### To whom it may concern -- please spread! //fridolin.
THE FIRST PROLEARN SUMMER SCHOOL ANNOUNCEMENT AND CALL FOR PARTICIPATION ========================================================================
VENUE ______
Isik University Sile Campus, Turkey
DATE _____
September 5th - 9th, 2005
OBJECTIVES ____________
The PROLEARN Network of Excellence is pleased to announce the first PROLEARN Summer School.
The main goal of this summer school is to contribute to the creation of an institutional culture, bonding distributed researchers across Europe into one community. It provides a framework for structuring a number of on going research, training, and scientific leadership activities.
The school will bring PhD students together with experienced researchers from PROLEARN and from top international institutions in or across the network. It will offer an opportunity for PhD students to share and discuss their research with peers and faculty mentors. The school will also provide an overview of the current state of the art in research being conducted within the jointly executed research activities such as Personalised and Adaptive Learning; Interactive Media; Learning Object, Metadata and Standards; Brokerage Systems and Learning Management. Additionally, the school will offer training courses and practical sessions in research methodology and basics of Technology Enhanced Learning aiming at providing PhD students with the capability to take leadership in introducing Technology Enhanced Learning programmes in practice. PhD students will get a certificate of attendence.
COURSE TOPICS _______________
Personalised and Adaptive Learning Interactive Media Online Experiments Learning Object, Metadata and Standards Brokerage Systems and Learning Management Knowledge Work Management
TUTORS _______
Peter Scott (The Open University, UK) Marcus Specht (Fraunhofer FIT, Germany) Erik Duval (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium) Bernd Simon (Wirtschafts Univ. Wien, Austria) Nils Faltin (L3S Research Center, Germany) Yassin Rekik (EPFL, Switzerland) Alexander Karapidis (Fraunhofer IAO, Germany) Till Becker (Fraunhofer IAO, Germany) Jacques Dang (Hautes Etudes Commerciales, France)
ORGANIZING COMMITEE ______________________
Katherine Maillet (Co-Chair), Katherine.Maillet@int-evry.fr Ralf Klamma (Co-Chair), klamma@informatik.rwth-aachen.de Selahattin Kuru (Local Chair), kuru@isikun.edu.tr Gunnar Martin (Co-Entrepreneurship Chair), martin@iwi.uni-sb.de Jacques Dang (Co-Entrepreneurship Chair), dang@hec.fr Mohamed Amine Chatti (Technical Organiser), chatti@informatik.rwth-aachen.de
ACCOMODATION AND SOCIAL EVENTS ___________________________________
The PROLEARN Summer School will take place at the Isik University, Istanbul in the beautifully located campus at Sile (Black Sea). Sile campus is 60 km from Istanbul, on the opposite side of the city. Transportation from/to airport will be provided for summer school participants by the university transportation department. Apart from facilities such as PC labs, high-speed data connection, a large auditorium, the PROLEARN summer school will provide a stimulating and enjoyable environment with several informal and social events. Sile campus has its own beach, indoor and outdoor sports facilities.
Sile town has many fish restaurants and other leisure attractions. There will be an excursion to a local tourist destination in Istanbul during the weekend before or after the summer school in addition to a beach party and a grand conference dinner. Accomodation is available at modern student dorms with studio type flats with two rooms, bathroom and kichenette, and at faculty housing buildings with 1-, 2-, 3- bedroom apartments with bathroom and kitchen.
COST OF SUMMER SCHOOL _________________________
Euro 500 (including accommodation, meals and excursion). The PROLEARN network offers 20 scholarships to PhD students to covering the costs of the summer school. Please indicate if you apply for a scholarship.
ELIGIBILITY AND APPLICATION PROCESS _____________________________________
The summer school is intended for PhD students investigating the Technology Enhanced Learning related issues and making progress on their dissertation research. PhD students are invited to submit applications to summerschool@i5.informatik.rwth-aachen.de. The application should include a Curriculum Vitae and an abstract (not to exceed 5 pages including references and any figures, tables, etc.) describing the studentĀ“s dissertation. The deadline for submissions is April 30th, 2005. To ensure a high ratio between tutors and students the school will be limited to 60 participants.
IMPORTANT DATES _________________
April 30th, 2005: Application submission deadline Mai 31st, 2005: Notification of decision June 15th, 2005: Registration September 5th - 9th, 2005: PROLEARN Summer School