricing models - User behavior modeling - Mobile business
e-Services - Service-oriented computing - Trust, privacy and security - Web services - P2P co-operation models - Semantic web services - Ubiquitous, mobile and pervasive services - Service composition - Agent-oriented e-Services - Service orchestration - Service mashup - SaaS - Web 2.0 applications - Service componentization - Inter-organizational services
e-Society - e-Government (e.g. G2G, G2B, and G2C) - Trust, privacy and security - Digital cities and regions - Multimedia and multilinguism - e-Democracy and e-Governance - Digital culture and digital divide - e-Health and e-Education - Mobile public services - Disaster monitoring and prevention system - Legal, societal and cultural issues - Public e-Services for citizens and enterprises - Public-private partnerships - One-stop government - service integration - International dimension of e-Gov.
Papers due: March 31, 2009 Acceptance: May 31, 2009 Final papers due: June 14, 2009
For the research track, submissions should describe original, research work not submitted or published elsewhere. For the industrial and administration track, submissions should describe innovative products or good practices. The proceedings of the conference will be published by Springer within the IFIP book series and indexed by DBLP. Extended versions of selected papers will be published in the International Journal of e-adoption and the Advances in Enterprise Systems e-journal.
Authors are requested to submit their manuscripts electronically as a PDF file by following the link and instructions at the conference home page: http://i3e2009.loria.fr/