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Subject: CfP 2nd Conf. Communication Networks and Services Research (CNSR 2004) , Fredericton, N.B., Canada May 19-21, 2004 Date: Friday 31 October 2003 21:57 From: Rainer Unland unlandr@informatik.uni-essen.de To: chat@fipa.org, www-rdf-interest@w3.org, www-rdf-logic@w3.org, ontology@fipa.org, discussion@agentcities.org, fg-db@informatik.uni-rostock.de, agentcities@fipa.org, WI@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de, wkwi@seda.sowi.uni-bamberg.de, ontoweb-list@www1-c703.uibk.ac.at, seweb-list@www1-c703.uibk.ac.at, fgcscw@uni-koblenz.de, sw-ergo@gui-design.de, announce@aosd.net, ecoop-info@ecoop.org, seworld@cs.colorado.edu, yxy@vnet.ibm.com, seworld@cs.colorado.edu, oo@gooal.net, isworld@lyris.isworld.org, dbworld@cs.wisc.edu, announce@sigart.acm.org, dai-list@ece.sc.edu, ml@ics.uci.edu, agents@cs.umbc.edu, vki-list@dfki.de
S E C O N D C A L L F O R P A P E R S ========================================
2nd Annual Conference on Communication Networks and Services Research (CNSR 2004) Fredericton, N.B., Canada May 19-21, 2004
Invited Speakers: ================= 1. Professor Lotfi A. Zadeh: Director Berkeley Initiative in Soft Computing (BISC), University of California.
2. Dr. Mark Cummings: Special Advisor to the CEO, RFCO Inc. He was the CEO and founder of enVia
3. Dr. Bill St. Arnaud: Senior Director Advanced Networks for CANARIE Inc., Canada's Advanced Internet Development Organization.
Following the great success of CNSR2003 held in Moncton,NB, Canada in 2003 (http://www.cnsr.info/Events/CNSR2003/events.php), The second CNSR project Annual Conference on Communication Networks and Services Research (CNSR 2004) will provide a forum that showcases current research in Communication Networks and Services. The conference features research paper presentations and invited speakers. Researchers and practitioners will have the opportunity to present their research as well as cross-fertilize ideas on communication networks and services research among themselves. CNSR2004, sponsored as a joint venture by the University of New Brunswick (UNB), Dalhousie University, Universit de Moncton (UdeM) and the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency's (ACOA) Atlantic Innovation Fund (AIF), will be held in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, May 19 to 21, 2004.
Topics of Interest ================== Papers presenting original research in the field of communication networks and services research are invited. The topics and areas to be addressed include, but not limited to:
Communication Systems Communication Hardware Analysis tools for Communication Systems Antenna Systems Digital Broadcast Technologies Mobil Communication Systems Knowledge Networks and managements Applications Architectures for combined Voice and Data Sources Algorithms and Protocol Design and analysis Emerging Communication Technologies Web Information Retrieval Web Information management Adaptive Web Systems Web Services Emerging Web Technologies
Papers outside these specified areas are also welcome. The only requirements are that the papers describe current original work in the field of communication networks and services research, either theoretical or applied, that has not been published elsewhere. More information about CNSR 2004, including details of local arrangements, are available from the conference web site (http://www.cnsr.info/Events/CNSR2004/events.php).
Important Dates: ================ Submission Deadline: Dec 15,2003 Notification of Acceptance: Feb 16, 2004 Final Manuscript Due: Mar 15, 2004 Pre-registration: May 8, 2004 Conference in Fredericton: May 19-21, 2004
Submissions: ============
Paper Format: ------------- Authors should submit a full paper, not exceeding 8 single-spaced pages on letter-size paper, using reasonable margins and at least 9-point font. The document should start with the title of the paper, each author's name, affiliation, and e-mail address, followed by a one-paragraph summary of the results to be presented. To facilitate a blind review process, please omit author information for initial submissions.
Poster Format: -------------- Poster presentations offer researchers an opportunity to present late-breaking results, significant work in progress, or research that is best communicated in an interactive or graphical format.
Paper or Poster Submission: =========================== Authors are required to submit their paper or poster in electronic format, as an Adobe postscript display format (PDF) file. The paper or poster (by electronic submission) MUST be received by Dec 15, 2003. This is a FIRM deadline.
Further details of the expected poster format and submission process are located http://www.cnsr.info/Events/CNSR2004/papers.php
Paper or Poster Submission Deadline: Dec 15, 2003
Simultaneous Submissions: ========================= Any papers or posters that have been previously published in another conference proceedings or journal (or which are scheduled for publication prior to May 19, 2004) will not be considered for acceptance at CNSR 2004.
Notification: ============= Authors will be sent notification of acceptance or rejection of their paper or poster by e-mail on or before Feb 16, 2004. Deadline for Accepted Papers and Posters: A camera-ready copy of each accepted paper or poster is required by Mar 15, 2004.
Best Student Paper Award: =========================
A prize of $300 will be given to the student author(s) of the best student authored paper (or split between more than one paper if there is a tie). A paper is eligible if the work presented in the paper is primarily the work of a student (or students) who are full-time students at the time of submission. Eligibility for this award is indicated during the paper submission process. The paper must be presented by a student (or students) to be eligible for the award. The program committee's decision will be final with respect to best paper selection.
Invited Speakers: ================= 1. Professor Lotfi A. Zadeh: Director
Berkeley Initiative in Soft Computing (BISC), University of California.
2. Dr. Mark Cummings: Special Advisor to the CEO, RFCO Inc. He was the CEO and founder of enVia
3. Dr. Bill St. Arnaud: Senior Director Advanced Networks for CANARIE Inc., Canada's Advanced Internet Development Organization.
Conference Chair: ================= Glayn Lewis, CNSR Project Manager Room ITC-323, Information Technology Centre Faculty of Computer Science University of New Brunswick Fredericton, NB E3B 5A3 Telephone:(506)451-6967 E-mail: glayn@unb.ca
Program Chair: ============== Ali A. Ghorbani Professor, Faculty of Computer Science University of New Brunswick Fredericton, NB E3B 5A3 E-mail: cnsr2004@unb.ca
Program Committee Members: ========================== Jalal Almhana Universite de Moncton Michel Barbeau Carleton University Zhizhang (David) Chen Dalhousie University John Dedourek University of New Brunswick Michel Fattouche U. of Toronto & Cell-Loc Inc. Mohsen Guizani University of West Florida Jerry Hayes Concordia University Malcolm Heywood Dalhousie University Larry Hughes Dalhousie University Jacek Ilow Dalhousie University Amir K. Khandani University of Waterloo Evangelos Kranakis CarletonUniversity Bernd Kurz University of New Brunswick Teng Joon Lim University of Toronto Robert McGorman Nortel Networks Evangelos Milios Dalhousie University Sagar Naik University of Waterloo Bradford G. Nickerson University of New Brunswick Loanis Nikolaidis University of Alberta Brent Peterson University of New Brunswick Stephen Marsh, NRC, Ottawa Mihaela Ulieru University of Calgary Xuemin Shen University of Waterloo Ivan Stojmenovic University of Ottawa Chintha Tellambura University of Alberta Shahrokh Valaee Universityof Toronto Chi-Hsiang Yeh Queen's University Nur Zincir-Heywood Dalhousie University
Sponsors: ========= University of New Brunswick Universit de Moncton Dalhousie University Atlantic Canada Opportunties Agency --
***************************************************************************** *** Prof. Dr. Rainer Unland University of Duisburg-Essen Institute for Computer Science and Business Information Systems (ICB) Practical Computer Science, especially Data Management Systems and Knowledge Representation Schuetzenbahn 70 45117 Essen, Germany Tel.: (+49) 201-183 3421 Fax: (+49) 201-183 4460 email: UnlandR@informatik.uni-essen.de WWW: http://www.cs.uni-essen.de/dawis/ ***************************************************************************** ***