*************** Call for Participation ***************
The registration for the First European Workshop on Latent Semantic Analysis in Technology Enhanced Learning is open. Keynote speakers for the workshop are Prof. Arthur Graesser (University of Memphis), Thomas Landauer and Peter Foltz (Pearson Knowledge Technologies/University of Colorado). Two tutorials are included in the workshop: A tutorial about the cognitive science perspective on Latent Semantic Analysis is given by Benoit Lemaire (IMAG, France) and another tutorial will be given by Dian I. Martin (Small Bear Technical Consulting) on the mathematical and computational foundations of LSA.
The presentation sessions will focus on technology enhanced learning applications of LSA, methodological aspects and cognititve science approaches to LSA. Besides the workshop will give room for setting up an evaluation forum and a research agenda for Latent Semantic Analysis in Technology Enhanced Learning.
A social evening in Aachen will round up the event.
Fees: Workshop only: 100 EUR Workshop and Social Event (Guided Tour & Diner in Aachen): 150 EUR
Students of the Dutch Research School for Information and Knowledge Systems can participate for free.
Please register as soon as possible at the workshop website: http://homer.ou.nl/lsa-workshop07/
Best regards, Fridolin Wild