-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [isworld] Call for Papers - New Journal (AIS Transactions on HCI) Datum: Thu, 23 Oct 2008 16:27:51 -0400 Von: Dennis Galletta galletta@katz.pitt.edu Antwort an: Dennis Galletta galletta@katz.pitt.edu An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network isworld@lyris.isworld.org
AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction http://thci.aisnet.org/
Dennis F. Galletta, University of Pittsburgh (galletta@katz.pitt.edu) Ping Zhang, Syracuse University (pzhang@syr.edu)
We are excited to announce the AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction (THCI), a new quarterly electronic-only journal. At the same time, we announce that our journal has kicked off the new AIS �Transactions� series. THCI will start publishing in 2009. The AIS Special Interest Group on Human-Computer Interaction (SIGHCI, http://sigs.aisnet.org/SIGHCI/) is the official sponsor for THCI.
THCI will provide a much-needed home for papers that span HCI and MIS. High-quality papers that are too specialized for our general journals can now find an excellent home and editorial panels who are advocates for HCI/MIS. A detailed description of the journal and submission guidelines can be found at http://thci.aisnet.org/. We have now opened our Manuscript Central site (http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/thci) for paper submissions. We encourage you to submit your work for possible publication in THCI. The Editors-in-Chief will be happy to answer any questions you might have about the journal.
The AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction (THCI) is an official journal of AIS, alongside CAIS (Communications of AIS), JAIS (Journal of AIS), and RELCASI (Revista Latino Americana y del Caribe de la Asociación de Sistemas). The AIS Transactions are intended to be high-quality, peer-reviewed research journals that serve specific research areas. Before submitting an article to one of these journals, authors are encouraged to consult any of the editors to determine the most appropriate outlet.
As an AIS journal, THCI is oriented to the Information Systems community, emphasizing applications in business, managerial, organizational, and cultural contexts. However, it is open to all related communities that share intellectual interests in HCI phenomena and issues. The editorial objective is to enhance and communicate knowledge about the interplay among humans, information, technologies, and tasks in order to guide the development and use of human-centered Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and services for individuals, groups, organizations, and communities.
Topics of interest to THCI include but are not limited to the following: � The behavioral, cognitive, motivational and affective aspects of human and technology interaction � User task analysis and modeling; fit between representations and task types � Digital documents/genres; human information seeking and web navigation behaviors; human information interaction; information visualization � Social media; social computing; virtual communities � Behavioral information security and information assurance; privacy and trust in human technology interaction � User interface design and evaluation for various applications in business, managerial, organizational, educational, social, cultural, non-work, and other domains � Integrated and/or innovative approaches, guidelines, and standards or metrics for human centered analysis, design, construction, evaluation, and use of interactive devices and information systems � Information systems usability engineering; universal usability � The impact of interfaces/information technology on people's attitude, behavior, performance, perception, and productivity � Implications and consequences of technological change on individuals, groups, society, and socio-technical units � Software learning and training issues such as perceptual, cognitive, and motivational aspects of learning � Gender and information technology � The elderly, the young, and special needs populations for new applications, modalities, and multimedia interaction � Issues in HCI education
The language for the journal is English. The audience includes international scholars and practitioners who conduct research on issues related to the objectives of the journal. Like JAIS and CAIS, THCI involves only electronic submission, review, revision, proofing, and publication.
We have assembled a high-quality editorial board to oversee the publication and to initiate the journal with its �best foot forward.�
Advisory Board
Izak Benbasat, University of British Columbia, Canada (izak.benbasat@sauder.ubc.ca) John M. Carroll, Penn State University, USA (jcarroll@ist.psu.edu) Phillip Ein-Dor, Tel-Aviv University, Israel (eindor@post.tau.ac.il) Paul Gray, Claremont Graduate University, USA (paul.gray@cgu.edu) Jenny Preece, University of Maryland, USA (preece@umd.edu) Gavriel Salvendy, Purdue University, USA, and Tsinghua University, China (salvendy@purdue.edu) Ben Shneiderman, University of Maryland, USA (ben@cs.umd.edu) Jane Webster, Queen's University, Canada (jwebster@business.queensu.ca) K.K Wei, City University of Hong Kong, China (isweikk@cityu.edu.hk)
Senior Editors
Fred Davis, University of Arkansas, USA (FDavis@walton.uark.edu) Anne Massey, Indiana University, USA (amassey@indiana.edu) Lorne Olfman, Claremont Graduate University, USA (Lorne.Olfman@cgu.edu) Kar Yan Tam, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, China (kytam@ust.hk) Dov Te'eni, Tel-Aviv University, Israel (teeni@tau.ac.il) Viswanath Venkatesh, University of Arkansas, USA (vvenkatesh@vvenkatesh.us) Susan Wiedenbeck, Drexel University, USA (susan.wiedenbeck@ischool.drexel.edu)
Associate Editors
Jane Carey, Arizona State University, USA (Jane.Carey@asu.edu) Hock Chuan Chan, National University of Singapore (chanhc@comp.nus.edu.sg) Carina de Villiers, University of Pretoria, South Africa (carina.devilliers@up.ac.za) Matt Germonprez, University of Wisconsin Eau Claire USA, (GERMONR@uwec.edu) Khaled Hassanein, McMaster University, Canada (hassank@mcmaster.ca) Milena Head, McMaster University, Canada (headm@mcmaster.ca) Traci Hess, Washington State University, USA (thess@wsu.edu) Shuk Ying (Susanna) Ho, Australian National University, Australia (susanna.ho@anu.edu.au) Netta Iivari, Oulu University, Finland, (netta.iivari@oulu.fi) Zhenhui Jack Jiang, National University of Singapore, Singapore (jiang@comp.nus.edu.sg) Weiling Ke, Clarkson University, USA (wlk999@gmail.com) Sherrie Komiak, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada (skomiak@mun.ca) Paul Lowry, Brigham Young University, USA, (Paul.Lowry.PhD@gmail.com) Ji-Ye Mao, Renmin University, China (jiyemao@yahoo.com) Scott McCoy, College of William and Mary, USA (scott.mccoy@business.wm.edu) Fiona Fui-Hoon Nah, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA (fnah2@unl.edu) Sheizaf Rafaeli, University of Haifa, Israel (sheizaf@rafaeli.net) Jeff Stanton, Syracuse University, USA (jmstanto@syr.edu) Heshan Sun, University of Arizona USA, (hsun@email.arizona.edu) Jason Thatcher, Clemson University, USA (jthatch@clemson.edu) Noam Tractinsky, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel (noamt@bgu.ac.il) Ozgur Turetken, Ryerson University, Canada (turetken@ryerson.ca) Mun Yi, University South Carolina, USA (myi@moore.sc.edu)
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