-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [WI] Call for Abstracts "Conference on Intentional Forgetting in Organisations and Work Settings" - Deadline 15.07.2018 Date: Thu, 17 May 2018 14:53:37 +0200 From: cthim@wi.uni-potsdam.de Reply-To: cthim@wi.uni-potsdam.de To: wi@lists.kit.edu
Conference on Intentional Forgetting in Organisations and Work Settings
The topic of the conference is "Work and information processing in the work environment 4.0.: requirements concerning learning, relearning and forgetting". We are inviting all interested researchers to submit their contributions to our Conference on Intentional Forgetting in an organisational context. The conference will be held in Potsdam, Germany on the 11th and 12th of September. It addresses a multi- and cross-disciplinary audience on the topic of intentional forgetting in context of work and organisation. This notion is also carried by our keynote speakers. Amit Jain (Singapore) will talk from an organisational perspective on forgetting and knowledge deprecation while Michael Andersen (Cambridge) will address forgetting from a neuro-science perspective. Contributions can therefore cover a broad range of topics.
******************** Topics of Interest ******************** This topic is related to a wide range of disciplines and fields. We are interested in the exchange of ideas between lines of research. Knowledge creation and organizational learning relies on the cognitive capacity of an organization, its members and its information systems. Processing new signals from the environment and generating new meaningful information is one key factor for successful management. However, with the increasing amount of information within and outside the organization, this process can slow down or lead to contradicting results. Organizational learning is distorted. forgetting unused, obsolete and contradicting information is therefore the key of an efficient learning process as it frees up this capacity. The mechanisms of successful forgetting are widely unknown in the context of work and organisation and a new and emerging field of research. Also the impact of forgetting on organizations is unclear, this ranges from the organizational consequences, the power balance to legal questions such as compliance. This call for paper therefore addresses a range of topics including, but not limited to:
Psychology: - Surpression of memories and directed/motivated and intentional forgetting - Learning capacity and forgetting capacity - Work-environment
Computer science: - Semantics and forgetting in knowledge representation - Learning and forgetting in neural networks - Should artificial intelligence be able to forget? - Cleaning and updating knowledge bases - Interface design - Selecting and archiving unused data
Organization science: - Reorganizing organizations through intentional forgetting (i.e. restricting fallback to old routines) - Forgetting and remembering of critical incidents. - Can the organization remember, what individuals forgot?
Legal perspective: - Are organizations allowed to forget? - The right to be forgotten - Data Governance - Defining selection criteria to comply and forget.
Sociological perspective: - Can I dare to forget - a power perspective. - Referring to what was forgotten - views on reconstructing the past. - Collective Information Selection - Defining unnecessary information as a social process - Cultural Memory
Business Information Systems - Modelling forgetting in knowledge intensive processes - Automated forgetting in information systems (i.e. in ontology based knowledge bases) - Computer aided forgetting (i.e. information selection and extinction) - Learning and forgetting environments (i.e. design of distraction-free physical and virtual learning spaces)
******************** Submission Instructions ******************** We welcome and encourage the submission of high-quality, original papers, which are not being submitted simultaneously for publication elsewhere. All contributions should be written in English. We have a two step submission process. Prior to the conference we will assess the quality of the contribution by an abstract (1 page). The final paper will be due after the conference in order to include comments from the audience to enhance the quality. Final papers should not exceed 12 pages plus bibliography. Abstract and paper submission is electronic via the conference website www.lswi.de/forgetting
******************** Proceedings ******************** All excepted papers will be published in an open-access proceeding. At least one author of each accepted paper is required to register and attend the conference to present the work.
******************** Important Dates ******************** Abstract Submission by 15. July 2018 Notification to authors by 01. August 2018 Conference 11./12. September 2018 Final Papers due 30. September 2018
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