Forwarded message from [ (Raamsdonk van F)] sent originally on Tue, 14 Dec 1999 12:59:09 +0100 (MET): : *** apologies for multiple copies *** : : CL2000 : : First International Conference on Computational Logic : Imperial College, London, UK, 24th to 28th July, 2000 : : : FINAL CALL FOR WORKSHOP PROPOSALS : DEADLINE: DECEMBER 20 : : * NEW! CHANGE OF DATE AND POLICY: WORKSHOPS OF CL2000 WILL BE HELD * : * DURING THE CONFERENCE, BETWEEN JULY 24 AND 28, 2000. WORKSHOPS WILL * : * NOT BE POST-CONFERENCE ACTIVITIES, BUT CENTRAL EVENTS OF CL2000. * : * Organizers wishing to have their workshop after the conference on * : * July 29, should contact the workshop coordinator for a special * : * arrangement. * : : CL2000 is the first conference in a major new series of annual : international conferences bringing together the various communities of : researchers who have a common interest in Computational Logic. : : CL2000 includes seven streams covering various subfields of : computational logic. DOOD2000 (6th International Conference on Rules : and Objects in Databases) and LOPSTR2000 (10th International Workshop : on Logic-based Program Synthesis and Transformation) will be streams : within CL2000. Moreover, the International Conference on Logic : Programming (ICLP) is now integrated into CL2000. ILP2000 (10th : International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming) is also : collocated with CL2000. : : The organisation of CL2000 will provide facilities for half-day and : one-day workshops, to be held during the conference, between July 24 : and 28, 2000. Organizers that wish to organize their workshop after : the conference on July 29, should contact the workshop coordinator for : a special arrangement. : : Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit proposals for : workshops on topics in computational logic. : : Anyone wishing to organise a workshop should send (possibly by email, : in text or html format) a proposal no longer than two pages to the : workshop coordinator by *** DECEMBER 20, 1999 ***. : The proposal should describe the topic of the proposed workshop and : its relevance to computational logic. Besides the contact information : and the list of the organisers, the proposal should contain - when : applicable - the following information: : : - proposed duration of the workshop (half day/one day), : - description of previously organised similar workshops, : - expected number of participants, : - character of the workshop (formal/informal, : via submission/invitation), : - plans for publication of the proceedings. : : The workshop organisers will be responsible for maintaining a : homepage, and for producing one hard copy of the proceedings in A4 or : US-letter format. Organisers who wish to use a format different than : A4 or US-letter are expected to produce the needed copies of : proceedings as well. : : Proposals will be evaluated by the program committee and decisions : will be made by January 10, 2000. Further information about the : arrangements for workshops can be obtained from the workshop : coordinator. : : Workshop Coordinator: : : Sandro Etalle, : email: : Dept. of Computer Science, : University of Maastricht, : P.O. Box 616, 6200 MD Maastricht : Phone: ++31 (0)6 23250328 : Fax: ++31 (0)43 3884897
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