-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [isworld] [WM 2009] CfP for the first workshop on Case Studies and Success Measurement of KM (CSKM2009) Datum: Fri, 24 Oct 2008 02:15:13 -0400 Von: Stefan Smolnik Stefan.Smolnik@ebs.edu Antwort an: Stefan Smolnik Stefan.Smolnik@ebs.edu An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network isworld@lyris.isworld.org
(Apologies for crosspostings of this announcement.)
5th Conference Professional Knowledge Management: Experiences and Visions WM2009: March 25-27, 2009, Alte Spital/Landhaus, Solothurn, Switzerland http://www.wm-konferenz2009.org --- First Conference Workshop on Case Studies and Success Measurement of KM (CSKM2009) http://www.ebs.edu/index.php?id=cskm2009
BACKGROUND AND MOTIVATION OF THE WORKSHOP: Knowledge management (KM) has progressed from an emergent concept to an increasingly common function in business organizations over the past 20 years. Intense competition, fickle consumers, shorter product life cycles, as well as the rapid pace of globalization and of the ongoing liberalization of national and international markets are some of the driving forces that have led to increased inspection of the usage, application, and leveraging of knowledge in organizations. Accordingly, research into KM has been affected by investigations such as organizational implementation aspects and system developments during a number of years. A high maturity level of KM research has been therefore achieved. However, organizational KM initiatives are more and more faced with budget cuts and justification demands due to intense competition in today's business environments. Project managers of KM initiatives like Chief Knowledge Officers (CKOs) need to justify their budgets and thus are in ! need of qualitative and quantitative evidence of the KM initiatives' success. Problems experienced in KM initiatives that potentially risk this success are assumed to be the result of one or more of the following three factors: Firstly, a focus on the technological dimension of KM (i.e. KM systems (KMS)) is prevalent, together with a lack of attention to the social dimension (e.g., organizational culture). Secondly, the absence of a clearly defined purpose and value for the business is obstructive. In this context, a key requirement for realizing the business value of KM is the institutionalization of KM practices and systems into people's natural work flow. Thirdly, KM frameworks', concepts' and systems' adoption to the specific requirements of corporate contexts is lacking. Given its focus on people and their interactions, KM is intrinsically highly context specific. Each organizational setting poses its own challenges for successful KM. To address all these issues, the w! orkshop aims to provide a forum to discuss research and insigh! ts into strategies, methodologies, and cases that relate to successfully implement KM and KMS, and measure this success.
TOPICS: Topics of papers submitted can be, but are not limited to: - Case studies about successes and failures of KM initiatives and KMS - Frameworks and models for assessing KM/KMS - Evaluating success factors and derivation of key performance indicators for KM/KMS - Measuring KM/KMS success and performance (concepts, methods, case studies, etc.) - Impact of KM strategy, organization, systems, culture, and other issues on KM success - Benchmarking of KM initiatives - Establishing knowledge-intensive corporate cultures as a prerequisite for successful KM/KMS - Modeling and measuring the impact of social software on KM performance
ADDRESSED AUDIENCE: The target group includes researchers and practitioners in the field of knowledge management. Besides paper presentations, this workshop offers organized and open spaces for targeted discussions. It aims at offering a forum for the presentation and discussion of new directions and interesting work in progress.
WORKSHOP DURATION: Half-day workshop
IMPORTANT DATES: 31th of October 2008 - Submission of workshop papers 15th of December 2008 - Notification of authors about acceptance/rejection 16th of January 2009 - Submission of camera-ready papers 25th of March to 27th of March 2009 - CSKM2009 workshop
SUBMISSION (preliminary - subject to change): This workshop solicits full research papers that discuss innovative problems from one of the areas sketched above. The format of a full paper is max. 10 pages following the LNI formatting guidelines (http://www.gi-ev.de/service/publikationen/lni/). Only electronic submissions (PDF format) to the EasyChair online conference management system (http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=wm2009workshops) will be accepted. Submission languages are German and English. At least one author of an accepted paper must register for the WM2009 conference before the deadline for camera-ready-copies of the papers (16th January 2009). Otherwise, the paper will not be published. All workshop participants must be registered for the conference.
REVIEW PROCESS: All submissions will be subject to review by the CSKM2009 Program Committee. The workshop organizers have final authority over the review process and all decisions relating to acceptance of papers. Review criteria include originality of ideas, technical soundness, significance of results, and quality of presentation. It is intended to have three reviews per submission. Notification of acceptance or rejection of submitted papers will be mailed to the corresponding author.
CONTACT AND ORGANIZATION: Prof. Dr. Gerold Riempp and Prof. Dr. Stefan Smolnik (Chair) Institute of Research on Information Systems (IRIS) European Business School (EBS) International University Schloss Reichartshausen Rheingaustr. 1, 65375 Oestrich-Winkel, GERMANY Phone: +49-6723-991-246 /-250, Fax: +49-6723-991-255 Email: stefan.smolnik@ebs.edu WWW: http://www.ebs.edu/iris
PROGRAM COMMITTEE: Andrea Back, University of St. Gallen Peter Baloh, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Norbert Gronau, University of Potsdam Josef Hofer-Alfeis, Amontis Consulting AG Christine Legner, European Business School (EBS) Ludwig Nastansky, University of Paderborn Gerold Riempp, European Business School (EBS) Hans-Peter Schnurr, ontoprise GmbH Stefan Smolnik, European Business School (EBS) (Chair) Sarah Spiekermann, Humboldt-University Berlin Susanne Strahringer, University of Dresden Harald von Kortzfleisch, University of Koblenz-Landau
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