---------- Forwarded Message ---------- Subject: [GI-FB5-L] TIA 2001 - LAST CALL FOR DEMONSTRATIONS (deadline extension) Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 10:50:53 +0200 From: "Ivana ROCHE" Roche@inist.fr To: "Jean ROYAUTE" Royaute@inist.fr
Dear moderators,
Would you please post the last call for demonstrations to TIA 2001 (4th meeting "Terminology and Artificial Intelligence").
Best regards,
for the Organizing committee of TIA 2001
***************************************************************************** ************************************************** **************************************************************************** *************************************************** LAST C A L L F O R D E M O N S T R A T I O N S ((((((((((((((((((( deadline extension : April 20th, 2001 )))))))))))))))))))
4th meeting "Terminology and Artificial Intelligence" 3-4 May 2001, Nancy, FRANCE
TIA 2001 is at the junction of scientific fields like linguistics, terminology and computer science which have both distinct and complementary approaches. In recent years, many emerging computer applications have undertaken tasks involving terminology, term extraction, active exploration of corpora, conceptual domain modeling, analysis of large corpora with the aim of extracting information. The existence of these applications that rely on interactive as well as automated text analysis procedures have proven their feasibility and usefulness. We invite proposals for demonstrations of applications in the fields covered by the conference.
DEMONSTRATION TIMETABLE Theoretically, each demonstration will be held once (see Program). Demonstration sessions will be planned separately from break times. Demonstrators can use a poster to illustrate their applications.
INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS The proposal should describe the computer application in one page. The description should include : - name(s) of author(s) ; - employer or affiliated institution; - description of application ; - computer ressources needed. The proposal should be sent along with the Technical form that the authors can download from the conference web site (http://www.inist.fr/TIA2001/index.htm).
DEADLINE Your proposal should be sent in triplicate before April 20th, 2001 :
- by regular mail to the chairperson of the organizing comittee Jean Royauté URI-INIST-CNRS 2, allée du Parc de Brabois F-54514 VANDOEUVRE Cedex
- email submission should be sent to tia2001@inist.fr
Contact : Patricia Gautier & Jean Royauté - URI-INIST-CNRS 2 allée du Parc de Brabois F-54514 VANDOEUVRE Cedex Tél : +33 (0)3 83 50 46 70 - tia2001@inist.fr
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