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Subject: CFP-CAiSE02 Workshop on Web Service and E-business Technology Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2002 13:36:49 +1100 From: Jian Yang - Visitor jian@KUB.NL To: ISWORLD@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE
Workshop on "Web Services and e-Business Technology: Models, Architecture, Engineering and Applications"
In conjunction with CAiSE*02
Workshop Aims and Objectives ============================
The Internet is changing the way businesses operate. Organizations are using the web to deliver their goods and services, to find trading partners, and to link their existing (maybe legacy) applications to other applications. Web services are rapidly becoming the enabling technology of today's e-business and e-commerce systems, and will soon transform the web as it now into a new distributed application to an application computation network.
On the other hand, e-business as an emerging concept is also impacting software applications, the everyday services landscape, and the way how we do things in almost each domain of our life. There is already a body of experience accumulated to demonstrate the difference between just having an online presence and using the web as a strategic and functional medium in e-business-to-business interaction (B2B) as well as marketplaces.
Clearly web services must satisfy a number of challenging requirements in order to be able to play a crucial role in the new application domain of e-business and distributed application development. They should be modelled and designed to reflect the business objectives. Although some progress has been made in the area of web service description and discovery, and there are some important standards like SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI emerging, there is still a long way to go. There is still a list of issues that need to be addressed and researched in connection with technology support, modelling methodologies and engineering principles before web services become the prominent paradigm for distributed computing and electronic business.
The goal of this workshop is to bring web service and e-business technological issues together for discussion and review. This includes new research results and developments in the context of web services and e-business as well as application of existing research results in this new fascinating area.
Workshop Structure ==================
This workshop consists of two tracks: one on web services, the other one on e-business, each has its own emphasis.
Web service track -----------------
The goal of this track is to identify issues and propose potential solutions in connection with models and languages for web services; service design, development, and management, web service applications; supporting technologies and infrastructure.
Topics of interest ------------------ Web service description languages Web service composition modelling and specification Query languages for service discovery & invocation Web services modelling Web service business communication and coordination languages Web service coordination models Web service reuse Components and web services Complex (composite) web service design Web service management Web service brokering and composition planning Web service monitoring and conversation controlling Standards for web services Semantics of web service deployment Quality of web services Cross-enterprise EAI technologies Software component technologies Agent technologies for web services Workflow technologies for web services Security issues Multichannel technologies
E-business track ----------------
This track aims at submissions from academia and from practitioners in the area to .critically evaluate the state-of-art in this new world of doing business . share well established and implemented ideas that actually work .learn about technology approaches in a solid phase of development .communicate research goals and results that will impact future developments
Topics of interest ------------------ Business models e-business specific business process modeling