---------- Forwarded Message ---------- Subject: CFP - OOPSLA Workshop on Semantics of Enterprise Integration Date: Sun, 8 Jul 2001 12:20:22 +0100 From: Sergio de Cesare sergio.decesare@brunel.ac.uk To: ISWORLD@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE
*** Apologies for multiple postings ***
International Workshop on SEMANTICS OF ENTERPRSIE INTEGRATION http://www.fluidbusiness.org/events/sei2001_workshop/
OOPSLA 2001(http://oopsla.acm.org/) Tampa Bay, Florida, U.S.A. October 14, 2001
The growth of the Internet and the expansion of e-commerce systems have accentuated pre-existing problems related with systems interoperability and the definition of common semantics throughout business organisations. Consequently, an increasing amount of cost and effort is dedicated to the integration of systems and applications. The issues involved, however, are not just related to infrastructure and technology. Indeed fundamental problems exist around the understanding of what 'concepts' are shared, how they relate and what mechanisms should be adopted to allow systems to communicate and interoperate at all levels.
Genericity mechanisms, such as patterns, frameworks and components, have the potential for defining, modeling, designing and implementing shared concepts. Such mechanisms have inherited many object-oriented principles and built upon them to enhance the generalised nature of business problems and solutions both vertically (within the same domain) and horizontally (across different domains). Increasingly, these are supported by emerging 'ontological' definitions and related languages (e.g. XML) designed to exemplify genericity. The potential contribution of XML to the definition of business ontologies and semantics is also relevant. Researchers and practitioners world-wide are exploring the possibility of defining interoperable industry specifications based on XML and the definition of an Ontology Markup Language.
The adoption and implementation of genericity mechanisms and ontological 'tools' is difficult to implement in 'greenfield' situations. These difficulties are exacerbated in 'brownfield' situations in which clear architectural separations do not exist and multiple technologies do exist.
This workshop welcomes the participation of all academics, researchers and practitioners interested in approaches aimed at achieving the integration of enterprise systems
The workshop seeks high quality submissions in two categories: Full technical papers, describing original, unpublished research (10 pages). Work-in-progress papers, describing on-going work and interim results (6 pages).
All papers will be peer-reviewed by at least two referees and selected papers will be made available to participants online prior to the workshop. Guidelines for typesetting of camera-ready copies will be communicated to authors of accepted papers.
The three best papers will be further reviewed and extended for publication in a special section of the Journal of Management Information Systems.
Papers must be submitted by e-mail to the organizers (Sergio.deCesare@brunel.ac.uk or Mark.Lycett@brunel.ac.uk)
Submissions of papers: August 17, 2001 Notification of acceptance: September 14, 2001 Camera ready copies: October 1, 2001 Workshop: October 14, 2001
The organizing committee is composed of the following academics and industrial practitioners:
Mark Lycett (Brunel University, UK) Paul Allen (Computer Associates) Sergio de Cesare (Brunel University, UK) Grant Holland (Sun Microsystems) Tony Morgan (Unisys)
Brunel University (West London, UK) Aonix Computer Associates Object Management Group (OMG) Sun Microsystems Unisys
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