-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [WI] CfP: Artificial Intelligence in Small and Medium Enterprises (AMCIS 2020 - Minitrack) Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2020 11:09:31 +0000 From: van Dinther, Clemens Clemens.Van_dinther@Reutlingen-University.DE Reply-To: van Dinther, Clemens Clemens.Van_dinther@Reutlingen-University.DE To: WI@lists.kit.edu WI@lists.kit.edu
*Minitrack 9: Artificial Intelligence in Small and Medium Enterprises*
*Track: Data Science and Analytics for Decision Support (SIGDSA)*
*@ AMCIS 2020 in Salt Lake City, Utah*
*August 12-16, 2020*
Dear colleagues,
We invite you to submit contributions to the minitrack “Artificial Intelligence in Small and Medium Enterprises” underthe AMCIS 2020 track “Data Science and Analytics for Decision Support (SIGDSA)” (https://amcis2020.aisconferences.org/track-descriptions/#toggle-id-7).
*Minitrack Description:*
There is rapid growth of real-life Artificial Intelligence applications and intelligent services, that enhance business processes and reinvent business models. Multiple examples, like predictive maintenance and demand forecast algorithms, have shown to add substantial value. However, so far large companies or specialized companies use these new technologies. Yet, especially small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) struggle to utilize AI. Lacking comparable monetary resources and knowledge, SMEs are often hesitant to take on the risk and necessary investments needed to integrate AI in their business models, although there are numerous application possibilities and large amounts of (mostly unused) data. As business models differ from large companies, SMEs require unique suitable solutions fitting to their organization and culture. We are interested in challenging SME-specific problems, innovative business models, or case studies that can be solved by AI, including:
– Forecasting methods, pattern recognition or profiling (e.g. social media) – KI in quality assurance – Support/Assistance systems (e.g. workforce, CRM) – applications with small/medium data sets – Knowledge Management/Business analytics – AI in functional units, e.g. Finance and Accounting, HR; Controlling, Operations
*Important Dates:*
– January 6, 2020: Begin of manuscript submissions for AMCIS 2020
– February 28, 2020: Paper submission deadline (5:00pm MST).
– April 22, 2020: Camera-ready papers are due at 5:00pm MST
Best regards on behalf of the minitrack chairs
Clemens van Dinther
Prof. Dr. Clemens van Dinther
Wirtschaftsinformatik/Business Analytics
International Management Double Degree (IMX)
ESB Business School
Hochschule Reutlingen
Alteburgstr. 150, 72762 Reutlingen
Tel.: +49-(0)7121/271-3118
E-Mail: clemens.van_dinther@reutlingen-university.de mailto:clemens.van_dinther@reutlingen-university.de
Büro: 5-210
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